Yabancı Dilde Yayınlar \ 1-5
Katja Maaß, Oliver Strasser, Laura Wanckel, Gökhan Kaya, Metin Sardağ, Buket Akkoyunlu, Gültekin Çakmakçı
Aydan Irgatoğlu, Erkan Yüce, Fatma Kimsesiz, Feyza Nur Ekizer, Gamze Çubukçu, Gizem Özlem Yurtoğlu, Gülşah Öz, Özge Gümüş, Özkan Kırmızı, Songül Taş, Zeynep Çetin Köroğlu The collection of various issues in the teaching of English language into one volume, 'A Contemporary Perspective on English Language Teaching' will inspire students and recently qualified teachers to think about and reflect on the aspects so that they can make a reasoned and informed decision about their teaching. In light of the most recent developments in foreign language teaching and learning, this book's objective is to explore current ELT concerns with experimental studies. This comprehensive book written by experts in field intends to be beneficial both to English language teachers and learners by offering a review of current ELT challenges.
In an effort to assist..
Baver Okutmuştur This book has been prepared in accordance with the programs of Basic
Mathematics I, Analysis I or Calculus I courses which are taught at the undergraduate level of the Faculties of Science and Engineering as well as the Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The book covers brief descriptions of the theorems, and focusses particularly on exercises with their solutions. While these exercises support the relevant topics and theorems, they are prepared to support the readers on related courses and help them prepare for exams. The content of the book is as follows: The concepts of limit and continuity for functions of one (real) variable, derivative and differentiability, applications of derivative, optimization problems, inverse-derivative concept and sketching graphs of functions.
Hakan Yıldız Thanks to this diary written by a janissary clerk about 1711 Pruth Campaign, it is a probability that we have the opportunity to know better than the historian of the period.
While setting off the final campaign as a janissary who served for 55 years, the Janissary Clerk Hasan embraced the paper and quill to create a witness for the history, not only as a part of his job.
He recorded the campaign starting from the announcement of the war and to the thorough political evaluation of the period in an international scale: The campaign march, arrival at the battle zone, accommodation, battles, influx of serdengeçtis, desertion of soldiers, chasing off the enemy and signing a peace treaty…
Having mentioned about those who had neglected and disregarded their duties and obligations and were sentenced after the war and about the diplomacy processes with Russia, the Janissary Clerk Hasan puts an end to his words by expressing that: “I would like those who has the knowledge and read this diary to remember me with blessings, and to complete the deficiencies in my words and correct and cover up my mistakes.”

The Janissary Clerk Hasan was born as a son of a father who had also served as a janissary and followed the path of his father. He became a janissary in 1656-1657 and was promoted to the position of janissary clerk after having participated in Kamenice Campaign in 1672 and Uman Campaign in 1674. He was appointed to Crete in 1682 and served in various provinces of the island for 12 years. Between the years of 1694 and 1697, he served in Lesbos and between the years of 1697 and 1704 in Euboea. He was promoted to the office of Janissary Clerk in Istanbul in 1704. He participated in Pruth Campaign in 1711 despite of his grand old age and wrote about his campaign memories constituting this book.
Abdullah Said Arı, Alejandro Marambio-Tapia, Alem Kebede, Benjamin Kerst, Deborah Giustini, İbrahim Kuran, Jonathan Leif Basilio, Julia Seefeld, Kent E. Henderson, M. Onur Arun, Matthias Meißner, Necdet Yıldız, Silke Tophoven, Wai Lau A Quest for Justice stands as a competently curated work by two promising academics who, with courage, have embraced the critical social sciences tradition —a need that resonates strongly in contemporary justice studies. Justice remains a never-ending exploration, an expedition not only driven by the functional necessities that keep civilizations standing but also rooted in one of humanity's most primal values. A Quest for Justice conveys this complex notion implicitly, resonating from its very title to its closing words.
With its diverse approaches from political sociology, social policy, and political philosophy, the book delivers a robust and systematic collection of genuine and plausible ideas. Crafting a tapestry of theoretical and praxis-oriented insights, scholars from Turkey, the United States, Germany, Chile, Belgium, and the United Kingdom lay bare the difficulty of ensuring justice amid the myriad social maladies our societies face today. This volume transcends traditional paradigms, interweaving theory and practice, inviting readers to reflect, engage, and act in the ongoing pursuit of a living justice.

Judge Engin Yıldırım, The Constitutional Court of Türkiye
Esra Tarlan Demirbaş İtalya'da 17. yüzyılda ilk uygulama örnekleri görülen hayat sigortacılığı, 20. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru Türkiye'ye gelmiştir. Ülkemizde uygulanmaya başlanmasıyla birlikte, hayat sigortası poliçelerinin pazarlanması, hizmet pazarlaması için 1990'ların başında oldukça güncel bir konu olmuştur. Bahsi geçen yıllarda tüketicilerin hayat sigorta poliçesi ürününü seçerken karar verme yöntemlerini, poliçeleri seçme ve satın alma davranışlarını ve pazarda yeni görülen bu ürünle ilgili bilgi seviyelerini gösteren ampirik araştırma sonuçlarının da yer aldığı bu kitabın ilk bölümlerinde, hizmet pazarlaması ve sigorta hizmetlerinin pazarlanması konuları da detaylıca incelenmiştir. Kitabın, hizmet pazarlaması ve sigorta hizmetlerinin pazarlanması konularının yanı sıra hayat sigortacılığının yeni görülmeye başlanacağı az gelişmiş ve/veya orta alt gelişmiş ülkeler için de yol gösterici olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Life insurance products which emerged in Italy in the 17th century, appeared in Türkiye towards the end of the 20th century. Accordingly, the marketing of life insurance services became a hot topic for service marketing, in the early 1990's. Findings of the empirical research on consumers' decision-making process of life insurance services that was conducted in those years, take place in this book besides the conceptual study on the marketing of services and life insurance services. This book is not only a valuable source for the development of Turkish life insurance sector, but also a valuable guide for countries where life insurance products would emerge.
Nevzat KALAY Academic Vocabulary, akademik sözcükler üzerinde yoğunlaşan bilgilendirici, öğretici ve test edici kapsamlı bir kaynaktır.

Kitap, sistematik bir şekilde öğreten ve test eden yüzlerce cümle ve sorulardan oluşan bölümlere ayrılmıştır. Temel bölümler kendi içerisinde aşamalı olarak alt bölümlere ayrılmış ve kolaydan zora doğru sistemli bir yol takip edilmiştir. Cümleler hedef sözcüğün bağlam içerisinde kullanımını öne çıkaracak şekilde oluşturulmuş ve eşdizimsel yapılar (collocations) içinde verilmiştir. Bu şekilde sözcüklerin zihinde kalıcı olması kolaylaştırılmıştır.

