Yabancı Dilde Yayınlar \ 2-5
Kürşat Taştan, Sinan Yılmaz, Nalan Sabır Taştan Türkiye, which has not been accepted as a full member of the European Union due to political reasons, is one of the important countries of Europe with its historical and geopolitical position, military and economic power and institutional infrastructure.
The quantitative growth of Turkish higher education, which started in the 2000s in direct proportion to the country's greatness, has resulted in Türkiye's attempts to become one of the leading European higher education countries, with expansive physical campuses and high-tech distance learning opportunities.
In the book, the reflections of the higher education quality studies in Türkiye, which followed the studies starting with the Bologna process in Europe, and the systematic studies of Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), which was established as a national quality assurance agency in 2015, are tried to be illustrated based on the data of a scientific study.
Higher education quality studies, which started with the establishment of THEQC, have been a turning point for the Turkish higher education system. Turkish higher education, where the diffusion and adoption of quality management by ESG standards have been completed in general, has the potential to create Europe's most successful universities in the next ten years by applying quality more and more.
Alize Can Rençberler, Augusto Ponzio, Didem Tuna, Erol Kahraman, Evangelos Kourdis, Javid Aliyev, Lale Özcan, Magdalena Nowotna, Mesut Kuleli, Muhammed Salih Kapcı, Osman Senemoğlu, Sema Dilara Yanya, Susan Petrilli, Sündüz Öztürk Kasar Dilde, edebiyatta, çeviride ve genel olarak sosyal bilimlerde kavramların sınırlarının esnek ve içeriklerin değişken olduğu söylenebilir. Alanlar içi ve alanlar arası kavramsal dalgalanmaların söz konusu olması, kavramlar üzerinden ya da kavramlara yönelik olarak gerçekleştirilen okumaların sürekli güncellenmesini gerektirmektedir. Alanlar arası dolaşımda içerikler paylaşıldıkça zenginleşmekte ve yeniden ele alınıp dönüşmektedir. Beş ülkeden 14 akademisyenin kaleme aldığı bu kitapta yer alan bölümler de farklı içerik bileşimleri üzerinden yeni kavramsal uzlaşılara ve okumalara yol açacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
The concepts in language, literature, translation, and in social sciences tend to be supple and flexible content-wise. The conceptual fluctuations within and among disciplines require continual updates of conceptual readings. The content becomes richer when shared among disciplines and is transformed with a redefinition. With this in mind, the chapters of this book, penned by 14 academics from five countries, are designed to pave the way for novel conceptual and consensual readings aligning in a smooth and interrelated combination of different contents.
Les concepts en langue, en littérature, en traduction et, plus généralement, en sciences sociales ont tendance à être souples et flexibles sur le plan du contenu. Les flottements conceptuels au sein des disciplines et entre elles exigent des mises à jour continues des lectures conceptuelles. Le contenu s'enrichit au fur et à mesure qu'il est partagé entre les disciplines et se transforme avec une redéfinition. C'est dans cet esprit que les chapitres de cet ouvrage, rédigés par quatorze universitaires de cinq pays, sont conçus pour ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles lectures conceptuelles et à de nouveaux consensus notionnels.
Yazarlar / Authors / Auteurs:
Sündüz Öztürk Kasar - Magdalena Nowotna - Susan Petrilli & Augusto Ponzio
Evangelos Kourdis - Didem Tuna - Sema Dilara Yanya - Javid Aliyev
Mesut Kuleli - Osman Senemoğlu - Erol Kahraman & Muhammed Salih Kapcı
Lale Özcan - Alize Can Rençberler
Bahaddin Demirdiş This book assists researchers, educators, and policymakers in gaining a better understanding of mathematics teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with SEN in Turkish lower secondary schools. Earlier research on teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with SEN in Turkey has not comprehensively investigated teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and the impact of various factors on these attitudes. In addition, the book used a valid and trustworthy instrument that has been implemented several times globally, assisting in narrowing the gap between prior research findings and helping to explain some of the discrepancies.
Besides, the book provides a well-informed viewpoint and understanding that could aid in reforming and refining inclusive practices and the identification and process of inclusion of students with SEN in regular classes. It adds to the body of knowledge by supplementing the limited number of existing studies on teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of students with SEN in Turkey. Finally, it stimulates other researchers to duplicate the research to corroborate its findings or to do additional research into the many factors that impact teachers' attitudes, both positively and negatively.
Hasan Kazak, Bilge Afşar, Orhan Çeker, Osman Okka An integrated system, Islam consists of several subsystems. The economy has an important place in these sub-systems. In this respect, Islam also includes regulations on economic growth and development. Undoubtedly, the most important of these regulations is the zakat institution. Zakat was mentioned in many parts of Koran with the prayer, accepted as the pillar of religion in many places and an important message that zakat and prayer should not be separated was given.
The most known and prominent feature of the zakat institution is its contribution to the fair distribution of national income, which is an important indicator in terms of economic development. A lot of work has been written on this subject and this issue has been mentioned in almost every sermon of Islamic scholars. However, the zakat institution has much more significance and benefits in terms of economic growth and development process.
The main purpose of this study is to create a resource for the qualitative and quantitative studies that will be carried out, by revealing other contributions of zakat to economic growth and development, which are not in the foreground but are actually much more functional as well as its other well-known contribution to income distribution.
Bülent Karakaya “İnşaat mühendisliği oldukça geniş bir alana yayılan sanat, zanaat ve matematiğin buluştuğu bir meslektir. Böyle bir meslekte hayat boyu süren öğrenmenin, öğrenilen bilgiyi sentezlemenin sonucu problemleri çözmedeki başarı olarak kendini göstermektedir. Bu mesleğe yıllarını veren yazarın uzun yıllara yayılan tecrübe ve birikimlerinin hayat bulduğu bu eserin alanında önemli bir eksikliği gidereceğine inanıyorum. Özellikle genç inşaat mühendislerinin genişleyen iş portföyünde karşılaştıkları yabancı dilde terminolojiye hâkim olmamalarına/olamamalarına ilişkin serzenişleri bu alandaki yeter çalışmanın olmadığının en önemli göstergesiydi.
Geniş bir kitleyle muhatap olan inşaat mühendisinin etkin bir şekilde yabancı dildeki terminolojiyi anlaması ve kullanması için okuyucu dostu olarak hazırlanan bu eserin yazarı Sayın Bülent Karakaya'nın mesleğine olan sevgi ve saygısının bir tezahürü olarak hayat bulduğu söylenebilir. Sayın Karakaya'nın hazırladığı bu eserinden dolayı kendisini tebrik eder büyük bir eksikliği gidereceğine inandığım bu eseri özellikle genç meslektaşlarıma hararetle tavsiye ederim.”
Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Cüneyt Aydın
Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
İnşaat Mühendisliği Yapı Bölümü Başkanı

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
I would like to congratulate you for taking on such an important task. In a world that requires global competition, such a contribution is much needed. Best wishes.”
Professor Dr. Necati Catbas
Civil Engineering Faculty Central Florida University, USA

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
Thank you very much for sharing your booklet with me. I am impressed by its style and content, and I hope that your booklet will be a very useful resource for young engineers.With my best wishes.”

