Yabancı Dilde Yayınlar \ 3-5
Gökberk Durmaz In the 21st century, education became one of the most crucial elements in people's lives. Day-by-day, finding a well-paid job is getting tough process for young people. Notably, higher education plays a highly-critical role in the people's careers.
Most of developed and developing countries have started international student projects which aim to increase number of international students. Japan also is one of those countries with various projects. Japan provides the MEXT (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship by Japan's central government.
• Why countries invest on international students?
• Would it be a soft power tool for a host country?
• What do international students think about it?
This book focuses on the perspective of the international students:
• What are the motivations for them for choosing Japan?
• What are their career goals?
• How those goals are being evaluated?
• How do they perceive the Japanese government's MEXT scholarship project?
Tehseen Nazir Studying as an international student and living in a multicultural environment bring enormous opportunities and learning. A better education, a prestigious life, scholarship options, the option to learn a new language and to know about a different culture undoubtedly make studying abroad an attractive offer. On the other hand, leaving the country where one grew up and getting used to its culture, people, and way of living; is not an easy decision to make. As humans, we need to adjust to the environment that we are part of. When we change our living space, we may realize the new environment has different requirements than what we used to practice or wish to do. To avoid feeling like outsiders, we need to adjust to the new conditions without sacrificing our mental health. In the same way, encountering novel conditions can cause a feeling of disappointment, discouragement, or regret. The truth is, my friends, these are all part of the process, don't worry!
Based on the research conducted in Türkiye, this book aims to explain that the adjustment process takes time. Facing adjustment issues is an expected and essential part of your lifelong journey.
In this book, international students will find similar experiences they encountered during their journey, and others who think of studying abroad will get an idea about how things work. In addition to international students, this book aims to give more understanding to academicians and concerned authorities dealing with international students and aims to help them improve the experience of international students within Türkiye.
Arzu Özyön Introduction to Comparative Literature: A Guide for Literature Students, written having considered the difficulties and the needs of literature students in this relatively new field in Turkey, focuses on a variety of topics ranging from the History of Comparative Literature in Turkey, Europe and America, and its schools to the fields of study of Comparative Literature including source and influence studies, intertextuality, imagology, and translation studies. In the light of Goethe's idea of Weltliteratur, and adopting a holistic approach in accordance with the all-embracing nature of Comparative Literature itself, this book aims to deal with Comparative Literature studies not only in Europe and America, but also in Turkey. With the hope that it will contribute to the Academic World.
Neda Alipour, Erkan Oktay, Üstün Özen, Hadi Pourmousa, Hükmü Mert Yaraman Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have developed rapidly in recent years and have led to radical changes in many sectors. Increasing awareness of artificial intelligence is critical to benefit from this technology at the highest level. Through training programs, workshops and seminars, individuals can learn how artificial intelligence applications can affect their daily lives and how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this technology. The purpose of this study is to examine the awareness of artificial intelligence applications among undergraduate students at Atatürk University. For this purpose, the data obtained through a survey applied to 406 students selected by convenience sampling method was compiled. The aim is to determine the effects of many factors such as socio-demographic and economic factors, social lifestyle and interest in various social activities, for what purpose and how often social media is used, negative and positive psychological and sociological effects of artificial intelligence applications, and expectations from artificial intelligence applications, on the awareness of artificial intelligence applications.
Murat Arslan, Halil Orbay Çobanoğlu, Işık Bayraktar Various performance tests are applied to measure the technical competence of the athletes in tennis. One of them is the ITN (International Tennis Number) test. While the forehand, backhand, vole, service and mobility levels of the athletes are measured in the ITN test, the slice, drop shot, and lob techniques that are frequently used in tennis are not within the scope of this test. Although the matches are quite long, every number is important in tennis, where small differences in score determine the result of the match. In this context, in the current study, 24 male and 24 female matches covering all court types (16 hard courts, 16 clay courts, 16 grass courts) were analyzed, and the effects of the techniques not included in the ITN test on the match results were examined. It has been concluded that the development of test batteries covering techniques that are not included in the ITN test, such as slice, drop shot, lob, which are determined to affect the competition performance of elite level athletes, will allow objective evaluations in terms of monitoring the performance of the athlete.
Özden Selcen Özmelek Bu kitap günümüzdeki iç savaşların uluslararasılaşmasına dair kapsamlı bir araştırmadır. Uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşlar özellikle de Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesi ile 21. yüzyılın en büyük fenomenlerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Bu zamana kadar müdahaleler ya Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi sık sık çıkmaza girdiğinden yapılamamış ya da rakip Blokların Doğu-Batı dengesini korumak ve karşı tarafın etki alanını sarsmak için kullandığı bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır.
Ancak iki kutuplu dünyanın sona ermesi bir çok yeni neticeyi beraberinde getirmiştir. Örneğin dışarıdan desteklenen siyasi erk sahipleri ve silahlı gruplar maddi desteklerini kaybetmişler; farklı ülkelerin kendilerine özgü ve üzeri örtülü sorunları gün yüzüne çıkmış; ve uluslararası güvenlik gündemine kitle imha silahları, uluslararası terörizm ve etnik sorunlar gibi yeni tehditler girmiştir. Böylelikle, 20. yüzyılın sonunda hem uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşların savaşan tarafları hem de bu savaşların ilgili üçüncü tarafları amaçlarını, hedeflerini ve yöntemlerini yeniden tanımlamışlardır.
Bu kitabın temel amacı, günümüzün uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşlarının düzeneklerini ve muhtelif özelliklerini bahsi geçen şartlar altında açıklayabilmektir. Bunun için savaş literatürünün önde gelen nicel bulgular nitel bir şekilde bir araya getirilmiş ve İçe Doğru ve Dışa Doğru olmak üzere iki farklı uluslararasılaşma modeli oluşturulmuştur. Bu şablonların amacı müdahalelerin ve diğer müdahil olma yöntemlerinin farklılaşan yönelimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu iki kalıp arasındaki temel fark siyasi aktörlerin iç savaşa katılma süreçlerindeki katılım isteğine ya da mecburiyetine dayanmaktadır. Böylelikle uluslararasılaşma sürecinin denk geldiği kategoriye göre üçüncü tarafların motivasyonlarının, amaçlarının ve yöntemlerinin nasıl farklılaştığı gözler önüne serilecektir.