Ülkemizde yapılan YDS, YDT gibi dil sınavlarına ve TOEFL, PTE, CAE, IELTS gibi uluslararası nitelikli İngilizce yeterlik sınavlarına hazırlayan bir temel kaynak olmasının yanı sıra sözcük bilgisi eksikliğinden dolayı akademik metinleri takip edemeyen akademisyenler için de bir başucu kitabı niteliğindedir. Kitap ayrıca İngilizce ile uğraşan okurlara ve dil öğretmenlerine de kaynaklık teşkil edecektir. Özellikle ülkemiz okurunun sözcük gereksinimleri ön planda tutularak hazırlanmış olması bakımından da oldukça önem taşımaktadır.
Ahmet Şahiner, Bora Acarkan, Durukan Erdoğan, Gizem Özdemir, Halil İbrahim Gökdoğan, İrem Özsoy, Kenan Yiğit, M. Emin Şahin, Muhammad Wasim Awan, Muhammet Raşit Sancar, Umut Özkaya
Nevzat Kalay İletişim ve ulaşım teknolojilerinin insanları hem mekânsal hem de kültürel olarak birbirine yaklaştırdığı günümüzde ortak bir iletişim platformu eğiliminde olan İngiliz dilinde iletişim kurabilmek önemli bir bireysel beceri hâline gelmiştir. Bilim ve teknolojiyi yakalayarak ve üreterek refah düzeyine ulaşmaya çalışan ülkemizde bu beceri daha da önemli hâle gelmektedir.
Bir dilden başka bir dile çeviri yapmak zaman zaman zor olabilmektedir. Ancak doğru rehber ve yönlendirme ile bu süreç daha kolay ve anlaşılır hâle gelebilir.
İnsanların düşüncelerini İngilizce olarak yazılı ve sözlü bir şekilde ifade edebilmesini ya da İngilizce olarak yazılanları ve konuşulanları Türkçeye çevirebilmesini kolaylaştırmaya yönelik olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, konuya ilgi duyan herkese faydalı olacaktır.
Erkut Akkartal This book explains with examples how the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods, contributes to the Logistics and Supply Chain decision processes. After the decision criteria are determined for the decisions to be made in the logistics processes, the alternatives are compared on the basis of criteria and the result is reached. Although numerical results are deterministic, person's experience, perception and company/individual selection policies also play a role in preference. The examples in the book are from the purchasing, warehousing and distribution legs of Logistics. Undoubtedly, the AHP method can be improved with fuzzy logic and other sophisticated methods, but here, examples are presented in the context of how a selection process can be transformed into an analytical thinking process in the simplest sense, and advanced techniques that can be used are left to the reader. It is aimed to keep in mind by reconsidering the theoretical dimension for each example. Each example is handled step-by-step and supported by detailed tables before the data is entered into the sofrware.

Rima Canpolat, Ayşe İrem Erçetin, Büşra Ayşe Erşen, Melih Yeter, Ali Oğuzkan Toprakçı, Berke Çakmak, Berke Odabaş, Deniz Başaran, Simge Atlı, Burak Kulaksız, Bora Avcı, Görkem Göral, Su Kaya, İrem Çörüz, Nuri Berk Gül, Kutay Duru, Arıkan Aydınoğlu, Recep Taş, Özge Temur, Ceren Pala, Mehmet Emir Eser, Simay Koçak, Büşra Doğan, Canberk Sadullahoğlu, Oğulcan Yılmaz, Koray Bedir Küçük, Fatih Yiğithan Şentürk, Gaye Çiftçi, Onur Arlı, Melis Odabaş, Ali Haydar Yıldız, Özge Turan, Oğul Tan Atak, Özge Şenler, Cem Özel, Bora Bektaş, Ruhican Bilal, Uğur Onar, Aslıhan Sancak, Berke Alçık, İlke Yamaç, Kemal Gezici
Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı, Can Bekaroğlu, Güneş Topçu, Havva Nur Atalay, Mesut Öztırak, Mustafa Coşar, Recep Yücel, Şebnem Yücel In the wake of this exploration into the intersection of artificial intelligence and corporate governance, a profound understanding emerges—a realization that the future of business decision-making lies at the nexus of human ingenuity and technological innovation.
As these chapters conclude, they stand as guiding pillars for enterprises navigating the uncharted terrain of AI integration. The intricate blend of legal nuances, ethical dilemmas, and technological advancements presented herein provides a roadmap for organizations aiming to harness AI's transformative potential.
However, this journey extends beyond these pages. The evolution of AI in corporate governance remains an ongoing narrative, shaped by the collective efforts of scholars, innovators, and policymakers. This book sparks discourse, serving as a catalyst for continued exploration and innovation in this dynamic landscape.
May the insights shared here kindle curiosity, foster critical dialogue, and inspire action toward a future where human expertise and technological brilliance harmoniously elevate corporate governance.
As this chapter closes, the saga persists. The AI Renaissance beckons, urging bold pioneers to shape the future of corporate governance.
Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey.
Bilal Kılıç The unprecedented expansion of civil aviation over the past three decades drives the demand for new employees (e.g., commanders, first officers, cabin crew, dispatchers, loadmasters, and technicians). The training of these employees plays a vital role regarding safety. Researchers have focused attention sharply on aviation safety and the resulting demand for qualified employees.
Learning from failures, accidents and incidents is the capability of an organization or individuals to obtain information and knowledge from past events and transfer these into measures and safety actions that will help avoid reoccurrences and improve safety in the related industry.
Aircraft Accident Investigation: Learning from Human and Organizational Factors provides a complete overview of the contributing factors to accidents and incidents in aviation and fundamentals of aircraft accident investigation. While the book in your hands may be used in the form of a reference source at universities in terms of its contents, it may also be used in the recurrent trainings of airlines as a supplementary source. It is also a source of reference that may be individually used by those who are interested in aviation for the purpose of learning about the investigation methods and causes of accidents that have been experienced.
Ali Günyaktı, İbrahim Gürer Hydropower being a renewable and clean energy has an important aspect for the future energy demand in the world. In Turkey, as the urbanization and industrialization increase parallel to the increase in population there will be more and more need for electric energy in future. For the development of a hydropower project some diagnostic and feasibility studies are required. There are technical and environmental objectives that must be satisfied for each project. The size of a hydropower project should be decided according to the local hydrological resources. A well designed installation can satisfy many demands under acceptable financial and environmental conditions besides technical issues.
In this book, a wide ranges of topics are covered. They include the evaluation of water resources with their viability, local conditions for fixing the type of system, theory for engineering works, economic constrains and the elements of a feasibility study, environmental impact and appropriate countermeasures, and the selection of turbines to suit various discharges and heads.
This book has been prepared for civil engineering students who take the hydropower course during undergraduate and graduate education (studies). Many solved examples are provided for better understanding the theoretical parts. There are various problems given at the end of each chapter to be solved by students as homework or to check their knowledge about the theoretical explanation given in the book.