Associate Professor Oya Mercan
University of Toronto Civil Engineering Department, Canada
Özgür Demirtaş A good leader is someone who can recognize the talents of their employees and has a strong intuition for selecting the most appropriate employees for the job. A great leader can recognize greatness in others, not only in themselves. They look for employees who deserve to be promoted within their organization. For an organization, one payoff of hiring a suitable leader is that its business will continue to grow as there will be right individuals hired for the right positions.
Every department in an organization has its own leader. Yet, a larger organization is still in need of a highly recognizable figure that will be responsible for making sure that the leadership figure in each department of the business is on the same page and completely understands the short and long-term goals of the business.
Vedat Martin İNCE Günümüzde, dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılan ortak yabancı dillerden birisi de Almancadır. Türkiye’ye her yıl milyonlarca Alman veya yabancı dili Almanca olan turist gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, ülkemizde Almanca bilmek bir ayrıcalık konumundadır; ancak buna rağmen bu ihtiyacın karşılanabileceği eğitim kurumlarında, yerli imkânlar ile üretilmiş eğitim malzemesi yok denecek kadar az ve olanlar da temel iletişim amacıyla kullanılmasını öğretmek açısından çok yetersizdir. İşte bu nedenle “Eisberg” adlı kitap hazırlanmıştır.
1. Kitabın ağırlık noktasını konuşma kalıpları, kelime hazinesi ve temel diyaloglar oluşturmaktadır. Bunların yanında dil bilgisi de ihmal edilmemiştir.
2. Görsel malzemeler hem sınıf içinde hem sınıf dışındaki faaliyetlerde öğretim elemanlarına ve öğrencilere yardımcı olacak ve onların yükünü hafifletecektir.
3. Konu anlatımları ve yönergeler, Türkçe açıklamalarla birlikte verilmiştir.
4. Kelime hazinesi, temel ihtiyacı karşılayacak kelimelerden oluşmaktadır.
5. Dil bilgisinin ağır konuları yerine, daha temel konulara yer verilmiş; detaya girilmemiştir.
Gökhan Murat Üstündağ Even though there is large literature on mass political culture, indeed, there is so limited number of works on elite political culture. To my knowledge, there is no scholarly work examining Turkish elite political culture after the 1990s. In this regard, main purpose of this research is to fill this gap by shedding a new light on basic aspects of elite political culture in Turkey. In order to explore the basic aspects of elite political culture in Turkey, the ideology of conservatism which is argued to be “dominant” ideology in Turkey was used in this study. In this regard; the Justice and Development Party elite was taken as case study and the records of Grand National Assembly between 2002 and 2016 were analyzed by applying critical discourse analysis based on interpretivist epistemology. As such in this study, the basic aspects of elite political culture, and concomitantly basic principles of Turkish conservatism were examined in a systematic way.
Ali Ekber Sever, Amuri Binaman, Barış Bülent Kırlar, Beyza Çiçek, Birsen Eygi Erdoğan,, Caner Kara, Duygu Aruğaslan Çinçin, Elifnur Şakalak, Fatma Tokmak Fen, Medine Demir, Mehmet Kocabıyık, Mehmet Onur Fen, Mehmet Onur Olgun, Melda Alkan Çakıroğlu, Mevlüde Yakıt Ongun, Pınar Karadayı Ataş, Pınar Usta Evci, Serap Ergün, Serap Ergün, Sırma Zeynep Alparslan Gök, Süreyya Özöğür Akyüz, Zekeriya Özkan Explore the frontier of mathematics in action!
This book brings together a rich collection of innovative mathematical ideas that have been developed to address today's complex challenges in science, technology, and industry. Covering a broad range of topics—from cryptography, machine learning, and neural networks to civil engineering applications, chaos theory, disease modeling, and financial stability—each chapter explores new approaches to solving real-world problems that impact our daily lives. With practical examples, such as enhancing emergency evacuation strategies, modeling crowd behavior, and evaluating the financial health of banks, this book demonstrates how mathematics plays a crucial role in developing efficient, impactful solutions.
Ideal for researchers, professionals, and anyone with an interest in the power of mathematics, this book serves as both a reference and an inspiration for applying math to tackle current interdisciplinary issues. It provides fresh perspectives on longstanding problems and offers creative approaches that showcase the potential of modern mathematical tools. A valuable resource for both new and experienced practitioners, this book highlights how math continues to evolve, driving innovation and understanding in our ever-changing world. Readers will discover practical insights and advanced methods that are both timely and essential for study or inspiration.
Ahmet Demirden, Buğra Sarı, Hakan Kıyıcı, Murat Tınas Terrorism studies are significant for a number of reasons. The findings can inform the policy and decision makers on multifac­eted levels, including evidence based policy, and prevention as well as rehabilitation programs. As it was observed, the following 9/11 ter­rorist attacks, states and communities tend to react ideological violence in an unstructured manner based on the common-sense perception of threats. As such, terrorism studies have considerably amplified with an objective of providing policy makers and practitioners with evidence based findings. Terrorism studies can also be described as a versatile field for collaboration among various fields, from international rela­tions to forensic psychology and public administration. In line with this understanding, the present book compromised of a number of multidisciplinary contemporary issues in terrorism studies, including (i) Anti-government extremism (AGE), (ii) Nexus between organized crime and terrorist groups, (iii) Exploitation of children by terrorist groups, (iv) Non-state actors in counter radicalization, and (v) International efforts of combatting terrorism in pandemic environment. The multidisciplinary perspective in the content of the book provides the reader with emerging issues in terrorism in a comparative framework.
Fatih Barış Altunyuva Energy security has been assessed as a multi-dimensional concept with a holistic approach and elaborated in terms of all its aspects in this book. As per the broadest approach, it was pointed out that energy security is the process whereby energy sources and countries of origin are diversified taking into account the political and economic conditions of the said countries, and wherein continual and affordable pricing mechanisms are developed within a sustainable (environment-friendly) systematic. It was also mentioned that generation, transmission and distribution activities need to be continued while ensuring a controlled and sustained energy infrastructure security. Nevertheless, it has been taken into account in this book that each country has its inherent unique dynamics and circumstances. As a final step, the energy and energy security policies of the Republic of Türkiye were evaluated in conjunction with the goal of Türkiye to become an energy actor.
Bahar Çelik “English for Future” is designed not only to teach English to children and young people, but also to use English as a tool to help them acquire the soft skills they will need in the future, such as “self-control, design thinking, collaborative work, proper use of technology, problem solving, critical and creative thinking”.
The lesson plans and activity suggestions prepared in accordance with the 5E model, the advantages of which are recognized by professionals, are designed in a way that teachers can adapt them into their own lessons, as well as a useful resource that can serve as a guide for young people who prefer self-directed learning. The topics are based on themes that will support the personal and academic skills of our students by examining the curricula of countries that have proven their success in education. We hope that it will be useful to education stakeholders...