Dahası bu araştırma uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşların birçok boyutuyla ilgilenmektedir: Müdahaleleri uluslararasılaşmanın yegane unsuru olarak kabul etmenin yetersizliği; uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşların tek bir savaş süreci olarak kabul edilmesinden ziyade farklı aşamalara ayrılarak incelenmesinin gerekliliği; müdahalelerin ve diğer müdahil olma yöntemlerinin çatışmalar üzerindeki etkileri; bir çatışma tipinin bir kategoriden diğerine evrimleşmesi... Böylelikle kitapta iç savaşların aktörleri, nedenleri, amaçları ve uluslararasılaştırma metotları gibi farklı boyutlar kapsamlı şekilde ele alınmıştır.
Son olarak, kitapta Afganistan, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti ve Irak'taki uluslararasılaşmış iç savaşlar tarihi ve sistematik bir bakış açısıyla ele alınmış ve kitabın teorik bulguları bu vakalara uygulanmıştır. Ele alınan örnek olay çalışmaları ile İçe Doğru ve Dışa Doğru Uluslararasılaşma Modellerinin uygulama alanları ortaya konulmuş ve oluşturulan şablonların geçerlilikleri test edilmiştir. Bu vaka incelemeleri ile iç savaşların uluslararasılaşma dinamiklerine dair karşılaştırmalar yapmak mümkün olmuştur.
Ahmed Refik ‘Osmanlı târîhinde, fi’l-hakîka, pek karışık ve ‘âdetâ nefretle yâd edilecek devirler vardır; fakat hiçbiri bu zorbalar idâresine makîs değildir. Hüsn-i niyetle başlayan, neticede koca bir devletin izmihlâliyle nihayetlenen bu devir, ‘Osmanlı târîhinin en elîm safhasıdır. Hiçbir zamanda ‘Osmanlı milleti, kendi efrâdı tarafından bu derece zâlimâne bir gadre uğramamışdır. Hiçbir devirde ‘Osmanlı devleti, dört beş zorbanın şekaveti yüzünden bu mertebe acıklı bir felâkete giriftâr olmamışdır. Hiçbir vakitde ‘Osmanlı pâdişâhı, etrafında dökülen kanlardan, sönen hânümânlardan bî-haber,
geçici bir saltanatın parıltıları içinde, bedbaht milletinin felâketini idrak edemeyerek ecdadının mukaddes mîrâsını düşmanlara parçalatmamışdır. Sultan Mehmed-i Hâm
Mücahit KARAOĞLU Terminoloji olarak ifade edilen her bir ilim dalının kendine özgü kelime veya kelime grupları vardır. Bu kelimeler günlük hayatta kullanılan kelimelerden tamamen farklı olabildiği gibi, günlük hayatta kullanılan kelimelerin farklı anlamları da olabilmektedir.
İngilizce dünya üzerindeki en yaygın ve en çok kullanılan dillerden biri olması sebebiyle kelime sayısı çok fazladır ve teknolojik gelişmelere paralel olarak bu sayı artmaya devam etmektedir.
Tarım ilminde kullanılan İngilizce kelimeleri bir araya toplamak ve kullanım kolaylığı sağlamak amacıyla hazırlanan bu sözlük çalışması Temel Bilgiler, İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe-İngilizce bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Kullanıcılara faydalı olması en büyük dileğimizdir.
Ahmed Refîk Kafkas Yollarında
Erzurum kadınları, hattâ mini mini kızlar, tesettüre son derece ri’âyet ediyorlar. Ekseriyâ caddelerde, mahalle aralarında, kırmızı çizgili, ba’zan ipekli, ince hilâlî çarşaflar içinde alaca esvablar, yeşil ve kırmızı gül(l)ü şalvarlar giymiş hanımların misafirliğe gitdikleri görülüyor. Erzurum ahâlîsi gayet zekî ve mültefit. Sözleri düzgün. Esnafı bile ‘irfan sahibi. Onların, size iltifat içün bir: -Beğim, gözün üstüne gele, deyişleri var ki, bu basit cümlelerdeki teslîmiyetkârâne ve samîmâne edâlarına karşı Anadolu’nun bu serhad halkına kalben bir hürmet beslememek gayr-i kabil. Rus istîlâsı altında silâhsız yaşayan, Ermeni mezalimine çocuklarını, erlerini, hattâ kadınlarını kurban veren, işte bu halk...
Alisgandar Salamov, Aneela Ashraf, Antonio Jesus Jara Valera, Atilla Akkoyunlu, Ayesha Hanif, Eduardo Illueca Fernandez, Elanur Küçük, Emel Topuz, Erman Ülker, Fatma Cansu Ulutuğ, Gary M. Grossman, Hadya Taşçi, Iris Cuevas Martfnez, Javarıa Nasir, Jesualdo Tomas Fernandez Breis, Kesavan Nallaluthan, Khaled Tadmori, Koray Velibeyoğlu, Lecturer Muhammad Zeeshan Hanif, Logaiswari Indiran, Mahreen Alam, Moynul Ahsan, Muhammad Ashfaq, Nahide Işıl Çetinkaya İstikbal, Nomahaza Mahadi, Ogtay Salamov, Pınar Ergenekon, Rendy Bayu Aditya, Researcher Hazal Ertem, Researcher İrem Öztürk, Researcher Pelin Okutan, Sabir Asadov, Shathees Baskaran, Yogeeswari Subramaniam, Zarife Özsubaşi, Zulfikar Dinar Wahidayat Putra
Özge Deniz Turgutoğlu, Berfin Serdil Örs Gymnastics is a quite technical event in terms of both judging and the movements performed. In artistic gymnastics locomotor systems of the gymnasts are affected and developed depending on the apparatus they compete and men compete with six apparatus. Besides, handspring and the handspring sideward with ¼ turn are the basic elements for more complicated vaults. For this reason, it is thought that the measurement of velocity in the last part of the approach run and kinematic analysis of the vault performances are important to better understand the movements by the coaches and athletes. It is thought that examining the kinematic parameters of these elements according to categories will be beneficial in determining the missing points in the performance of the gymnasts, preparing the right training program, and contributing to the coaches and athletes. Considering all this information, the aim of the current study was the comparison of the last 10 m running velocity and kinematic variables of the handspring and the handspring sideward with ¼ turn elements performed on the artistic gymnastics vaulting table according to categories (pre-juniors and juniors, male gymnasts).