A. Melih Yanmaz Provision of water resources plays an important role in the development of the socio-economic status of a country. Limited land and fresh water resources are subject to continuous contamination and are to be conserved against increasingly growing demands of various kinds by implementing several structural measures and by developing wise watershed management policies. Environmental impacts of all types of structural and non-structural measures are to be assessed jointly in the long term in order to maintain sustainable development of land and water resources.
There are a limited number of reference books in the worldwide literature in the field of water resources engineering since it is too ambitious to confine various aspects of this field in a single book. Actually, there are many books, which cover only a single, or few chapters of this discipline. In this book, it is intended to present only the fundamental aspects of some important topics of water resources engineering. Descriptive fluid mechanics and the subject matter of hydrology are not covered in the book as the reader is assumed to have basic notions in these areas. Chapters include concise information about the planning, design and construction of water resources systems as well as economical aspects and currently practiced specifications. A number of solved and exercise problems are presented at the end of each chapter in SI units.
Metin Boşnak The portrayal of women in mythology, folklore, and literature as discordant palimpsests of universal realities canonizes patriarchal dicta, which the cherubim of politics, literature, and hermeneutics scrape clean and reinscribe as often as is necessary. In this book, Dr. Boşnak analyzes from a feminist perspective the origins of overt and covert misogyny in various works of nineteenth-century American literature: Washington Irving's “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Wife”, Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, and The Blithedale Romance, Henry James' The Bostonians, and The Turn of the Screw. Yoked together, the American writers champion the recurrent mythic patterns of the archetypal women in the Western canon: the pre-lapsarian and post-lapsarian Eve (Eve before and after the Fall) and that of Lilith (the Dark Lady). Tracing themes and motifs in American literature to their archetypes, Dr. Boşnak deconstructs claims about the “uniqueness” of American culture and letters.
Metin Boşnak is a published poet, essayist, and scholar of Comparative Literature and American Studies at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
Rıza Karabağ ... (1890-1901 Anadolu coğrafyasına, özellikle de Amasya bölgesine; 1905-1908,1818-1920 Azarbaycan’ın bir çox şeher ve kendlerine yapılan köçlerden sonra] Sonuncu köç 1988-ci ilda oldu. Man bu sürgünü on yeddi yaşımda yaşadım. İlk qanlı layihalari “Xocalı” soyqırımı kimi bizi da soyqırım edib bizi mahv etmak idi. Amma o zaman Ermanistan’ın prezidenti Ağambekyan idi. Qış aylarında bir neça dafa Ermanilarin kandlarimiza tank va toplarla hücumu xabarini eşitdik. Har dafa xabar eşidanda dağlara qaçıb meşada gizlanirdik. İki metra yaxın qar yağırdı. Hücum hitandan sonra kandlarimiza qayıdardıq. Bu hücumlar bizi köç etmaya macbur etdiran hadalama siyasati idi. Çünki onlar (Aqambekyan hökumati) bizi sakitca uzaqlaşdırmaq qararına galmişdirlar. Üç ay çarasiz vaziyyatda mübariza apardıq. Evimizi tark etmak istamirdik. Yena da sonuncu dafa xabar galdi ki, Ermanilar tank va toplarla kandlarimiza hücum edib. Çaykand Şahar Sovet Sadirliyi (Baladiyya başçısı) Aftandil, Ağambekyan rahbarliyina bu hücumları dayandırılması üçün telefon edir va mahs bundan sonra hücumlar dayandırılır. Amma Ermanilar bir geca bizim kandimiza (Qarakaya) basçın etdilar. Biza tapşırdılar ki, buranı sassiz tark edak. Ermanilar, Ermanistan’ın bir çox bölgalarinda Türk kandlarina basçın edarak, camaatını tandirlarda yandıraraç çatla yetirdilar. Biz yurdumuzu tark etmasaydik, bizim da başımıza bu müsübatlar galacakdir. Taxminan on min ahalisi olan Qaraqoyunlu bölgasinin kandlari (Taxminan beş yüz min tüm günümüzdeki Ermenistan/Garbi Azerbaycan/İrevan Xanlığı bölgesinin Türk ahalisi) bir neça günda arzinda dağıdılaraç yox oldu. Bu, tam bir falakat idi. Ailamiz va çohumlarımız ila berabar atamın yük maşınına minib çaçdıç. Ovvalca Qazax, sonra Gadabaya galdik. Qaraqoyunlu ahalisi bir-iki aila birlaşarak yük maşınlarına minarak çaçırdılar. Geca çafil çaçdığımız üçün evimizi, torpağımızı, heyvanlarımızı va har şeyimizi çoyub çaçdıç. Bir neça gün Gadabayda çadırda yaşadıç. Sonra bizi Ermanilar tarafindan boşaldılmış Barumbarsum kandindaki Ermani evina yerlaşdirdilar. Digarlari İsa Ermani kandi olan Çardaklıya yerlaşdirildi. Bundan başça, onların çoxu Bakı, Sumçayıt kimi şaharlarda maskunlaşdılar. Ermanilar kanddan çıxanda heyvanları da daxil olmaçla har şeyi apardılar. Azarbaycan hökumati bizi Ermani evina yerlaşdirmakdan başça biza heç bir kömaklik göstarmadi. Farçli madaniyyata malik bu Ermani kandina va evlarina alışmadıç, çabul etmadik,, uyğunlaşa bilmadik. Bir neça ay çaldıçdan sonra ailalikca
Sumçayıt’a köçdük va tanış olmayan bir (şahar) hayata sıfırdan başladıç”.
Nevzat Kalay Basic Vocabulary is a vocabulary book for elementary to intermediate level learners of English. It is designed for both classroom and self-study use.

Basic Vocabulary
• Includes words from the New General Service List.
• Systematically presents the most common and important basic words.
• Presents collocations in which the target words are used.
• Offers a variety of activities to build vocabulary.
Ahmet Erkasap, Burcu Aydın Küçük, Cihat Kartal, Cumali Kılıç, Gözde Mert, İlker İbrahim Avşar, Kerem Kaptangil, Muhsin Halis, Mustafa Coşar, Nur Çağlar Çetinkaya, Recep Palamutoğlu, Serdar Çakan, Taylan Tutkunca, Ufuk Karadavut, Yağmur Yavuz, Yu-Feng L. Lee Businesses that use blockchain technology are undergoing a revolutionary transformation in data storage, digital transactions, and customer relationship management. This technology also represents a significant shift in business processes, with long-term implications for economic progress and sustainability. Blockchain technology provides numerous benefits to the parties because it allows transactions to be made in a decentralized and distributed structure without the use of intermediaries. In this regard, it is worthwhile to investigate the relationship of this technology with various fields. The implications of blockchain technology for innovative business processes and long-term sustainability, as well as how it leads to change, are examined in this book. In this book, we will learn about business processes, organizational structures, sustainable development effects, Industry 4.0 and its relationship with the product, government approaches, supply chains, behavioral advertising, data management, food cold chain management, dirty money relationships, and ethical considerations, among other things. The book, which examines the relationship of blockchain technology to various topics, provides valuable information for readers who are interested in the subject by touching on various aspects of technology, and it also explains what activities businesses can implement by implementing this technology.