Hakan Göçmen Serinin 3. kitabı olan
“SPactivities – Advanced”, ileri seviyedeki öğrencilerin İngilizce konuşma becerilerini geliştirmeye yönelik aktiviteleri içermektedir. Bu kitapta ileri düzeye gelmiş öğrencilerin, dil bilgisel olarak zaten çok fazla eksiği olmadığı varsayılarak, konuların içeriğinde ilk iki kitabın aksine herhangi bir dil bilgisel odak noktası bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yerine aktiviteler tamamen “dilde akıcılığa” yöneliktir. Seçilen konu başlıkları müzik, sinema, internet, spor, eğlence, eğitim vb. üzerinde konuşulabilecek birçok konudan oluşmakta ve konuların herkese hitap etmesi sayesinde öğrencilerin ders içi katılımını oldukça artırmaktadır. Kitapta ayrıca “Idioms and Expressions” başlığı altında İngilizcede günlük hayatta sürekli kullanılan deyimler ve ifadeler açıklamalı ve örnekli olarak ayrı bir bölüm halinde yer almaktadır.
Konuşma becerileri üzerine hiçbir kaynağın yazılmadığı ülkemizde tüm seviyeler üzerine hazırlanmış tek kaynak olan “SPactivities” serisinin her kitabı, sınıf içi motivasyonu yükseltmek ve İngilizce derslerini eğlenceli ve dinamik bir atmosfere dönüştürmek isteyen öğretmenlere kesinlikle önerilir.

SPactivities offers:
A simple well-organized format
A varied range of classroom activities for practising oral English

SPactivities includes:
Lots of engaging and interesting topics which draw students into a variety of diverse subjects ranging from “Movies” to “Hobbies”, including “Social Issues”
A list of everyday idioms and expressions with clear definitions and examples

SPactivities is recommended for:
More advanced english language learners who want to develope conversation skills and improve fluency
English teachers who want to raise general learner motivation and make the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place
Aarti Garg, Adalet Hazar, Anjali Rana, Avichal Sharma, Chintalapati Neelima Rani, Karnabir Singh Sidhu, Kavita Dahiya, Nil Çağlar Bektaş, Pallavi Pandey, Parveen Garg, Rajender Kapil, Rajinder Kapil, Rajwinder Kaur, Şenol Babuşcu, Simarpreet Kaur, Simranjit Singh, Sunita Kamboja, Tripti Sharma, Wishey Kataria The processes of leading and managing an organization are collectively referred to as "corporate governance:' Corporate governance is supposed to foster management that is both innovative and conservative so that a company can be set up for long-term success. This is done for the purpose of ensuring that a firm is set up for success in the future. On the other hand, good governance is fundamentally about boosting openness and accountability within existing procedures; as a result, it may have significant benefits to the non-listed sector. in recent years, it has become increasingly customary to apply the term "corporate" to characterize governance and accountability concerns outside of the commercial realm. This usage of the term "corporate" has gained popularity. in light of recent developments, the parameters of corporate governance have become more expansive, and the incorporation of entrepreneurial activity is now part of this framework.
Corporate entrepreneurship is the practice of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and ethos within an established company in order to develop new lines of business, goods, or services in order to increase the company's value and revenue. This can be accomplished by encouraging employees to think like entrepreneurs and by providing them with opportunities to act as entrepreneurs themselves. The spirit of entrepreneurship in the workplace cultivates an environment that is conducive to the development of new concepts and opportunities for growth. it provides an overarching perspective on the organization's capacity to think and behave entrepreneurially, including the people, systems, and culture that are necessary for doing so successfully. Building capabilities that allow corporations to speed up the establishment of new businesses is the objective of corporate entrepreneurship, which seeks to achieve this goal by encouraging its participants.
We present the work of a number of researchers who have paid the nascent topic of entrepreneurial corporate governance the attention it warrants in this collection. Their contributions may be found throughout the book. This book is intended to serve as a guide for readers as well as business researchers who are interested in delving more deeply into the subject of entrepreneurial corporate governance.

Kavita Dahiya - Pallavi Pandey - Avichal Sharma - Rajinder Kapil - Simarpreet Kaur
Tripti Sharma - Aarti Garg - Simranjit Singh - Anjali Rana - Rajwinder Kaur
Sunita Kamboja - Karnabir Singh Sidhu - Parveen Garg - Wishey Kataria
Chintalapati Neelima Rani - Nil Caglar Bektas - Adalet Hazar - Senol Babuscu

Ömer Lütfi Taşcıoğlu La Première Guerre mondiale était une compétition pour diviser le pillage des terres ottomanes entre les grandes puissances de l'époque. Les attaques impérialistes sont venues des deux côtés. La défense de l’État (ottoman) sur le front oriental, n’a rien de différent de sa défense sur la péninsule de Gallipoli à l’ouest, en termes de sécurité de tous les peuples du pays.
Ensuite, le gouvernement n'a pas eu d'autre choix que de mettre en pratique la pratique de la déportation pour éviter la rébellion, à savoir: la trahison arménienne, qui est aujourd'hui généralement symbolisé par la date du 24 avril 1915, qui devient également une veille du "débarquement britannique à Gallipoli".
Le décret de réinstallation émis par le gouvernement ottoman visait à empêcher les résidents locaux de soutenir, de renforcer et d'inciter les mouvements arméniens agressifs, qui se battaient volontiers pour l'armée adversaire (russe) contre leur propre pays, étant eux-mêmes et aux citoyens de l'Empire ottoman. En plus de cela, sous la forme de gangs armés organisés, ils assassinaient des innocents turcs et / ou musulmans de la région.
Cette décision de réinstallation temporaire a également résolu d'autres problèmes au sein des lignes de communication logistique de l'armée et des autres lignes d'approvisionnement, qui ont été empêchés par ces gangs.
Des gangs arméniens poignardaient l'armée ottomane dans le dos, et des mutinés arméniens causaient encore d'autres maux tels que torturer et massacrer honteusement des femmes, des personnes âgées et des enfants dans les maisons turco-musulmanes laissées par les jeunes de la maison, ceux qui étaient alors occupés à mener des batailles féroces sur les lignes de front d'une guerre féroce, ce que ces gangs faisaient était exactement un "nettoyage ethnique", que dans ces circonstances, la décision de l'État était une précaution obligatoire de la situation de guerre stratégique.
Ömer Lütfi Taşcıoğlu La Primera Guerra Mundial fue una competición de repartimiento el saqueo de tierras otomanas entre las grandes potencias de la época. Los asaltos imperialistas venían por ambos lados. La defensa del Estado (Otomano) en el 'frente oriental' no era nada diferente de su defensa en la Península de Gallipoli en el occidente, en términos de la seguridad de todos los pueblos del país.
Entonces el gobierno no tenía más remedio que poner en vigor la práctica de deportación para evitar la rebelión, i.e: la traición, armenia, la que hoy suele ser simbolizada por la fecha del 24 de abril de 1915, el que también pasa a ser un día antes del 'desembarco británico en Gallipoli'.
El decreto de reubicación emitido por el Gobierno Otomano tenía la intención de impedir a los residentes locales apoyar, reforzar e instigar a los agresivos movimientos armenios, quienes voluntariamente estaban luchando por el ejército adversario (ruso) en contra a su propio país, siendo ellos mismos ya los ciudadanos del Imperio Otomano. Además de esto, en forma de unas bandas armadas que organizaban, estaban asesinando a las inocentes gentes turcas y/o musulmanas de la zona.
Esta decisión de recolocación temporaria resolvió también unos otros problemas dentro de las líneas de comunicación logísticas del ejército y las otras líneas de suministro, las que se impedían por éstas bandas.