Hasan Sebuktekin Alanında en kapsamcı çalışma denilebilecek bu eser, Almanca ve Türkçe’deki gerçek ve rivayet zamanları, edebi metinler içinde güncel biçimleriyle, tümden gelim yöntem, bilimsel veri ve kaynaklara, gözlem, bilgi ve deneyimlere dayalı olarak, özellikle bu konudaki zıtlıkları ortaya çıkarmak üzere incelemek ve sistematik bir düzene sokmak amacındadır. Bunun yanında kiplerin üslup ve felsefi boyutları da titizlikle ele alınmıştır.
Müjdat Kayayerli YÖKDİL, YDS, YKS, yurtdışı eğitim, banka ve yeterlilik sınavlarına (Almanca) girecek adaylar ile Almanca Öğretmenliği ve Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümü öğrencileri için hazırlanmış gramer ve çeviri kaynağı olan bu kitapta;
• Türkçe açıklamalı Almanca gramer kuralları,
• Çeviri yapmaya yönelik Almanca cümle çeşitleri,
• Almancadaki fiiller ve zamanların kullanılışı,
• Örneklerle açıklanmış Almanca gramer yapısı,
• Almanca-Türkçe, Türkçe-Almanca cümle alıştırmaları,
• Testler, sınavlar ve alıştırmalarla Türkçe-Almanca karşılaştırmalı cümle yapıları,
• Cümlelerin sıralanışı ile sistematik cümle öğretimi,
• Bağlaçların Türkçe karşılıkları ve yan cümleler,
• Almanca-Türkçe sözlük kullanımı ile dilbilim ve dilbilgisi terimler sözlüğü yer almaktadır.
Celâl Nuri Âh bu kokuları ne kadar severim! Hele otomobilin çıkardığı benzin kokusuna ne kadar bayılırım! Ben bunları bir duhter-i zî-ânın süründüğü bütün ıtriyat-ı nâdireye, Bizans imparatoriçesi Teodora’nın imâl etdirdiği bütün revâyih-i tıbbiyyeye tercih ederim. Hele vapur dumanı, kömür tozu, makine kokusu, inşâat arasında kireç, çimento kokuları beni hayran eder. Bunların cümlesini bir ma’şûka-i dil-firîbin şemîm-i zülfüne tercih etmekde benim yerden göğe kadar hakkım var. Büyük bir fa’âliyet ve hayat gösteren, cihanı lerzân, beşeriyeti ihyâ eden bunlar, bu sa’y ü amel kokusu, bu bû-yi lâtîf-i medeniyyetdir.
Oğuz Han Öztay The relationship between leadership and communication is very close. A good leader must have effective communication skills. Communication is extremely important in explaining the leader's vision, interacting with the audience, and achieving their goals. In this context, it would be right to state that successful leadership is built on a strong communication foundation. Rauf Denktaş's leadership characteristics include a strong vision, effective communication skills, and determination. As the founder of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, he led the Turkish Cypriot people with a fighting spirit. He pioneered efforts to solve the Cyprus problem by using his diplomatic skills. He acted with strategic thinking, defending the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people and fighting for independence and a just solution. In this book, the life, political life, leadership, and communication characteristics of Rauf Raif Denktaş, the Founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, are discussed in the light of interviews with himself, his family, and politicians who witnessed his life.

Ahmet Sinan Çevik Some parts of this lecture note are constructed from a course of lectures for the first year postgraduate students at Glasgow University. Duration of the course and so in here, the background level assumed of the student consisted of little more than the fundamentals of groups.
Combinatorial group theory is concerned with groups which are given by means of presentations. A rich and fruitful method of studying groups given this way is to use geometric and topological techniques. In literature there are plenty number of sources about Combinatorial Group Theory. We may suggest the references at the last part of this book to the readers for other topics that are not mentioned in here. Therefore this large number of sources effect positively the number of subject that can be studied in postgraduate studies. In this lecture note series book, we will present some special topics which have been sensitively to chosen the material in the meaning of a straight direction for such postgraduate studies. All important materials are given with references and thus it is aimed to guide the reader in their studies. Rather than theoretical approaches, computational methods are given with examples. We strictly note that this note is not enough to produce an academic publication, it is just try to give some fundamental ideas to the reader. However, we should not forget that there are many more open problems that can be solved with the concepts given in this note.
Free groups and their properties, presentations of groups, combinatorial 1-complexes, combinatorial 2-complexes are the main contents of this book. End of the book, we will present two Appendix chapters: The first one is dealing with the basements of rewriting systems with a geometric view point while the other is about the classification of groups in terms of their abelianizations by using Tietze transformations and a small part of graphs.
İsmail Kıyak Lighting is a discipline that is necessary for all living things and determines the quality of life. In recent years, besides the obligatory use of lighting, its visuality is also considered important, and therefore the concept of lighting design has emerged. Lighting design is classified as industrial areas, highways and pedestrian roads, building facades, sports centers, shopping areas, historical areas and objects, parking lots, interior areas, and each has different parameters in accordance with standards. In lighting technology, it is desired that the design made outside of the technical details appeals to the eye. In today's lighting projects, it aims to make the environment safer, more comfortable and more efficient in terms of energy saving, by transforming the space it is in into an automation, not just lighting. In addition, lighting has been fully integrated into smart building systems and has played an active role in improving living conditions.