Abdullah Arslan, Alaaddin F. Paksoy, Antonios Alexandridis, Bezen Balamir Coskun, Chrysanthi Athanasiadou , Deniz Halman Tomaka, Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, Effie Charalampaki, Eirini Aikaterini Barianaki, Erman Ermihan, Hazel Çağan Elbir, Ioanna M. Kostopoulou , Ioannis Choulis, Jegar Delal Tayip, Kleopatra Moditsi, Marius Mehrl, Mary Drosopulos, Müge Dalkıran, Nur Sinem Kourou, Polen Türkmen, Ronald Meinardus, Selin Siviş, Yvonni Efstathiou This book is a labor of love inspired by the continuous interaction and interaction between young Greek and Turkish participants in numerous forums that the two editors have nurtured for close to a decade. In an international order dominated by hostility, distrust and negative stereotypes, dialogues across borders are a positive response. The conflict between Greece and Turkey is considered one of the most complex conflicts in Europe, and possibly beyond. For decades, the bilateral strife has repeatedly led insecurity as well as periodic violence and war. Also, in this part of the world, the past weighs heavily on the present. What happened long ago determines what happens today and may stand in the way of a peaceful future, or even in imagining one. Conflicts bedevil the bilateral relationship on multiple fronts. As in other cross-border rivalries, we are witnesses to dynamic developments as new contentious issues have emerged to complicate the agenda.
With an eye on what the two sides can do together; this book presents original research co-written by at least one Greek and one Turkish scholar with the objective to provide policy recommendations that could help in bridging the gaps to enhance Greek-Turkish dialogue and cooperation.
Salim Razı - Nalan Razı - Gülay Erdem - Nalan Bayraktar Balkır - Mustafa Tekin

Campus Grammar üniversite öğrencileri ve gençlere Avrupa Konseyi Dil Projesi “Common Erupean Framework” (CEF) A1 seviyesinde dil eğitimi vermeyi amaçlayan Campus Life kitabını bütünleyen bir çalışmadır. Konu başlıkları üniversite müfredatıyla uyumlu olan kitaptaki konular,karakterler Socrates programıyla Türkiye’yi ziyarete gelen öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Ziyaret ortamı Türk örencilerininkine benzer bir biçimde hazırlanarak İngilizcenin yüksek bir motivasyon ile öğrenilmesini sağlamaktadır. 20 modülden oluşan kitapta Workbook ve Tape Scripts mevcuttur.

Dinçay Köksal Campus Life A1 üniversite öğrencileri ve gençlere Avrupa Konseyi Dil Projesi “Common Eropean Framework” (CEF) A1 seviyesinde dil eğitimi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Konu başlıkları üniversite müfredatıyla uyumludur. Kitaptaki karakterler Socrates programıyla Türkiye’yi ziyarete gelen öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Ziyaret ortamı Türk örencilerininkine benzer bir biçimde hazırlanarak İngilizce’nin yüksek bir motivasyon ile öğrenilmesini sağlamaktadır. 20 modülden oluşan kitapta Workbook ve Tape Scripts mevcuttur.
Ganna Plotkina, İlke Kadıoğlu Sienkiewicz, Megan Carlos, Özen Bağbaşlıoğlu Sarı, Pamela S. Wrona, Taryn Weinkam, Vincent Sienkiewicz, Zeliha Babayiğit, Zeynep Polat Turner With the growing number of clinical psychology programs in Turkey, it can be seen that there is a dearth of English language case studies that includes both Turkish and foreign clients. Many colleagues and students have echoed this point, expressing a need for a relevant, accessible, and informative guide to writing and analyzing clinical case material. It was for the purposes of meeting this need that we designed and organized this book. This book is a collection of various evidence-based, commonly used theoretical perspectives. It provides students with examples of how to analyze, organize, and interpret case material through the lens of various major psychological frameworks such as psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, humanistic, and internal family systems theory. The clinicians contributing to this book are a diverse mix of Turkish and American psychologists writing about cases that they have encountered in their practice.
Nigar Çağla Mutlucan The book draws attention to the growing importance of clusters today and examines academic studies on clusters. The purpose of the book is to find out the benefits of clusters, whether they catalyze for local, regional and even national development as claimed in theory, in short, whether they are a panacea. First, a thorough literature review is offered and then successful examples of clusters in the world are examined: the Baden-Württemberg automotive cluster in Germany, the Hollywood film cluster in the USA, the Hamburg aviation cluster in Germany, the automotive cluster in Japan, the Castellon ceramic cluster in Spain, and the Sassuolo ceramic cluster in Italy. Afterward, clusters in Turkey are briefly analyzed. Finally, the author's answer to the question of whether clusters are a panacea is presented and the conditions required for clusters to be successful are discussed.
Yakup Çelikbilek This book aims to introduce basic programming features through simple examples to students, instructors, engineers, computer programmers, and everyone interested in programming. Computer Programming is like language literature. While talking or writing in our daily lives, we create sentences to communicate with others by using characters between 25 and 30 according to the language used. Even though 25-30 characters may seem like less, we can create an infinite number of sentences including artistic activities, such as poetry, song, novel, etc. The better someone knows his/her language, the better s/he uses it. If not, s/he can only communicate. Programming languages are not different than spoken languages. Therefore, the better you know a programming language, the better you can speak it. The much better you know it, you can start making art with it. Besides all this, if you start thinking and evaluating like a computer, you can do more than art. And all this whole process of creativity starts with learning the ABCs of computer programming in the best way possible.
In light of all this information, this book deals with the ABCs of computer programming, which is the first step in talking effectively to a computer, through C and Java programming languages.
Annamaria Csiszer, Emine Akçadağ Alagöz, Emre Gündoğdu, Hakkı Göker Önen , Hayriye Asena Demirer, Idlir Lika, Keisuke Wakizaka, R.A. Yunus TURAN, Viktoriia Demydova, Yavuz Çilliler The idea of writing this book originated from the need to provide an up-to-date textbook for students of “Comparative Modernisation”. Nevertheless, it is designed to be of use to general readers with an interest in the subject by offering a compact history of the modernisation of various political systems. It informs readers about the modernisation histories of Türkiye, France, Russia, China, Iran, Japan and Hungary.
As Rustow pointed out, an initiative to understand modernisation with a single analytical framework in each political unit is impossible. A common framework would not neatly fit cases in different geographies and societies. Research on the Middle East may stress the influence of the Ottomans, Islam and the Eastern Question while research about Africa may involve the process of decolonisation, African socialism and blackness.
Concordantly, each book chapter about the modernisation of a political unit in this study comprises both the chronological advances in this unit in light of its unique historical conditions and a comparison of them with the intellectual, economic, social and political developments in the West in order to identify similarities and differences.