Las pandillas armenias estaban apuñalando al ejército otomano por la espalda y los mutinos armenios causaban aun otros males como que torturaban y masacraban vergonzosamente a las mujeres, a los ancianos y a los niños en las casas turcas/musulmanes dejadas atras por los jóvenes de la casa, quienes entonces estaban ocupados luchando feroces batallas en las líneas del frente de una feroz guerra, lo que hacian aquellas bandas era exactamente una “limpieza étnica”, que en estas circunstancias, la decisión del estado era una precaución obligatoria del la situación estratégica bélica.

Abdurishid Yakup, Chris Lasse Däbritz, Fikret Turan, Gulshen Sakhatova, İbrahim Ahmet Aydemir, Julian Rentzsch, Melike Üzüm, Mevlüt Erdem, Nurettin Demir, Sema Aslan Demir, Sinan Güzel, Zhamila Arzybaeva Evidentiality has received in recent years great attention in studies with typological, descriptive, and functional approaches. However, a range of issues such as the evolution of evidentials by grammaticalization, evidential strategies, the communicative function of evidentials in interaction, and variations of evidentials in dialects need further investigation. To address this gap, this edited volume consisting of 12 chapters, jointly prepared by the Department of Contemporary Turkic Languages and Literatures at Hacettepe University and the Turcology Department at Johannes Gutenberg University, aims to contribute to the fields of semantics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, historical linguistics, and morphology by focusing on Turkic languages in the framework of evidentiality.
Bilginin nasıl elde edildiğine odaklanan kanıtsallık kategorisi son yıllarda ciddi ilgi görmektedir. Ancak kanıtsalların gelişimi, bilginin kaynağını bildirme stratejileri, sosyal etkileşimde kanıtsalların iletişimsel işlevi, yerel ve sosyal değişkelerdeki görünümleri gibi bir dizi konu hâlâ araştırılmayı beklemektedir. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü ile Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi Türkoloji Bölümünün iş birliğiyle hazırlanan bu kitap, 12 bölümde, farklı Türk dillerinden veriler yardımıyla kanıtsallık araştırmalarına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Fatma Kimsesiz This book serves as a guide for English teachers who teach at the pre-school and primary school levels, for preservice teachers who will teach English to young learners after graduation, and for bilingual parents who want to review pedagogical sources and practical samples, particularly for following an effective route in teaching English to young learners. The book introduces key concepts through definitions, explanations, and theoretical information with implementable and accessible activities and samples that can broaden the limits of classroom learning. Literally, the book presents general information about theoretical considerations relevant to the nature of language, syllabus design for English lessons and commonly used methods in teaching English to young learners with practical samples. Plus, techniques, principles, and materials needed to develop language skills in foreign language teaching and to improve vocabulary are focused. Exploring how to teach grammar in a comprehensible and remarkable way, classroom management, assessment techniques and the relationship between the language and culture in teaching English to young learners are also addressed. Last but not least, the book aims to encourage language teachers to consider interesting ways to make their classroom more colourful when teaching English as a foreign language to young learners.
Aşkın İnci Alaca Sökmen, Esra Güneşay Köse, Hatica Koçan Kılıç, İpek Z. Ruacan, Linjie Zhang, Maryam Khaleghinezhad, Pengfei Hou, Rehana Saeed Hashmi, Santosh Kumari, Valentin Quintus Nicolescu This booklet contains abstracts of the valuable papers presented by the participants, which approach the theme of the event from different dimensions and aspects and address the “failed state” phenomenon from various aspects. The order of the abstracts is based on the order of the sessions in the conference program. The first four studies approach the concept of failed state theoretically and conceptually and offer new and critical expansions. The following three studies address failed states and state fragility from historical, social, and political perspectives. The last four studies critically review failed states through discussions on intra- and interstate conflicts. With this order, the booklet aims to cover the subject in its focus in an orderly and meticulous manner.
Şant Manukyan, Umut Burak Geyikçi, C. Coşkun Küçüközmen, Utku Altınöz, Ayhan Yatbaz, Erdi Bayram, Erkan Saldır, Fatma İzmirli Ata, Hasan Hüseyin Yıldırım, İ. Emre Karaa , M. Banu Durukan , Mine Yılmazer , S. Baha Yıldız , Semra Taşpunar Altuntaş, Sertaç Fuad Karaağaoğlu , Tuğdem Saygın Yücel, Tuna Can Güleç, , Utku Altınöz , Ü. Hasan Gözkonan This is a precious book for the students of finance, economics and business administration who want to gain knowledge on financial institutions, calculations and markets. On the other hand I strongly recommend this book who want to learn these complicated topics in an easy way.
Dr. Mahfi Eğilmez

This book covers all topics related to financial management. The most important feature of the book is that it contains plenty of examples on each subject in order to facilitate students' comprehension. In addition, it will be easier to understand the unit as a whole with the end of the section evaluations consisting of classic and test questions. Many factors have been instrumental in the emergence of this book. First of all, there are over a hundred business management and similar departments providing education in English at universities in Turkey. Among the books taught in these schools, the number of financial management books written in English is extremely limited. Second, the English financial Management books used in these schools are of UK and North American origin. So theories, examples, practices are largely related to these countries. Third, financial management books written and sold in the UK and North America are very expensive, which is quite high for students studying in Turkey. Fourth, as a developing country, financial practices in Turkey, the financial structures and environment of companies are quite different from developed countries.
The challenges mentioned above are the main sources of motivation for writing this book. The faculty members involved in the book's writing are people who have experienced those challenges. All have a long educational background and besides they are involved in the financial markets and some of whom are in decision-making positions. Each of the sections contains real world and Turkey examples, values, current financial practices and new theories. The price of this book has been kept as low as possible. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to both our students and the economy of the country.
Financial managers, students, academicians and other interested in the financial sector will benefit from the theories, examples, problem solutions and recommendations contained in the book. We wish the book to be useful to students and all interested in finance.
Erdi Bayram, Ezgi Babayiğit Sunay, Fatih Mehmet Sancak, Göksel Karaş, Lale Yakupoğlu, M. Banu Durukan, Merve Perçin, Özer Özçelik, Semra Taşpunar Altuntaş, Süleyman Emre Özcan, Tolga Çağlayansudur, Tuna Can Güleç, Umut Burak Geyikçi This book covers all topics related to financial markets. Financial Markets and Institutions offers a distinct analysis of the risks faced by investors and savers interacting through financial institutions and financial markets. It also introduces strategies that can be adopted to control and manage risks. Each chapter is further enriched by providing topical coverage in Turkey context, followed by questions and mini-cases at selected chapters. Each chapter first gives an overiew and identifies learning objectives. Furthermore, we make abundant use of graphs and tables to give relevant people a comprehensive overview of the Turkey financial system.
This textbook's strong market focus and superior pedagogy are combined with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course. Combining theory, data and policy, this successful book examines and explains financial markets, financial infrastructures, financial institutions and the challenges of financial supervision and competition policy.
Financial Institutions are described in detail, as are the operation of the key markets, including the equity, bond, money, commodity and derivatives markets. Turkey's regulatory instutitions and strategies are described as well. This book also highlights the latest developments in Turkey's financial banking industry. The authors examine recent developments, among them the introduction of new laws.