This book provides sectoral information for those who consider lighting as a profession to have an idea. It contains; the concept of light, types of lighting, design principles of lighting systems, lighting control techniques and principles, protocols used in lighting automation are explained and sample applications are included.
Bülent Akkoyun In this study, which emerged after scientific research, it is explained the skills sought in employees and managers with change management and modern management techniques in the business world that has evolved with the influence of global problems. Then, data, method and results of field research conducted to embody the information, media and technology skills, technological system usability and the impact network, path and degrees of technology acceptance that affect the productivity of enterprises to achieve their ultimate goals are presented. In the period of the study, the economies of the countries experienced contractions due to both the global migration problem and Covid-19 and faced the most destructive effect of the last few centuries. Countries experiencing social trauma, have had to close their borders for a long time and had to go to the highest level of alert for crisis management. In other words, countries in economic, social and cultural difficulties have seen pessimistic days, civilized, developed and democratic appearance in peace and tranquility period was removed, strict rules came into play, cities were looted and places were set on fire while protests were exhibited, democracies were shelved and people were unemployed due to businesses being closed for a long time…
Esin Kahya, A. Demirhan Erdemir The scientific studies in the Ottoman Empire are not a very popular subject for the researcher working on the history of science and medicine. However there are some books and papers written on the scientific studies of the Islamic World. But the books which were written on the Western historical scientific activities and the dawn and rise of modern science are innumerable. The scientific studies in the Hellenic and Hellenistic periods have also been studied in detail. In other words, although there are a lot of studies on the historical development of science in the Western World, the scientific activities in the Ottoman Empire have not been adequately studied. For instance, one of the well-known historians of science, George Sarton, has written a book on the history of science, named Introduction to the History of Science in which he discusses Hellenic, Hellenistic, Indian, Chinese and Islamic scientific activities, scientists and their works. In this work he also gives useful bibliographical information that can be used for scientific studies on those subjects. But he does not give any knowledge on the scientific activities in the period of the Ottoman Empire. He also wrote books on history of science in which how gave information about the methods of the history of science and scientific improvements in the Hellenic and Hellenistic Periods. There is another famous writer on the history of science, Charles Singer, who wrote on the history of biology and medicine. We can add some other names that wrote on different scientific activities in different periods in different civilizations like Crombie’s works.
Hakan Coşkunol, Hande Çelikay Söyler After methamphetamine was introduced in our country in 2009, the prevalence of its use has increased rapidly in recent years. The fact that methamphetamine use has become the main reason for applications to addiction centers has pushed us ali to have information about this substance. In the first part of the book, information about what methamphetamine is and how addiction treatment is carried out is given, and in the second part, the transcripts of the interviews with 13 people who are addicted to methamphetamine or relatives of addicts are included. The main purpose of including the interviews in the book is to reflect the experiences of addicts during treatment and to reveal how methamphetamine use affects daily life, social life, family and work life. We hope that this book will be beneficial for individuals struggling with methamphetamine addiction, their relatives, and psychiatrists working in this field.
Nuray Okumuş Ceylan Parallel to the changes in the world English language teaching history, the methods used to teach English in Turkey changed. This book is designed to provide a detailed account of major trends in English language teaching in Turkey to indicate the effort spent to provide quality and up-to-date language education. The methods used to teach English are explained in detail with the goals and objectives to be achieved, and the techniques that will be used to teach and practice. They are reflected in the programs and course books defined by the Ministry of National Education. Therefore, the programs and curricula prepared by the Ministry of National Education, and the course books either prepared, or evaluated and identified as the course book to be used in classroom instruction in English courses are listed, and sample units are displayed to better understand the application of the theory of the methods in the design of the units in the course books and its procedure.
Merve Önenli Güven Conflict is a dynamic fluctuating phenomenon that can be managed either constructively or destructively. Violence is the ultimate form of destructive management of conflicts and also leads to the reciprocal escalation of violence between antagonistic parties. In other words, violence begets violence and creates a vicious cycle, underlining its counter-productive nature. This work studies how the phenomenon of terror is handled in the media in the process of its transformation into terrorism within the scope of conflict analysis, management, and resolution. In this context, it is investigated how the November 15-20, 2003, Istanbul bombings were covered in the Turkish print media.
Because media reflect the images of the world to people in the form of news. Media cannot isolate itself from the society in which it exists. Therefore, the media have very significant role in societies through their information-giving capability, which can reach every part of society. Hence, the subject of this study is concerned with the relationship between the media and terrorism considering that the media have publicity power whether the media have a constructive or a destructive role in the representation of conflicts is inquired in this study.
Nevzat Kalay Bu kitap, Türk öğrencilerin İngilizce Dil bilgisiyle ilgili karşılaştıkları problemlere pratik, bilgilendirici ve geniş kapsamlı çözümler sunan bir çalışmadır. Bu kitap, KPDS, ÜDS, YDSY ve TOEFL sınavlarına hazırlanan öğrenciler için hazırlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu kitaptan orta ve üst düzey ingilizce bilgisine sahip öğrenciler ve İngilizce öğretmenleri faydalanabilirler.
Kenan Dikilitaş Bu kitap dil sınavlarına hazırlananlar için yazılmıştır. Bu kitapla amaçlanan, bu sınavlara yönelik sorular konusunda öğrencilerin gerekli donanıma sahip olmalarıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu kitap sınavda çıkmış sorular ve özgün sorularla sınav mantığnı karatmayı hedeflemektedir. Sınavdan önce önce sınavı yaşamak isteyenlerie büyük ölçüde yol göstermesi düşünülmüştür.
A. Selçuk Köylüoğlu Epidemics have been mentioned frequently throughout history. COVID-19 is one of these diseases that causes disruptions in social, economic and cultural activities and completely upsets the flow. It first appeared in Wuhan, China, and then spread all over the world. Therefore, it was declared a "pandemic" by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. The fact that this newly emerged virus spreads easily from person to person is the most important criterion in this decision. The Covid-19 epidemic has deeply affected the education, economy and social dynamics of the population, especially the health sector. It has started to be discussed by all segments of society, especially in business and academic life. Therefore, scientists who continue their activities in different scientific fields such as health sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences have made theoretical and practical contributions to the subject both in the national and international arena.