Tolga Ayav Build Your Own
Computer architecture defines a set of rules and methods for the organization of a computer system. A microprocessor, as a central processing unit, is the most essential part of it. The microprocessor contains both combinational and sequential logic circuitries that perform arithmetic, logic and control operations by interpreting and executing the program instructions. Building a microprocessor is one of the ultimate goals of digital design. In this book, you will find the preliminaries of a microprocessor and computer design. The book is intended for the undergraduate students of computer or electrical engineering and its focus will be on the design principles of a microprocessor. This book also gives an insight into the low level and high level computer programming, program compilation, multitasking and programming with VHDL hardware description language. By the end of this book, you'll be able to design and build your own microprocessor in a hardware description language, and to run it by simulations and writing assembly programs.
Things you will learn: Microprocessor design, VHDL programming, HDL simulation, and assembly programming.
Abdul Qahar Khatir, Bilal Özden, Caner Özdurak, Gülşah Alcan, Haci Ahmet Karadaş, Lecturer Ayşe Çoban, Murat Yılmaz, Necdet Sezal, Sadife Kınalı This book, titled Contemporary Approaches in the Field of Economics, Finance and Management, consists of the studies presented online at the International Participated Economic Research and Financial Markets Congress (IERFM) held in Konya between 15-17 October 2020 and deemed appropriate to be published after the editorial review.
The book consists of 7 chapters in total and the chapters have been prepared by scholars studying in the fields of economics, finance and management, market professionals and those working in the financial media. The latest developments regarding the subject addressed in each section have been shared, discussed, evaluations have been made to be a source of motivation for new studies. Thus, it was tried to contribute to the literature by filling knowledge gap on the subject.
Similarly, in the future IERFM Congresses, it has been planned that the studies deemed appropriate after the editorial reviews will be published as book chapters. In this book, it is aimed to analyze the current developments in the field of economics, finance and business management in a scientific level. In this context, it is expected that the book will provide added value to the academic studies and people dealing with science.
Aysun Kahraman, Bella Gulshan, Burcu Arsan, Cansu Yıldırım, Deniz Palalar Alkan, Dilşah Ertop, Ece İpekoğlu, Evren Serindağ, Hande Begüm Bumin Doyduk, İpek Kazançoğlu, Laura Fernanda Garavito Cerón, Luis Felipe Amaya González, Margarita Avellanada Vargas, María José Bermúdez Gómez, Muhammad Mohsen Liaqat, Muteber Tuzcu, Óscar Alberto Alarcón Pérez, Özge Kirezli, Özlem Şenvar, Sevda Dede, Şahnaz Ekşioğlu, Tanyeri Uslu, Tina Shabsough, Tunca Tabaklar, Ülkem Özkan Adaver, Zeynep Kabadayı Kuşcu In the 21st century, humanity is struggling with many problems such as global warming, floods, epidemics, and financial crises. These problems reveal that the current economic and production system cannot continue in the same way and that it is necessary to turn to alternative methods in order to leave a livable world for future generations. Sustainability and circular economy are on the agenda as key concepts for a more just and livable world in economic, social, and environmental terms.
This book, which focuses on these two important concepts, aims to determine the current situation and to offer suggestions for future studies with 17 chapters in which researchers working in different disciplines in the field of business administration contribute to current discussions in the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye.
Arzu Girişken İn the current competitive environment, focuslng on the development of human Capital is increasingly becoming a competitive advantage for ali companies. Increasing the level of energy, motivation and passion of individuals vvithin an organization is key to increase productivity, decrease people turnover and improve the ability to cope with the increasingly frequent changes necessary to remain competitive in a hyper-competitive market.
İn this book, Dr. Arzu Girişken is clearly demonstrating how this approach, together with a relationship-oriented leadership, has a positive impact on the increase organisational emotional memory level, as well as, organizational innovation capacity ultimately leading to a superior performance of the vvhole organisation.
Massimiliano POGLIANI llly Global CEO
The pandemic due to the Corona Virüs has impacted corporations vvorldvvide, often forcing managementto choose betvveen bottom line and more humanistic considerations.
Inherent in these decisions is the concept of business emotional intelligence. İn Corporate EQ: Understanding and Managing Emotions, Dr. Girişken has given us some useful tools and insights to help navigate this new and difficult landscape.
Prof. Dr. Richard D. DE VEAUX
Vice President, American Statistical Association (ASA)
This book by Dr. Arzu Girişken takes an emotional look at businesses by these words: Emotions, Memory, Organization, İnnovation, Leadership, Performance, Employer, EQ.
This book is a must-have for anyone who is interested in these concepts. İt is bringing to life the state-of-the-art approaches which will be beneficial not only for students, but also for managers. İt is a work that blends ali these concepts and presents you with its fluent language and smooth flow.
Prof. Dr. A. Ercan GEGEZ
Dean, Altınbaş University Business School
Dr. Arzu Girişken’s fascinating book takes an intellectual dive into the Outlook of how companies are behaving during unprecedented times.
Dr. Girişken has insightfully brought together real-life innovate approaches connected to a relationship-oriented leadership, and with a perfectly blended fusion of the importance of increasing levels of motivation and passion among the vrorkforce of organizations.
Regional Managing Director, Ogilvy
Gülsüm Tuğçe Çetin In the depths of literary history lies a saga of maritime conquests, geopolitical manoeuvres, and the timeless interplay between nations and the sea. Critical Geopolitics and Maritime Fiction: Patrick O'Brian's The Golden Ocean and The Unknown Shore embarks on a voyage through the pages of maritime fiction, unravelling the intricate web of political intrigue, cultural exchange, and societal transformation.
As the reader charts a course through the turbulent waters of historical context and literary analysis, they discover how Patrick O'Brian's gripping tales of seafaring adventure transcend mere storytelling, offering profound insights into the dynamics of power, place, and identity. Through meticulous discourse analysis, the study unveils the hidden depths of maritime fiction, revealing how geopolitical representations are forged, contested, and disseminated in the currents of cultural imagination.
In this book, readers are invited to embark on a scholarly odyssey, where the sails of critical inquiry catch the winds of historical insight, guiding them to new shores of understanding. This work not only enriches our appreciation of maritime literature but also offers a compelling perspective through which to view the intricate tapestry of geopolitics woven into the fabric of society.
Büşra Müge Özdil, Emre Debreli In this book, we discuss the concept of critical pedagogy (CP) and its links to general education and ELT education in particular. Our discussion covers CP's role in education together with its theoretical foundations, and we expand our discussion through demonstrating a CP-ELT relationship. We later focus on the teacher roles discussed in the area of language teaching, and further discuss how these are influenced by CP theory. This discussion particularly demonstrates teacher roles such as: teachers as passive technicians, teachers as reflective practitioners, and teachers as transformative intellectuals. We believe that this book provides a valuable source in understanding the language teaching profession which requires a careful analysis of social, cultural and historical realities that have affected the profession, as well as the changing roles of the language teachers.