Financial Markets and Institutions is an accessible book for both undergraduate and graduate students of Finance, Economics and Business Administration, financial managers, academicians and other interested in the financial sector. We wish this book will be useful to all students and those interested in finance.
Serpil Şahin, Servet Gülüm Şumnu, Haluk Hamamcı, Aslı İşçi, Özge Şakıyan This book covers fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and applications of this knowledge in unit operations in food and chemical industries. It is written as a textbook for undergraduate students, which fills the gap in the area of food engineering operations. There are numerous practical examples, problems and figures in the book to help students understanding the concepts in a better way. Physical properties of many food materials are also given in this book, which are not provided in most of the books in this area.
The book can be taught in a sequence of three fundamental and two design courses in undergraduate programs of Food Engineering Departments. This book will also be a reference for other engineering courses for both undergraduate and graduate students. Besides food engineering students, the material in the book may be of interest to people who are working in the field of Food Science, Food Technology, Biological Systems Engineering, Food Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Agricultural Engineering.
Nevzat Kalay Focus on Phrasal Verbs is a reference and practice book for intermediate and advanced level learners of English who want to improve their knowledge of phrasal verbs in English. The book contains a large number of phrasal verbs essential for examinations such as YDS, YÖKDİL, YDT, TOEFL, and IELTS.
Key features:
• Comprehensive coverage of phrasal verbs
• Turkish translations of sample sentences
• Consolidation in numerous tests
• Ideal for self-study or classroom use
Dilek Sürekçi Yamaçlı This book explains the basic concepts and applications of MATLAB for economics employing the following outline:
Chapter 1: What is MATLAB®? An Overview
Dive into the world of MATLAB® in this opening chapter, where you'll discover that MATLAB® is more than just software—it's a versatile computational environment specifically designed for engineers, scientists, and economists. Learn how its interactive, user-friendly interface empowers you to effortlessly perform complex calculations and create sophisticated models.
Chapter 2: Mathematical Operations in MATLAB®
Delve into the core of MATLAB® with its unparalleled mathematical capabilities. From basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, MATLAB® equips you to manipulate and analyse data effortlessly. These foundational skills serve as the building blocks for advanced modelling and analysis techniques.
Chapter 3: Plotting Operations
Visualization is key in economic modelling, and in Chapter 3, you'll explore MATLAB®'s proficiency in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional plotting. Witness how MATLAB®'s rich graphics capabilities allow you to present complex economic concepts in an accessible and insightful visual manner.
Chapter 4: Custom Functions
Discover the backbone of MATLAB®'s flexibility in Chapter 4. Learn to create your own functions with input and return arguments, fostering reusability and modularity in your economic models. These custom functions encapsulate your modelling logic, offering a powerful tool in your toolkit.
Chapter 5: Time Series Analysis
Unravel the intricacies of time-dependent economic data in Chapter 5. Explore stationarity tests, time series decomposition, and the application of least squares linear regression in MATLAB®. Equip yourself with the essential tools for analysing and predicting economic trends using ARIMA modelling and forecasting.
Embark on a comprehensive journey through MATLAB®, mastering the skills and techniques necessary for insightful economic modelling and analysis. Whether you're an engineer, scientist, or economist, this guide unlocks the full potential of MATLAB® for your economic insights.
Sedat Bostan It is possible, but rare, to transform the game of management into the art of wisdom and aesthetics, and to turn it into a human virtue.
Three pillars of management; It is a deep understanding, a strong will and a building power.
A good management team is a harmonious combination of reason, conscience and courage. Reason knows, conscience humanizes, courage builds.
Loyalty is the sign of friendship and merit is the sign of work.
Management can be a professional profession or a duty, in any case, it is a trust. Avoid 5 things if you want to maintain justice.
The manager should look from the opposite side wearing the moccasins of the parties to understand the reality, from above to see the integrity, and from the inside to know the details.
Necessity and incentive are essential for a work to come into being.
Emine Esra Kasapbaşı Our general chemistry laboratory book has been prepared for the use in Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Nutrition and Dietetics and Biology departments of science faculties' General Chemistry Laboratory courses.
Our book contains detailed information about experiments where students can apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in General Chemistry Laboratories and General Chemistry Courses. For this purpose, first of all, the rules to be followed in general chemistry laboratories, the points to be considered about the correct use of chemicals, the use and cleaning of laboratory materials and devices are explained.
After general information, preparation stages for each experiment, the key parts and detailed protocols for each experiment are given.
In this way, it is aimed that students learn the discipline of working in the laboratory and conduct experiments within the scope of general chemistry laboratories.
It is expected that the General Chemistry course, which is usually a 1st year course, will also help students to process other laboratory courses that they will be carried out in later years, by explaining the rules to be followed in the laboratory and the report writing technique.
Hasan Hüseyin Erbil A simple procedure has been found for the general solution of the time-independent Schrödinger Equation (SE) with the help of quantization of potential area in one dimension without making any approximation. Energy values are not dependent on wave functions. So, to find the energy values, it is enough to find the classic turning points of the potential function. Two different solutions were obtained, namely, symmetric, and antisymmetric in bound states. These normalized wave functions are always periodic. It is enough to take the integral of the square root of the potential energy function to find the normalized wave functions. If these calculations cannot be made analytically, they should then be performed by numerical methods. The SE has been solved for a particle in many one-dimension and the spherical symmetric central potential well as examples. The relative Dirac Equation is also solved. Their energies and normalized wave functions were found as examples. These solutions were also applied to the theories of scattering and alpha decay. The results obtained with the experimental values were compared with the calculated values. One was seen to be very fit.
Tezer Palacıoğlu There are basically three alternatives in order to sustain the march for developed but saturated and elderly populated economies (EU, USA, Japan etc) or take a strong place on the world stage again for the developing economies which had imperial experience in the history (China, Russia, Turkey, India etc);
i) Introduce high value-added products with new technology that will meet the purchasing demands of existing consumers and provide new benefits to them,
ii) Finding new markets,
iii) Both.
These requirements clearly explain the struggle to "grab a corner" in Africa which is expected to supply the majority of the world population growth until the next century. It is a geography that should be investigated seriously. Those who are late will likely be left out of the game.
However, due to the tough conditions in Africa, the lack of accurate and up-to-date resources for desk researches and the reluctance of researchers to carry out field studies in Africa reveal a great lack of information. It is hard, if not impossible, to find studies examining 54 countries of Africa with the shortest, practical and concrete data.
I hope this study, which is equipped with the information obtained from extensive domestic and foreign sources as well as the experiences gained in the field studies conducted in 8 African countries and the interviews with all segments of representatives from public and private sector, will cover this need. Despite focusing the issues within the scope of Turkey, the broad understanding of the Continent aims to make it useful to anyone who wants to explore Africa, regardless of the nationalities.
Tuğba Aslan This book is designed to investigate the underexplored phenomenon of gossip with an emic perspective in a nursing home in Türkiye, where the body of research on gossip so far is limited to quantitative questionnaire data or participant perception-based interview data. The book adopts an ethnomethodological approach, and the analysis draws on Sack's conversation analysis, to shed a light on the topics of gossip at a micro-analytic level. The contextual sequence analysis, draws the attention to the ways in which elderly interact non-institutionally in an institutional context, and how they place themselves as experts in the society by the aid of their active use of language (i.e. gossip), by focusing on topics of gossip, gossip as an element of appraisal, gossip as a connection tool, teacher's fluid identity, use of proverbs, and the existence of religion-morality in gossip talk.