This book, which was created by scientists from various disciplines in which the different effects of the pandemic process were investigated, was prepared with the contributions of 11 different authors who continue their academic activities at Selcuk University. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the authors who contributed sincerely and hope that the work will be useful to all readers.
Şenol Korkut This book subjects the basic dynamics of the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina to a new reading through the memories of Alija Izetbegović (1925-2003), one of the most important Muslim intellectuals of the twentieth century. Izetbegović's pursuit of truth in his childhood and youth and his attitude towards the ideologies around him are taken in terms of the way a Muslim intellectual was brought up in the modern world. In the second part of the study, the importance of the Islamic Declaration for the current Islamic world, how to keep the Muslim identity alive under all conditions and the Islamic method to be developed for the policies of a dimming the Muslim identity are examined. In the third part of the study, the importance of a Muslim party on the basis of the SDA and the principles to be derived from the struggle for existence during the Bosnia-Herzegovina war were examined. In the last part of the study, the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina after Dayton is discussed. The book seeks to construct a modern Siyāsatnāmeh based on the memories of Izetbegović.
Hayri Baba, Mustafa Sevindik Bu kitapta Türkiye'de bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda elde edilen Mycetozoa (Protostelia ve Myxogastria) türlerine ait en net en açıklayıcı bilgiler verilmiştir. Türlere ait bilgiler dünyadaki ulaşılabilen tüm kaynaklar taranarak o türe ait en kapsamlı en detaylı deskripsiyon yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Deskripsiyonda bir türe ait teşhiste o türün sahip olduğu özelliklerinin tümü verilmiştir. Hypothallus, Stalk, Columella, Peridium, Capillitium ve Spores yapılarından hangilerini bulunduruyorsa o özelliği tüm yönleriyle ve dünyadaki tespiti yapılan tüm türlerin tüm araştırıcıların gözünden o türün özellikleri en geniş tarifiyle verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kitapta türlerin taksonomisine ait kategori özellikleri, cins, familya, takım ve sınıf özellikleri de verilmiştir. Türlere ait sistematik özellikleri ile benzer ve farklı türlere ait yakınlığı verilmiştir. Türlerin Türkiye'de nerelerde ve kimler tarafından tespit edildiği harita üzerinde verilmiştir. Bu kitap Türkiye'de bir ilk olma özelliğine de sahiptir. Bu alanda öğrenim gören lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrencilerinin yararlanacağı kaynak kitap ve bu konularda araştırma yapan araştırıcıların rehber kitabı olma özelliğinde bir bilimsel kitaptır. Bu kitap yazarların doktora çalışmalarından başlayarak onlarca yıllık birikimleri, emekleri ve tecrübeleriyle oluşturdukları bir kaynak kitaptır. Tüm bilim insanlarına yararlı olması dileğiyle…

In this book, what is the most descriptive information belonging to Mycetozoa species obtained from studies conducted so far in Turkey are given. The most comprehensive and most detailed description of the species has been tried to be made by scanning all available resources in the world with information about the species. In the description, all the characteristics of a species are given in the diagnosis. Hypothallus, Stalk, Columella, Peridium, Capillitium and Spores structures have that feature, and all the species identified in the world have been tried to be given with the widest description of the characteristics of that species from the eyes of all researchers. In the book, the category characteristics, genus, family, order and class features of the taxonomy of species are also given. The systematic characteristics of the species and the similarity of different species are given. In Turkey, where the species is given on the map and that is detected by whom. This book also has a first in Turkey. It is a reference book to be used by undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students studying in this field and a scientific book that is a guide book for researchers doing research on these subjects. This book is a resource book created by the authors with their decades of knowledge, effort and experience, starting with their doctorate studies. Hope it will be useful to all scientists ...
Celalettin Berberoğlu This child has grown up to become a mystical liar. A mevlana lover whirling dervish whom in this book describes himself as a mystical liar and he claims that the truth does not fit into words. In this book you will hear stories about mawlavi, Sufism, Heavens, Passion, Prayer, Love... In short you will listen to ideas and memories about life. The fluent and pleasant language of the wide hearted mystical liar turns the reading into a pleasant activity.
Saman Hashemipour National Notion Lives Out World Literature is a collection of essays on literature. Discussing genres of fiction and must-to-know literary terms with examples help literary fans to understand the core of literature. Discussing the history of novels in Turkish and drama plays in Persian helps the reader to have a conscious view of fiction in Turkey and Iran. Besides, comparative literature in Eastern universities and the value of literary works in world literature are discussed. A comparative method of investigation and psychological stance is applied to evaluate literary and critical works to realize the concept of national literature in the realm of world literature.
Gamze Sart Explore the transformative power of AI in NAVIGATING THE FUTURE: Higher Education And Careers In The Age Of AI. This essential guide illuminates the profound impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on education and the workforce. Delving into the necessity for universities to adapt their curricula for AI literacy, it highlights the revolution in personalized learning and the evolution of career paths in the digital age. Offering insights into emerging job markets and indispensable skills, this book is a roadmap for those navigating the dynamic interplay between AI, higher education, and career planning. A must-read for understanding how to thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century.
Veysel Eröz In his first released work, Eröz is aiming to tell a tear-jerking tale about unrequited love mixed with raw emotions and perfect symphony of melancholy & tenderness. The poet tells the story from various points of view along with touching on several other subjects from life time to time. Along with interconnected poems that complete and add each other in their unique way, the honest, heartfelt and captivating storytelling with author's quirky and fresh style promises a worthwhile reading experience.