Deniz Say Sahin When it comes to health, it is inevitable to discuss not only biological facts but also a sociological relationship or behavior, a social group, and a social organization. Health, which remains the most important and valuable aspect of human life, is a sociological issue regarding obtaining, protecting, and maintaining it. As in many fields of social sciences, there are many different conceptual and contextual views on health sociology. This book opens a window for the current situation of the issues that have been discussed and changed rapidly within sociology of health. In this context, this work titled 'Current Discussions in Sociology of Health' is consist of articles about the areas and subject of health sociology, the change of physician-patient relations over time, the effects of demographic transformation on health policies, the concept of health literacy and the effects of technology in the field of health, the scope of rights and health worker-patient and hospital relations in the context of sociology of health.
Sağlık söz konusu olduğunda sadece biyolojik olgulardan değil, sosyolojik anlamda bir ilişki ve davranış, sosyal bir grup ve toplumsal bir kurumdan bahsetmek kaçınılmazdır. İnsan hayatının en önemli ve değerli yönünü oluşturan sağlık elde edilmesi, korunması ve sürdürülmesi bakımından sosyolojik bir konudur. Sosyal bilimlerin birçok alanında olduğu gibi sağlık sosyolojisi konusunda da kavramsal ve içerik olarak birbirinden farklı birçok görüş bulunmaktadır. Kitapta, sağlık sosyolojisi bağlamında çok tartışılan ve hızla değişime uğrayıp farklılaşan konuların günümüzdeki durumu ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda “Sağlık Sosyolojisinde Güncel Tartışmalar” isimli bu çalışma sağlık sosyolojisinin alanları ve konusu, hekim-hasta ilişkilerinin zaman içerisindeki değişimi, demografik dönüşümün sağlık politikalarına etkileri, sağlık okuryazarlığı kavramı ve teknolojinin sağlık alanındaki etkileri, sağlık sosyolojisi bağlamında haklar ile sağlık çalışanı-hasta ve hastane ilişkilerinin kapsamını inceleyen makalelerden oluşmaktadır.
Can Ozan Tuncer, Chong Zhang, Christopher James Lawless, Clarissa J. Humphreys, Conor Courtney, Ekber Kandemir, Emre Cihan Ateş, Erdal Özkaya, Erkan Bostancı, Gökberk Tekin, Katharine Palmer, Kevin Hosford, Kevin Sweeney, Le Tran Quoc Cong, Matthew David, Max Kilger, Mehmet Serdar Güzel, Naci Akdemir, Naci Akdemir, Nguyen Dao Phuong Thuy, Serdar Uysal, Tran Viet Dung In tandem with the increased use of the Internet and developments in technology and capabilities in cyberspace, there has been a significant increase in criminality in the same domain in general and in the context of COVID-19 pandemic in particular. This phenomenon is referred to as cybercrime which covers a multitude of prohibited acts which are often complex and can cross national borders with ease. The impact and consequences of cybercrime are equally diverse and complex including damage to economies, integrity of governance, privacy, national security as well as personal well-being and security to name a few. This timely book provides a powerful combination of multidisciplinary and international expertise from academia and law enforcement sectors. Respected scholars of the book come from variety of global regions offering state of the art research and insights.
Sibel Dinç Welcome to the world of data!
Although the digital age we live in closes the distances in the field of communication and opens the doors of an imagined world, it does not seem possible to talk about a pure benefit. Data breaches, data privacy and data security concerns, intentional or profit sharing of data with other companies and organizations…
While the related study questions the reliability of the concept of data privacy, it brings the issue to a concrete point through a case. Fourteen Android-based applications selected within the scope of the study are examined in the context of data privacy breaches. What data did the apps receive from users? With which companies was the received data shared? The data and applications obtained within the scope of the study are presented by determining which companies they are in connection with, and the contexts are left to the analysis power of the reader.

Bilgehan Tekin, Derya Yayman, Dr. Emre Bilgin Sarı, Duygu Hıdıroğlu, Erdal Şen, Esin Ceylan, Esra G. Kaygısız, Gözde Mert, İbrahim Yıkılmaz, Kadir Özdemir, Kazım Karaboğa, Kübra Mert, Mine Aksoy, Mustafa Aslan, Mükerrem Bahar Başkır, N. Tülin İrge, Nour El Hoda Tarabah, Nuran Varışlı, Osman Özdemir, Osman Yılmaz, Remzi Reha Durucasu, Semih Serkant Aktuğ, Serhat Erat, Serkan Demirdöğen, Sibel Aydoğan, Ufuk Karadavut, V. Lale Tüzüner, Vasfi Kahya, Yüksel Yalçın In today's world, information is one of the most important resources in the management of individuals, institutions, societies and systems. When considered in this regard, concepts in the field of management have a more vital value with the development of digitalization and the increase in its domain. At this point, information management stands out and becomes increasingly important. The evaluation of variables such as human, process, structure, technology and culture, which have a very valuable place in the field of management, using data, information and knowledge, emerges as a very important reality.
Relatively increasing competition in economic activities has an important place in determining and implementing strategies of all institutions and organizations, global, national and local.
In order to be sustainable, the design of innovative and creative structures and processes using information management systems and applications forms the foundations of the future ecosystem.
The production and processing and use of information are considered as one of the most important ways of creating value within the scope of the new paradigm emerging as a result of developments in information, communication and production technologies. The ecosystem of the information society comes to life on this basis.
In this study, the application areas of the relevant conceptual framework and different variables are explained in three main sections, which are considered as ‘’data, information and knowledge”.
Sinem Eray A person who is responsible for choosing certain things at every stage of his life cannot always be rational in his choices. This situation does not change in every election about life, so it cannot be expected to show a different approach in party elections. In representative democracies, the people elect their rulers. Indeed, the key mechanism of reconciliation in a competitive society is elections. Although the history of voting dates back to ancient times, the same cannot be said for parliamentary democracy. Countries adopt different electoral systems according to their own government systems and administration styles. There are functional differences in their systems in countries that adopt the same electoral system. In this process, the consistency of the representation rate of the citizens of the country has a great impact on the country's democracies.
In the study, the concepts of democracy, political participation, government systems, political parties and representation are explained. The electoral systems are detailed with examples and the parliamentary elections of the last thirty years of the countries that are called democratic for each electoral system are analyzed.
Vedat M. İNCE Turizm dünyasında yaygın olarak kullanılan ortak yabancı dillerden birisi de Almancadır. Bu nedenle, ülkemizde turizm sektöründe Almanca bilmek bir ayrıcalık konumundadır. Bu kitap, turizm sektöründe çalışacak kişilerin Almancayı daha verimli kullanabilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. 12 üniteden oluşan bu kitap, A1 yani “Anfänger” düzeyinden başlamaktadır. Konular, sektörün beklentilerine hitap ettiği gibi İKMEP (İnsan Kaynaklarının Mesleki Eğitim Yoluyla Geliştirilmesi Projesi) içeriklerini de kapsamaktadır.