Nevzat Kalay

Bilim ve teknolojinin baş döndürücü bir hızla geliştiği günümüzde çevirinin önemi gün geçtikçe daha da artmaktadır. Bu önemi yakalayabilecek yeterlilikte çeviri yapabilmek ise hem iş hem de eğitim hayatımızda gelişimimizin dinamosu olacaktır. Bu doğrultuda iyi çeviri yapabilmek için her şeyden önce iki dilin yapısının ve özellikle de kültürünün çok iyi bilinmesi gerekir. Buradan hareketle çeviriye bir kültür meselesi olarak bakmak sanırım yanlış olmayacaktır.


Bu çeviri sözlüğünde sosyal bilimlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan kelime ve özelliklede kelime gruplarına yer verilmiştir. Bu sözlük ile kullanıma sunulan kelime ve kelime grupları dilin yapısını yansıtmanın yanında dilin ait olduğu kültürü de yansıtmakta, kullanıcılara sağlıklı çevirilerin yapılabileceği uygun bir zemin hazırlamaktadır. Uzun yılların birikimi olan bu sözlükten sadece çeviri ile ilgilenenler değil İngilizceyle uğraşan herkes faydalanabilir.

Necati Yamaç Türkiye started to put the construction of a nuclear power plant on its agenda dating from 1965. Between 1977 and 2008, nuclear power plant tenders held at four different times failed. The first nuclear power plant agreement was finally signed in 2010. This was a historical turning point, breaking the vicious circle.
Why could Türkiye not launch nuclear power plant projects for half a century? Why did the tenders held remain at the level of initiative? While the countries with which Türkiye started its nuclear power plant journey have begun to export nuclear power plant technology, why is Türkiye late in this regard?
What has been done so far in the Akkuyu and Sinop Nuclear Power Plant Project? Does our country need a nuclear power plant? Is the electricity tariff expensive? How will radioactive waste be managed? What kind of work has been done for the development of the first nuclear power plant infrastructure program, the first domestic industry, and human resources? What was explained to the audience in the nuclear documentaries broadcast for the first time in Türkiye?
Is the world giving up on nuclear power plants? What is the attitude of countries such as Germany, Japan, the USA, and France?
Until 2010, this book, which explains why Türkiye could not construct a nuclear power plant by including newspaper archives, is the first work written on Türkiye's nuclear power plant journey. When you read the book, you will explore some facts that have remained in the dusty pages of history shed light on the present day.
Şanslı Şenol - Hakan Savaş Sazak - Ali Mert - Aslı Kılıç Günümüzde geleceğe dönük bilimin, istatistik altyapısına ve bilgi sistemine verdiği önemle birlikte Türkiye'deki üniversitelerde “istatistikçi” yetiştiren istatistik bölümlerinin sayısı da artmaktadır. İstatistik bölümlerinin bir kısmı yabancı dille ancak büyük bir çoğunluğu ise Türkçe istatistik lisans eğitimi yapmaktadır. Öte yandan “istatistikçi“ ünvanı ile mezun olan ancak birbirini anlayamayan istatistikçilerin onlardan beklenen verimliliği göstermelerinin çok zor olacağı açıktır. İstatistik kitaplarının çoğunluğunun İngilizce yazılmış olması göz önüne alındığında öğrenci ya da mezun tüm istatistikçiler için ortak bir İstatistik dili oluşturmanın gerekli olduğuna inandık. Bu elkitabını yazarken amacımız kısaca; İstatistik bölümlerinde okuyan ya da mezun olan tüm istatistikçiler için ortak bir İstatistik dili oluşturmak, İngilizce istatistik terimleri ile Türkçe istatistik terimleri arasındaki uyumu sağlamak için istatistikçilerin yararlanılabilecekleri ortak bir el kitabı yazmak
olarak özetlenebilir.
Alexander L. Pappas We are all on a journey of psychological and spiritual growth whether we are aware of it or not. Our journey will develop our consciousness ('soul') and provide us with 'tools' needed to deal with the inevitable existential dissatisfaction or suffering each one of us experiences.
This book conveniently provides the orientation needed for this most important journey of our lives, the spiritual journey of awakening, by providing:
• A summary of why virtually all religions and spiritual traditions are either dualistic paths of salvation or non-dualistic paths of liberation
• An introduction to the nature of the spiritual journey and why it is of value to all who take it: theists, atheists, agnostics
• A comprehensive discussion of the nature and meaning of God, Spirit and Soul, dualistically and nondualisticaly
• What is the mind and consciousness and how they are important aspects of the journey
• A review of traditional dualistic theology with its familiar concepts of heaven and salvation with a chapter on each of the three dualistic Abrahamic religions
• A unique comprehensive discussion of nondual 'theology' with its concepts of nirvana and liberation
• A review of a broad spectrum of eight nondual traditions: the first three mirror their dualistic Abrahamic roots: Kabbalah of Judaism, Christian mystics and the Sufis of Islam; the next three reflect the nondual traditions of Eastern thought: Hinduisms Vedanta/Yoga, Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism followed by the unique traditions of George Oshawa's' spiritual path of Macrobiotics and Theosophy.
Ömer Lütfi Taşcıoğlu Der 1. Weltkrieg war ein Machtkampf der Imperialmächte. Der Gegenstand diese Krieges war die Aufteilung des Osmanischen Reiches. Das Osmanische Reich währte sich in Çanakkale gegen den imperialistische Feind, und tat das gleiche an der Ostfront. Diese beiden fronten waren die wichtigsten Fronten zur Verteidigung des Vaterlandes. Um den armenischen Organisationen die zerstörerischen Aktivitäten zu unterbinden, ein Tag, am 25. April 1915, vor dem Einfall der englischen und französische Imperialisten auf der Halbinsel Gelibolu, hat das Osmanische Reich am 24. April 1915 notwendige Schritte eingeleitet. Diese Schritte waren Verteidigungsoptionen gegen den Einfall der Imperialmächte. Die Zwangsumsiedlung war ein Schritt, um die Fronten zu sichern und die Logistik der Fronten sicherzustellen. Die von den Taşnak organisierten Armenier haben zusammen mit der russischen Armee gekämpft, armenische Banden sind den Osmanischen Soldaten in den Rücken gefallen, sie haben die Verbindungswege der Fronten zwischen Ost und west sabotiert, Schienenwege und Nachrich- tenwege abgeschnitten, Aufstände angezettelt und türkische Dörfer überfallen, mit dem ziel einer Ethnischen Säuberung, während die Männer an der Front dienten. Unter diesen Umständen war der Beschluß des Osmanischen Reiches für eine Zwangsumsiedlung der Armenier, hinter den Kriegsfronten, eine unumgängliche Maßnahme.
Gökberk Durmaz An aging society and a stable economy have forced Japan to receive more immigrants and to open its doors to the world, in contrast to the nation's historical distancing away from internationalization and immigration. Although the country is struggling with a labor shortage in almost all sectors, the main target of its immigration policy has always been highly-skilled and low-skilled labor rather than unskilled ones. Historically, the country has tried many different ways to attract more qualified immigrants.