Featuring “Celeste” quartet that tells about deep adoration born from love with an old-school twist, recklessly intimate and hope-driven “Boundless Love” and “Dear”, devotion filled lines of “World in Your Name” and “Vista” with bold highlights “I'll Still Say Your Beautiful Name”, “Now & Forevermore”, “To Be Free” and “Feet Don't Touch The Ground” this book is an irresistible pick-up.
Emrah Altuntecim The book in your hands is a kind of a key. “Opening Doors to Success” addresses the working principles of our sensory organs and brain, effectiveness of feelings and thoughts in people’s behaviour which are indispensable in the field of communication and psychology.
When the main subject of the book is read, digested, and observations are made in the field, it will be possible for you to directly reap the benefit of the book on the following:
Naturalness in body language and communication techniques,
An apparent and gradual increase in your sales,
An increase in employee satisfaction and the sense of belonging to the company,
A reduction in costs as a result of more wisely and accurate investments into environments of business,
A reduction in employee and customer fatigue,
Planning the marketing, advertising and image activities in a more accurate way and with lower costs,
Positive communication and more happiness in your professional and private life.
Enjoy your reading!
Adnan Çorum, Ahmet Tezcan Tekin, Anis Gilani, Ayfer Aksu, Başar Öztayşi, Beril T. Çiftci, Berna Tektaş, Betül Altuntaş, Büşra Buran, Cem Sarı, Cenk Y. Ustabaşı, Dilan Sarpkaya, Dilay Celebi, Duygu Aktay Kantaroğlu, Elizabeth Ripley Johnson, Erhan Önder, Eyüp Çalık, Ferhan Çebi, Gizem Deniz Cömert, Güler Koçak, Gülin İdil S. Bolatan, H.Okan Yeloğlu, Hasan Dinç, Hür Bersam Sidal Bolat, İlkan Reyhanoğlu, Kaan Selcuk, Leonie Hallo, Maria Castaňo Martinez, Mehmet Karahan, Merve Kocaman, Mohanad Shafei, Müge Bulu, Neslihan Aldoğan, Okan Yeloğlu, Onur Ilgaz, Onur Jane, Ozlem Senvar, Ömür Benek, Ömür Yaşar Saatçıoğlu, Reema Al-dalain, Samet Batuhan Güven, Selcen Öztürkcan, Serhat Çakır, Şeyma Gönen Halıcı, Tiep Nguyena, Tuğba Yasemin Karagöz, Tuncay Özcan This study recognizes that engineering is changing fundamentally. Integrating traditional engineering concepts with cutting-edge digital technologies has blurred the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. This book will explain the complexity of this convergence and analyze the potential when engineering meets the digital frontier.
"Opportunities and Challenges of Engineering Applications in the Digital Age" draws on the expertise of experts from diverse sectors to provide a unique perspective on engineering and digital technology. This book helps practitioners, scholars, and students navigate this complicated changing era.
We recommend critically assessing the ideas in these pages as you begin this intellectual journey. This book showcases the boundless potential for engineering innovation in the digital age and the opportunity for those who want to understand, adapt to, and influence its future.
May our inquiry spark curiosity, start discussions, and inspire a new generation of engineers to explore the possibilities and overcome the challenges of this exciting and ever-changing intersection of engineering and the digital world.
Burak Urucu, Maan Al Mubarak, Nergiz Öznur Vardar, Saman Hashemipour, Yasin Acar This book juxtaposes eight chapters by four authors about literary masterpieces by Orhan Pamuk and George Orwell. The common themes in the Pamukian and Orwellian context, such as hegemony, tensions between two discourses, false reality, degeneration of society, east-west conflict, imagined cities, nationalism, and the new historicist perspective on dystopia are fellow ground for the signified, well-analyzed, Eastern and Western authors. Furthermore, through instantiations, the Pamukian and Orwellian academic discourses in the medium of coordinating conjunctions of the past, present, and future of humanity are illustrated.
Şerife Eroğlu Memiş Bu kitap, hacıların çevrelerindeki insanlara aktardıkları her türlü tecrübe ve gözlemlerinin oluşum sürecini, Mekke ve Medine'de gerçekleştirdikleri dini ve dünyevi faaliyetlerini konu edinen hac eserlerini, hac literatürünün gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşması bağlamında kültürel dolaşıma önemli katkılar sağlayan araçlar olarak gündeme getirmektedir. Dini, edebi ve tarihi metinler olarak hac eserlerinin bu yönü, Osmanlı toplumunda “kitap sahipliği” olgusundan yola çıkılarak sorgulanmaktadır.
Osmanlı ulemâsı tarafından telif edilen veya intinsâh edilmek suretiyle çoğaltılan hac eserlerinin çoğunluğu haccın usulüne göre nasıl eda edileceğini anlatan menâsik-i hacc niteliğindedir. Elinizdeki kitabın konusunu oluşturan Nebzetü'l-menâsik adlı menâsik-i hacc türündeki hac el yazması, ilmî kimliği 18. yüzyılda şekillenmiş bir Osmanlı âlimi, kadısı, kazaskeri, mutasavvıfı ve kitap-severi olarak Dâmadzâde Mehmed Murad Efendi -ki eserde “en-Nakşibendî el-Murâdî” olarak zikredilmiştir- tarafından telif edilmiştir. Eserin metni Osmanlı Türkçesi, metnin izah ve kaynakları sayfa kenarlarında Arapça derkenar notları şeklinde yazılmıştır. Eseri diğer menâsik-i hacc'lardan ayıran bu derkenar notlarının niteliğidir. Diğer pek çok hac menâsikinden ayrı olarak eserde, Mekke ve Medine'nin yanı sıra ziyaretgâh olarak Kudüs ve el-Halil fezâilnâme ve tarih kitaplarına referansla etraflıca tasvir edilmiştir.
Hakan Yıldız How much are we aware thet the secret of the Ottoman Empire's success in spreading three continents lies within the well-thought, planned and realized organizationsas as much as the valour and braveness?
Years long archive researches provides countless information for us to imagine this campaign organized in 1711 with its all.
...from the official war declaration following the opinion-taking meetings of the Sultan to the imperial orders issued to initiate the preparations on the campaign route...