Muğla Üniversitesi Milas Sıtkı Koçman MYO'daki 10 yıllık ders deneyimlerimize göre şekillendirdiğimiz bu kitabın en önemli özellikleri şunlardır:
1. Ağırlık noktasını konuşma kalıpları, kelime hazinesi ve temel diyaloglar oluşturmaktadır.
2. Görselleri hem sınıf içinde hem sınıf dışındaki faaliyetlerde öğretim elemanına ve öğrencilere yardımcı olacak ve yükünü hafifletecek niteliktedir.
3. Konu anlatımları ve yönergeler Türkçe açıklamalarla birlikte verilmiştir.
4. Kelime hazinesi, Almanca konuşan bir turist karşısında ihtiyacı karşılayacak zenginliktedir.
5. Dil bilgisinin ağır konuları yerine daha temel konulara yer verilmiş, detaya girilmemiştir.
Turizm branşında eğitim veren fakülte, meslek okulu ve meslek yüksekokullarındaki Almanca derslerinde kullanılabilecek olan bu ders kitabıyla amacımız, öğrencilerimize ihtiyaç duyacakları konuşma kalıpları, kelime hazinesi ve dil bilgisi becerilerini kazandırmaktır.
Bir başka amacımız da yabancı dil öğrenmenin bir kabus değil, ehil eğitimciler, istekli öğrenciler ve uygun ders kitabıyla bir eğlence olabildiğini göstermektir.
Mehmet Çelik The influence of development aid on the foreign policy implementation of middle power countries has not been widely studied in the existing academic literature. In addition, states' perceived prestige, as an added indicator to measure a country's middle power status, has not been explored in the literature.
As such, this study attempts to academically contribute to the existing literature by investigating how development aid affects the foreign policy of a middle power country in its relationship with the aid receiving country. Through both primary and secondary empirical data collected, the theoretical framework was studied by applying Türkiye's development and cooperation agency, TİKA's, influence on Turkish foreign policy on Somalia and Bosnia and Herzegovina between 2002 and 2018 as a case study. This case study was precisely selected as Türkiye has been a rising middle power state since the early 2000s and the use of development aid as foreign policy instrument has been considered one of the key successes in establishing a prestigious presence worldwide.
Ultimately, this book attempts to answer the following theoretical questions: a) What is a middle power country? b) How does prestige contribute to the middle power status of a country? And, c) Do state development agencies positively or negatively affect middle power countries' foreign policies?
Ayşegül Arayıcı İyiaydın, Bünyamin Atay, Didem D. Kepir, Emine Feyza Dinçel, Fatma Arıcı, Hazal Yılmaztürk, Nilüfer Voltan Acar, Özlem Haskan Avcı, Özlem Ulaş, Selen Demirtaş Zorbaz, Seval Kzıldağ, Tülin Acar, Yusuf Barbüroğlu, Zehra Yeler Bu sözlük, PDR alanında büyük bir boşluğu doldurmaktadır. Yıllarca İngilizce kavramların karşılıkları tartışıla gelmiştir. Bu sözlükte, tartışmalı kavramlara karşılık, gerek Farsça ve Arapça köken açısından gerekse Türkçe makaleler kaynak gösterilerek en uygun olan Türkçe kavramlar önerilmiştir. Bu açıdan bu sözlük önemli bir yer tutmaktadır.
Tolga Gündoğdu Es ist höchste Zeit, auch im Bereich der universitären Lehre auf das digitale Zeitalter zu reagieren und konkrete Änderungen ins Leben zu rufen, mit denen das angehende schulische und universitäre Lehrpersonal auf die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts kompetenzorientiert vorbereitet werden kann. Am effektivsten ist es, wenn man bereits während der LehrerInnenausbildung an Hochschulen damit beginnt, bestimmte zukunftsorientierte Kompetenzen zu vermitteln.
Denn es ist inzwischen unumstritten, dass die neue Generation der Jugendlichen und Kinder anders liest, schreibt, spricht und lernt. Sie erwarten und bevorzugen eine besondere Art und Weise der Wissensdarbietung, die sich so nah wie möglich ihrer Lebenswelt anpasst. Je größer die Distanz zur nun überwiegend digital gestalteten Lebenswelt der jungen Generation ist, desto schwieriger scheint es, ihr neues Wissen zu unterbereiten.
Vor diesem Hintergrund beschreibt dieses Buch aufbauend auf dem ‚digital storytelling'-Ansatz, die Entwicklung einer methodischen Herangehensweise, mit der eine erfolgreiche und gewinnbringende Vermittlung digitaler und mediendidaktischer Kompetenzen erreicht werden kann. Gemäß dieser Zielsetzung werden praktische Hinweise zur Schulung notwendiger digitaler Kompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts präsentiert und situationsorientiert mit konkreten Beispielen bereichert, wobei der ‚digital storytelling'-Ansatz als roter Faden der Methodik fungiert.
Das Werk richtet sich insbesondere an Lehrbeauftragte, DozentInnen und TrainerInnen, die für die Ausbildung und Vorbereitung von FremdsprachenlehrerInnen verantwortlich sind.
Ahmet Cemkut Badem, Ahmet İçöz, Esin Karacan, İbrahim Ayvaz, İlker İbrahim Avşar, Jale Balkaş, Melih İnal, Muhammet Rıdvan İnce, Muhsin Halis, Murat Emikönel, Ozan Gönüllü, Özgür Ekin Sucu, Refik Erdem Koç, Sami Karacan, Sibel Fettahoğlu, Yavuz Kılınç, Yusran İsmailoğlu The rapid and irreversible digital transformation in all areas of life makes it necessary for corporates and investors to keep up with the times. In order to stay one step ahead in competitive markets, corporates need to align their business processes with the digital world. Investors, as well as corporates, should update their investment strategies according to technological developments. For this reason, reaching up-to-date information about new investment opportunities and markets that have emerged due to digitalization is essential for investors. Especially investors who want to take positions in crypto money markets should have information about the relations of cryptocurrencies with each other and with other markets. This book deals with technological developments and digitalization in accounting, finance, information technology, management, and marketing. In this context, the book contains scientific articles on current topics such as accounting for cryptocurrencies, the relations of cryptocurrencies with each other and capital markets, blockchain technologies, Industry 4.0, digital marketing, learning organizations, and the Internet of Things.
Abdülmecit Yıldırım, Aslı Özpolat, Burçak Gündal, Emin Efecan Aktaş, Ercan Yaşar, Ferda Nakıpoğlu Özsoy, Guray Akalin, Hikmet Gülçin Beken, İlyas Okumuş, Mehmet Akif Destek, Murat Tekbaş, Pınar Hayloğlu, Sercan Aydın, Sinan Erdoğan, Uğur Korkut Pata, Yunus Karaömer Economic development is a sophisticated process that covers economic, social, political, and cultural progress and focuses on raising human well-being. Therefore, it has many components such as economic growth, health, education, income distribution, institutional progress, financial development so forth. From this point of view, several contemporary issues in economic development have been investigated in this book. Within this regard, it aims to provide both empirical and theoretical contributions to the existing literature. Each chapter of the book has been written by scholars who are experts in their fields, and their findings provide significant information and empirical proofs for policymakers. Moreover, it may provide deep insights for graduate students and scholars studying economic development, and it contains information and analysis to be taught in postgraduate courses and to be used in postgraduate papers.