In the late 20th century, the country decided to increase the reputation of its universities and research institutions with research parks and science cities, which could be useful tools to enhance technology and knowledge transfer. In this context, Tsukuba Science City was created and promoted by the Japanese central government.
As this book argues, Japan is using science cities to attract more qualified, highly-skilled immigrants by facilitating them with a scientific environment. However, is it enough to attract international highly-skilled researchers with only physical infrastructure? What other factors can be effective in swaying people's decisions to immigrate? What do international immigrants really experience?
This book uncovers unheard voices of highly-skilled immigrants in Tsukuba Science City (Japan), which will help to understand the experiences of academic immigrants from the immigrants' views centered on a phenomenological perspective of social (cultural) anthropology. Only then, the role of highly-skilled immigrants in generating a Japanese science city could be truly understood.
Volha Korbut Salman The aim of this study is to provide an all-encompassing examination of historical crime fiction. The book constructs a multi-layered definition of historical crime fiction as a subgenre of crime fiction, traces its far from unidirectional history, frames its theoretical and structural paradigm grounded on the notion of generic flexibility, and analyses the body of diverse and far from univocal literary criticism on the subjects of mimesis, representation, and interpretation of historical truth. At the same time, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of two major types of historical crime fiction by means of an in-depth examination of Agatha Christie's Death Comes as the End (1944), as an embodiment of the first, traditional type of historical crime fiction, in which the incident is set in the ancient past, however the novel itself is written in modernity. The second type of historical crime fiction is exemplified through the analysis of Agatha Christie's Five Little Pigs (1942), as a specimen of trans-historical crime fiction, in which the past crime is narrativized by its former participants in the present. Josephine Tey's The Daughter of Time (1951) serves as an example of trans-historical crime fiction, in which a modern investigator re-opens a criminal case from the distant past, while Ahmet Ümit's To Kill a Sultan (2012) is examined as an embodiment of trans-historical mapping of a well-known historical murder onto an ordinary modern homicide case, as well as an example of historical crime fiction from beyond the boundaries of the anglophone world.
Ömer Lütfi Taşcıoğlu World War-I was a land grabbing effort among the imperialist powers of the time. The main prize was the vast lands belonging to the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Empire's defence in the Eastern Front is no different than its defence of the Gallipoli Peninsula in terms of security of all the peoples of the country.
The Ottoman Empire put into force the relocation practice in order to prevent the Armenian rebellion, which in our time is symbolized by the date of April 24, 1915, which also happens to be one day prior to the British landing in Gallipoli. The Ottoman Government's relocation decree intended to stop the local residents from aiding and abetting the Armenian volunteers who were fighting in the Russian army against their country and while armed Armenian bands were killing defenceless Turkish/Muslim people of the area. The Relocation decision also solved the problems of logistic army communication lines and supply lines being cut-off from behind.
Also, the Armenian gangs stabbed the Ottoman army in the back, disconnected the linkage between the eastern and western fronts, railway transportation and communication lines. The mutinous Armenians also instigated riots and horrifically tortured and massacred the Muslim women, elderly and children – similar to what would be considered ethnic cleansing in our day - while their young men were busy fighting ferocious battles in the front lines of the Ottoman Army. In these circumstances the decision of relocation was a compulsory war precaution.
Salih Kaya I am very happy to have such an opportunity to be helpfull to the potential Project Applicants. I am fully supporting Turkey's full membership process and IPA. Hope to see that we will be taking our real place at EUROPA. And therefore, some chapters and exampls are presented in English. On the other hand, in this book, you should not expect to find the same project you are considering. You should try to bring this idea (project) to a more acceptable stage with examples (operational knowledge/information). Following the trainings and conferences in various places on this subject, the book has been revised due to the intense requests I have received. In this process, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who did not spare their criticism and contributions.
Victoria Bilge Yılmaz In the world swarming with such issues like wars, ecological disasters, and lack of fresh water, famine, child labour and death, gender hierarchies, and serial murderer viruses, maybe the only thing that helps people endure and survive is humour. Humour is an indispensable element of a human life. It is, indeed, some kind of a cure for human beings' survival in a desolate world replete with grand issues that harm people psychologically and spiritually.
Being aware of humour's potential strength to change people's mood, ancient Greek philosophers, literary critics, poets and writers from all ages conceptualised and employed humour in their works. The aim of this study is to provide a brief overview of the concept of humour throughout ages from ancient eras to the modern day. Furthermore, it provides some examples of literary works from English and Russian literature and scrutinises various tools and functions of humour in these works.
A versatile poet of the Restoration period and an heir to Milton's talents, John Dryden (1631-1700) exhibits his confidence in an employment of humour in his works. Dryden draws political portraits through his refined technique and supreme control of verses.
Russian literature cannot be defined without Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), an unfortunate doctor with a great talent to produce short stories and plays. Although Chekhov's plays have become milestones in realist theatre in the West, his most memorable contribution to Russian literature was his prose fiction. Despite the framework of social issues in his short stories, Chekhov appears to entertain readers by his unprecedented ability to convey his sense of humour.
Goaded by the restricted condition of denigrated women in her community and throughout the world, Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) addresses the whole world by aspiring to represent women's voices. Despite the pervading hue of feminism and depression in her works, Woolf sometimes includes a breath of humour in some of her works.
Victoria Bilge Yılmaz, Mehmet Yalçınkaya Although Turkish culture has a unique sense of humor, humor culture has changed with the change of space and culture. Therefore, we found it appropriate to examine Turkish literature under the titles of Pre-Islamic Turkish Literature, Turkish Folk Literature, Old Turkish Literature and New Turkish Literature while addressing the adventure of humor in the history of Turkish literature.
We have included the concepts of irony, parody and satire, which are frequently used together with humor or as sub-types of humor in Western literature in order to determine the effect of the Western sense of humor on the Turkish literature's sense of humor. While pointing to the historical development of these concepts, we also tried to identify their samples in the Turkish humor tradition. We tried to determine the counterparts of these genres in the Turkish novel, which is on the verge of innovation, by considering especially the literature of the Second Constitutional Period, in which the Turkish culture was in touch with the West. Therefore, we mentioned the changes of humor and the concepts related to humor in the history of Turkish literature and during the Second Constitutional Period, in which the influence of Western literature was strongly felt, the new meanings that humor concept has gained. As a result, we dealt with the author's purpose in using humor, the form that the author uses in creating humor and the issues criticized through humor.
We also included a chapter on humor in English literature to juxtapose the comic effect in English and Turkish literature. This chapter on humor in English literature helps to envision the sense of humor in Western tradition and see the similarities between English and Turkish literary works in terms of comedy and humor.
Ali Günyaktı, Ayşen Günyaktı Hydromechanics text is mainly used by the undergraduate civil engineering students. It includes small amount of theory but a large amount of application of the conservation principles to the problems related with hydromechanics.
Water is essential for human being, animals, vegetation, and wild life. They use water mainly for drinking, cleaning, irrigation, energy production, recreation, and watering the livestock. About 70 percent of the fresh water is used for irrigation purposes in Turkey. However, fresh water resources are commonly far away from the location where it is needed. Therefore, the transfer of water is a must between such two locations. The transfer of water from the source point to the required position is performed by means of closed conduits under pressure or open channels having free surface under atmospheric pressure. Water transportation in pipe systems may include pumps or turbines and some control apparatus which must be encountered in energy equations.