...from ovens constructed in each range where the army would take a break to be able to provide them with fresh bread to the buzcus who would start to serve at the end of the winter season in order to keep foods and beverages cold...
...from seeing janissaries off from Istanbul with festivals to the arrival of the soldiers coming from numerous states at the determined points...
Briefly, as discovering the “Secret of the Ottoman Victories”, this book presents an alive panorama of a forgotten world.
Leyla Savsar Many transnational narratives situate the immigrant at a crossroads in terms of a loss of the 'original' culture in exchange for the new 'American' culture, where national diversities are confined to a singular framework and rhetoric of displacement, overruled by the myth of successful assimilation, whereby the hardships of adjusting to foreign spaces are 'normalized' and reduced to a series of trials. Applying psychoanalytic and postcolonial frameworks to literary analysis, this work explores some of the prominent transnational narratives to establish that the melancholic dynamics of space, memory, and language can subvert misrepresentations and grant the immigrant mobility within the confines of homogenized spaces. It seeks to explore the ways in which the transnational American narrative employs melancholic tenor as aesthetics to empower displaced figures. Situating its protagonists at the locus of nations, these narratives underscore melancholia, mourning, and memory as tools and protocols of agency that challenge the myth of assimilation and re-think the rhetoric of displacement.
The reasons for the persistence of authoritarianism in the Arab world has eluded scholars of democratization for a very long time. While many hoped that the Arab Spring might have been a break through moment in terms of democratization, authoritarian forms of political regimes proved to be resilient once again. On the basis of an array of internal and external factors, this book aims to shed some light upon the ways of how authoritarianism survived, by taking four case studies (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Iraq). While many of those factors have been highlighted before, we believe what is missing is perhaps the unique interaction between them. Therefore, covering the dynamics of the relationship between the internal and external factors of authoritarianism may help us better understand why the Arab world has thus far evaded all the previous waves of democratization.
S. Onur Karlık If we raise our heads and look around us carefully, we can see where consumerism has reached in the world. The opportunities created by all this consumption volume cause companies to compete with each other. The more customers they can attract, the more competitive advantage they will have. At this point, understanding consumer behavior is crucial. Since behavior is directly related to an individual's personality, analyzing personality traits might help in understanding the behaviors that consumers will display. Marketing practitioners who establish a relationship between personality traits and consumer behavior and recommend sales promotions according to this relationship will always be one step ahead of their competitors. This book aims to analyze the relationship between personality traits and consumer decision-making styles and predict how consumers are likely to choose sales promotions that are framed. Moreover, marketing practitioners can find an informative Executive Summary at the end of the book. The book gives a general idea about personality traits, personality theories and consumer decision-making process that may help undergraduate and graduate students interested in this field.
Ebru Eren, Cem Savaş Je tiens à présenter mes remerciements à mes deux collègues Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Cem SAVAŞ de l'Université Yeditepe et Doç. Dr. Ebru EREN de l'Université Galatasaray, membres du Comité éditorial du présent ouvrage. Face à des difficultés rencontrées, ils ont versé de tout cœur leurs efforts en vue de la réalisation de ce livre dont ils avaient pris l'initiative de le faire paraître.
Prof. Dr. Jale Civelek

Cet ouvrage en hommage à Jale CİVELEK et préfacé par Bruno DELVALLÉE, tire son originalité de ses perspectives interdisciplinaires sur la question de la francophonie en Turquie. Les chapitres d'ouvrage s'inscrivent dans le cadre général des relations internationales et portent sur la présence de la langue française dans divers contextes : la francophonie comme instrument de politique étrangère/économique (partie I), de politique linguistique/éducative et culturelle (partie II) et al. (partie III).
Doç. Dr. Ebru Eren & Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Cem Savaş

Préfacer un ouvrage avec des chercheurs francophones de cette qualité et sur ce sujet est un véritable honneur et une marque d'amitié particulièrement touchante. Je remercie la MCF Ebru Eren pour sa sollicitation. Cette préface est un condensé de la conférence organisée par l'Association culturelle Turquie-France lors de la semaine de la francophonie 2024.
Bruno Delvallée
Ali Şükrü Özbay, Zehra Gürsoy, Senem Doğan, Merve Aslankılıç The main audience for this book is expected to be language teaching professionals and EFL learners at different levels, although educators at all levels may find it useful. Over the last three decades, phraseology and the supremacy of multi-word combinations in various forms and labels have enjoyed a crucial role in understanding how the English language functions in terms of lexicality. The necessity of studying multi-word combinations has been advocated, and the inclusion of computational methods has been favoured by many leading linguistic specialists. Thus, this book is intended to introduce the lexical features of the English language to language teaching professionals and EFL learners worldwide through contextual examples. After a short introduction, the scope of the book is further extended to include English verbs with their most frequent complements. Each chapter offers literature connections related to phraseology, formulaic sequence, and lexical approach. Finally, a comprehensive list of multi-word combinations was added in the form of tables to support language teaching professionals and EFL learners inside and outside the classroom in their attempts to increase phraseological awareness.
Muhammed Fatih Gökmen Foreign (English) language teacher education has heretofore produced a plethora of theories, methods, procedures, and techniques, most of which are virtually based on a specific philosophical paradigm. In this vein, this book outlines and expatiates the cutting-edge pedagogy named as post-method pedagogy on the grounds of post-modern educational philosophy, the critiques imposed on the ‘method’ concept and the conventional teaching methods, complexity of the ELT profession, and the subjective role of ELT professionals - specifically language teachers. By virtue of the author’s three discretional rationales, the post-modern educational philosophy, theoretical postulations in post-method pedagogy, and the conducted pertinent research, the author orchestrated his own personal and professional ELT small-scale theory under the framework of four continuous teacher development, three post-method parameters, and the personal and professional qualities that ELT professionals might adopt.