This book uses the basic principles of the Fluid Mechanics for the design of the closed conduits and open channel systems necessary for the transfer of water between two points. Many solved examples are supplied for better understanding the way of using the theory explained in each chapter. There are also many problems at the end of each chapter similar to the examples supplied beforehand. They may be solved as homework by the students or to check their knowledge about the explained theory in each chapter.
Şaban Halis Çalış Despite its standing in world politics, there is still a paucity of academic publications concerning Turkish foreign policy. In addition, most of the existing publications prefer only to narrate it historically.
This book takes a step back and critically analyses the factors and actors which affect Turkish foreign policy within a theoretical and conceptual framework as well as a historical setting covering the Kemalist period in particular. In addition, this book presents its subject matter from a broader and longer perspective, taking together both material and ideational phenomena, all the while focussing on the ideas, ideologies and norms which are ignored by many analysts of Turkish politics.
Turkish foreign policy of the past and even up to the present appears to be a product of certain “foundations” that were laid down by the Kemalist leadership and cadres after the establishment of the Turkish Republic. However, this book reviews these foundations comparatively with the Ottoman modernisation period including as well certain detailed references to the classical age of the Empire in order to demonstrate that there are not so much epistemological ruptures between past and present in a broader sense.
Muhammed Fatih Cevher Sosyal medyanın günlük yaşantımızın büyük kısmında yer alması, hayatlarımızın ve alışkanlıklarımızın da değişmesine sebep olmaktadır. Günümüzde insanların, hem kendilerini ifade edebilecekleri hem de birçok açıdan ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecekleri sosyal medya mecralarına gittikçe artan bir tutku ile bağlandıkları açıkça görülmektedir. Firmalar açısından ise bu mecralar, müşterilere ulaşan etkili ve hızlı bir yol olmanın yanı sıra uygun maliyetleri ile cazip bir pazarlama stratejisi hâlini almıştır.
Sosyal medya ve onun getirdiği değişimler, bugünün şartlarında hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemekte ve pazarlama alanında da kendini göstermektedir. Kitap, esas itibariyla sosyal medya üzerinden yapılan pazarlamaya odaklanmakla beraber sosyal medyada ün kazanmış kişiler (fenomenler) üzerinden yapılan pazarlamayı da ele almaktadır. Son yıllarda sosyal medya fenomenlerinin, firmalarla anlaşarak etkileyici güçlerini pazarlamaya kaydırmaları ile ortaya çıkan “influencer marketing” kavramı da kitapta detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmaktadır. Tüketici davranışları konusu, tüketici algısı ve satın alma niyetleriyle birlikte anlatılmış ve sosyal medya fenomenlerinin bu konuda etkinliği örnek bir uygulamayla açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Önde gelen bazı sosyal medya uygulamalarının kullanımına dair tavsiyeler de veren kitap, bu alanda kendini geliştirmek isteyen kişilere farkındalık kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca kitap, uygulama kısmı ile bu alanda çalışmak isteyen akademisyenlere ve bu stratejileri kullanarak firmalarını geliştirmek isteyen işletme sahiplerine de fayda sağlayacak bir kaynak olarak sunulmaktadır.
Adem Özdemir, Ahmet Ferda Çakmak, Ali Soltani Shirazi, Alper Tunga Şen, Ayşegül Acar, Bahar Aşçı, Buket Arslan, Fatma Zehra Tan, Hülya Akdemir Cengiz, Ozan Büyükyılmaz, Sinan Yılmaz In order to fulfill their goals of staying current with the information and technology age, developing skilled and flexible workers for tomorrow's enterprises, and bringing attention to the work of educators in our educational institutions, all of the writers in this work have joined forces. Our book's chapter names are consistent with one another and work toward the book's overall development.
Ayşe Kızıldağ, Emrah Dolgunsöz, Fatma Kimsesiz, Güliz Turgut Dost, Hüsnü Ceylan, Mehmet Tunaz, Ogultumar Hezretkuliyeva, Samet Taşçı, Selma Deneme Gençoğlu, Ufuk Özen Baykent, Yıldız Turgut This book primarily focuses on the profound significance of reading skills in the context of foreign language instruction. In the chapters ahead, you will embark on a journey of explorations into the remarkable impact of reading in a foreign language regardless of your role as a language learner, an educator, or a researcher. In the pages that follow, you will explore strategies for effective reading, the role of different genres in language acquisition, and how literature can serve as a mirror to our experiences while opening doors to new horizons that reflect the contribution of literary aids designed through computer-mediated tools.
Abdullah Özkale As a critical concept for modern world, financial literacy has rational popularity, especially in developed countries. However, it is essential that it should be focused on financial literacy education to expand the domain. This book aims to present educational tasks focusing on financial literacy skills related to mathematics courses. The tasks indicate how mathematical skills have relations with financial literacy and develop a financial understanding.
Neither mathematics nor finance consists only of numbers. The tasks aim not only to solve financial problems with mathematical tools but also to realize mathematical and financial understanding by internalizing financial concepts. This book gives an opportunity through the tasks to understand how the financial literacy framework was formed at an early age, and how the financial understanding of children develops.
This book targets teachers, children K-12, and their parents. You can follow the financial development of the children while you are trying to handle the tasks enjoyable. It is a more rational way to expect individuals to develop their financial literacy skills from early ages, and make optimal financial decisions by spreading their financial behaviors in conscious into their lives.
Özden Özlü Globalization's impact has redefined international relations by reshaping strategies, actors, and methods across sectors. Governments no longer wield sole authority; NGOs and corporations engage in global affairs, addressing political, economic, and cultural disparities. "The Conceptual Convergence Between International Public Relations and Public Diplomacy" illuminates this evolving communication landscape, offering insights for practitioners, scholars, and students. Exploring strategies, practices, and challenges, the book delves into historical roots, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary cases, showcasing the intertwining of international public relations and public diplomacy. This fosters a profound understanding of intricate dynamics shaping the global landscape. Amid evolving times, effective communication's role in nurturing understanding, trust, and cooperation remains pivotal. A vital resource for navigating international public relations and diplomacy intricacies, the book contributes to a harmonious, interconnected world.
Hasan Hüseyin Aygül, Erdal Eke Turkey is a country at the heart of global and regional crises as well as the migration incident, which is a fundamental characteristic of human history. In accordance with its history, culture, and social fabric, Turkey has been home to the world's largest immigrant/refugee/asylum-seeker population. Humanitarian aid provided to these migrant groups, which make up about 5% of the country's population, makes Turkey the largest donor country. In the particular case of Turkey, migration is not only a matter of identification and classification, but also a multidisciplinary phenomenon that needs to be addressed within the framework of understanding.
This work produced by scholars from 16 universities in six different areas in theoretical and applied studies (such as History, Public Administration, Law, International Relations, Education, Economics, Sociology, Health Services, Geography, and Communication) discusses at length the phenomenon of migration in Turkey by combining historical and current views.
This book, examining the phenomenon of migration in multidimensional terms from the window of the 21st century, contributes to the relevant literature together with the dynamism of the collective power in scientific production and reveals the historical mission of Turkey.