Firuze Güzel Postmodern period, with its denial of reality, truth, and authority, has been associated with the rise of ethical relativism. While this relativistic understanding of ethics has been zealously embraced, it is also criticized because it is considered as a search of yet again an absolute code of ethics. As a result, arguments about the need and occurrence of a hybrid sense of ethics have been presented. It is possible to see the examples of such a hybrid sense of ethics in literature, particularly in the contemporary American science fiction literature. Science fiction does not hold a limit to its themes and dwells upon numerous ethical issues that arise in its fictional worlds. In these narrations, ethics become an essential tool for maintaining existence of humans, animals, nature, Earth, or the whole universe. In his regard, this book presents an interdisciplinary study of how the postmodern perception of ethics is reflected in contemporary American science fiction novels. It creates an intersection point of ethics, ethical literary analysis and science fiction, thus providing a wide range of discussions for its readers.
Fatih Tekin Bu kitap, İngilizce kelime hazinesini geliştirmek için hazırlanmış bir çalışmadır.
Rıdvan Tunçel Human language is so miraculous that every day when we sail in our thinking ocean, we explore the charming beauties of it in thousands of islands. We are well competent enough in organizing meaningful utterances, or reading and understanding any written material. Texts on language and foreign/second language learning and teaching have been adequate in instructional market, however, sources combining the theoretical knowledge into practical ones are very few. The emphasis on the teaching of the “pragmatic competence” is very much covered in curricula, syllabi and the course-books in language learning and teaching world. Nevertheless, limited descriptive background knowledge on pragmatic competence hampers the communicative development L2 learners, workers of teaching foreign languages and ELT students. This book provides insight in gathering the linguistic and pragmatic knowledge, thereby, supports language teaching and learning.
In our constantly changing and shrinking world, language studies have been gaining gravity. The central idea of this book is to present what has been going on in the linguistic, pragmatic and language learning quarters and close the gap between the findings of the research in pragmatics and the actual foreign language teaching. The book may take the interest of all language teachers, graduate students of ELT, teacher educators, and material developers.

Ahmet Tarık Ergüven Wie die Transfer und Umsetzung eines europäischen Präventionskonzepts am Beispiel eines Gewichtsreduktionsprogramms in der Türkei gelingt
Das Problem Übergewicht und Adipositas wächst stetig und hat das Ausmaß einer weltweiten Epidemie angenommen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein für den deutschsprachigen Raum entwickeltes Präventionskonzept „Das Turbo-Stoffwechsel-Prinzip“ zur Behandlung von Übergewicht unter den kulturspezifischen Rahmenbedingungen in der Türkei erprobt, um die Praktikabilität des Konstrukts in diesem Setting festzustellen, daraus den betroffenen übergewichtigen und adipösen Personen durch die zielgruppenorientierte Modifikation in der Abnehmpraxis eine evidenzbasierte Therapiemöglichkeit anzubieten.
Wie die Ergebnisse der Arbeit offenlegen, ist die Berücksichtigung der kulturspezifischen Rahmenbedingungen, wie Erwartungen, Interessen und Vorlieben usw. der Zielgruppe, bei der inhaltlichen Gestaltung, Umsetzung und Etablierung des Konzeptes signifikant bedeutend, um die Menschen mit Übergewichtsproblemen zu erreichen.
Ali Demir Die Geschichte der Menschheit ist gekennzeichnet durch Programme, die je nach der Zeit und dem Raum zwar unterschiedlich in ihrer Qualität, aber vergleichbar in ihren Zielsetzungen sind. Aus der heutigen Sicht scheint die Partizipation der wichtigste gemeinsame Wert zu sein, der hinter der Logik der Programme steht, die nicht nur generalisierbare Interessen repräsentieren, sondern auch Prinzipien universell gültiger Normen genügen. Partizipation ist in vielen Fällen das Versprechen einer Elite. Sie versprechen in der Regel den bereits partizipierenden eine Gemeinschaft von Gleichen und Freien. Beginnend von Gilgamesch Epos wird in diesem Buch die beständige Erprobung der weltumspannenden Programme und der Kommunikation dieser Programmierung besprochen.
Ayhan Akbaş, Aytül Gökçe, Durdu Hakan Utku, Ender Sevinç, Enver Salkım, Gonca Buyrukoğlu, Musa Nurullah Yazar, Necattin Cihat İçyer, Samire Yazar, Selim Buyrukoğlu, Yıldıran Yılmaz, Zeynal Topalcengiz Programming Solutions for Engineering Problems is a lively book to get the theory of various real-life problems into perspective and to reduce their complication to tractable representations via convenient programming languages used in engineering, mathematics, and life sciences. The emphasis is on the use of rich repertoire of programming methods and techniques, supported with excellent graphical representations. User-friendly computational activities are intended to provide some guidance for implementing the computational methods for specific research subjects. The topics covered in this book include popular research issues such as utilization in population dynamics in mathematical biology; robotics; deep learning for various applications; image processing for generating computational models; data mining problems for medical purposes, etc. The book is designed for graduate students and scientists, primarily for those in mathematics and engineering.
Mehmet Rıza Derindağ This book is written to help managers respond to current management issues of NGOs and their projects. It is written to address management issues through a managerial perspective and help volunteers and professional employees grasp a better understanding of the issues surrounding the management of NGOs.
Numerous resources and the author's own experience as manager of NGOs contributed to the development of this book.
I hope that reading this book will help you gain a better appreciation and understanding of the contributions of NGOs in community and country development and apply your learnings in actual practice.
Yasemi̇n Necmi̇ye Tut The relationship between pandemics and security is a relatively new phenomenon, that has attracted more attention worldwide, especially as countries take precautions against Covid-19. The spread of Covid-19 on a global scale and its impact on all dimensions of social life required it to be addressed as a security issue. In this context, the fact that each nation-state continues its struggle with the understanding of self-sufficiency in the fight against Covid-19 has created the need to examine states' responses to the epidemic. In this study, Turkey's response to Covid-19 was examined within the scope of the securitization theory of the Copenhagen School. How health is constructed as a security issue, the discourses of securitizing actors and the synchronization of the audience's response are examined.