Kürşat Taştan, Sinan Yılmaz, Nalan Sabır Taştan Türkiye, which has not been accepted as a full member of the European Union due to political reasons, is one of the important countries of Europe with its historical and geopolitical position, military and economic power and institutional infrastructure.
The quantitative growth of Turkish higher education, which started in the 2000s in direct proportion to the country's greatness, has resulted in Türkiye's attempts to become one of the leading European higher education countries, with expansive physical campuses and high-tech distance learning opportunities.
In the book, the reflections of the higher education quality studies in Türkiye, which followed the studies starting with the Bologna process in Europe, and the systematic studies of Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), which was established as a national quality assurance agency in 2015, are tried to be illustrated based on the data of a scientific study.
Higher education quality studies, which started with the establishment of THEQC, have been a turning point for the Turkish higher education system. Turkish higher education, where the diffusion and adoption of quality management by ESG standards have been completed in general, has the potential to create Europe's most successful universities in the next ten years by applying quality more and more.
Alize Can Rençberler, Augusto Ponzio, Didem Tuna, Erol Kahraman, Evangelos Kourdis, Javid Aliyev, Lale Özcan, Magdalena Nowotna, Mesut Kuleli, Muhammed Salih Kapcı, Osman Senemoğlu, Sema Dilara Yanya, Susan Petrilli, Sündüz Öztürk Kasar Dilde, edebiyatta, çeviride ve genel olarak sosyal bilimlerde kavramların sınırlarının esnek ve içeriklerin değişken olduğu söylenebilir. Alanlar içi ve alanlar arası kavramsal dalgalanmaların söz konusu olması, kavramlar üzerinden ya da kavramlara yönelik olarak gerçekleştirilen okumaların sürekli güncellenmesini gerektirmektedir. Alanlar arası dolaşımda içerikler paylaşıldıkça zenginleşmekte ve yeniden ele alınıp dönüşmektedir. Beş ülkeden 14 akademisyenin kaleme aldığı bu kitapta yer alan bölümler de farklı içerik bileşimleri üzerinden yeni kavramsal uzlaşılara ve okumalara yol açacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
The concepts in language, literature, translation, and in social sciences tend to be supple and flexible content-wise. The conceptual fluctuations within and among disciplines require continual updates of conceptual readings. The content becomes richer when shared among disciplines and is transformed with a redefinition. With this in mind, the chapters of this book, penned by 14 academics from five countries, are designed to pave the way for novel conceptual and consensual readings aligning in a smooth and interrelated combination of different contents.
Les concepts en langue, en littérature, en traduction et, plus généralement, en sciences sociales ont tendance à être souples et flexibles sur le plan du contenu. Les flottements conceptuels au sein des disciplines et entre elles exigent des mises à jour continues des lectures conceptuelles. Le contenu s'enrichit au fur et à mesure qu'il est partagé entre les disciplines et se transforme avec une redéfinition. C'est dans cet esprit que les chapitres de cet ouvrage, rédigés par quatorze universitaires de cinq pays, sont conçus pour ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles lectures conceptuelles et à de nouveaux consensus notionnels.
Yazarlar / Authors / Auteurs:
Sündüz Öztürk Kasar - Magdalena Nowotna - Susan Petrilli & Augusto Ponzio
Evangelos Kourdis - Didem Tuna - Sema Dilara Yanya - Javid Aliyev
Mesut Kuleli - Osman Senemoğlu - Erol Kahraman & Muhammed Salih Kapcı
Lale Özcan - Alize Can Rençberler
Bahaddin Demirdiş This book assists researchers, educators, and policymakers in gaining a better understanding of mathematics teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with SEN in Turkish lower secondary schools. Earlier research on teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with SEN in Turkey has not comprehensively investigated teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and the impact of various factors on these attitudes. In addition, the book used a valid and trustworthy instrument that has been implemented several times globally, assisting in narrowing the gap between prior research findings and helping to explain some of the discrepancies.
Besides, the book provides a well-informed viewpoint and understanding that could aid in reforming and refining inclusive practices and the identification and process of inclusion of students with SEN in regular classes. It adds to the body of knowledge by supplementing the limited number of existing studies on teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of students with SEN in Turkey. Finally, it stimulates other researchers to duplicate the research to corroborate its findings or to do additional research into the many factors that impact teachers' attitudes, both positively and negatively.
Hasan Kazak, Bilge Afşar, Orhan Çeker, Osman Okka An integrated system, Islam consists of several subsystems. The economy has an important place in these sub-systems. In this respect, Islam also includes regulations on economic growth and development. Undoubtedly, the most important of these regulations is the zakat institution. Zakat was mentioned in many parts of Koran with the prayer, accepted as the pillar of religion in many places and an important message that zakat and prayer should not be separated was given.
The most known and prominent feature of the zakat institution is its contribution to the fair distribution of national income, which is an important indicator in terms of economic development. A lot of work has been written on this subject and this issue has been mentioned in almost every sermon of Islamic scholars. However, the zakat institution has much more significance and benefits in terms of economic growth and development process.
The main purpose of this study is to create a resource for the qualitative and quantitative studies that will be carried out, by revealing other contributions of zakat to economic growth and development, which are not in the foreground but are actually much more functional as well as its other well-known contribution to income distribution.
Bülent Karakaya “İnşaat mühendisliği oldukça geniş bir alana yayılan sanat, zanaat ve matematiğin buluştuğu bir meslektir. Böyle bir meslekte hayat boyu süren öğrenmenin, öğrenilen bilgiyi sentezlemenin sonucu problemleri çözmedeki başarı olarak kendini göstermektedir. Bu mesleğe yıllarını veren yazarın uzun yıllara yayılan tecrübe ve birikimlerinin hayat bulduğu bu eserin alanında önemli bir eksikliği gidereceğine inanıyorum. Özellikle genç inşaat mühendislerinin genişleyen iş portföyünde karşılaştıkları yabancı dilde terminolojiye hâkim olmamalarına/olamamalarına ilişkin serzenişleri bu alandaki yeter çalışmanın olmadığının en önemli göstergesiydi.
Geniş bir kitleyle muhatap olan inşaat mühendisinin etkin bir şekilde yabancı dildeki terminolojiyi anlaması ve kullanması için okuyucu dostu olarak hazırlanan bu eserin yazarı Sayın Bülent Karakaya'nın mesleğine olan sevgi ve saygısının bir tezahürü olarak hayat bulduğu söylenebilir. Sayın Karakaya'nın hazırladığı bu eserinden dolayı kendisini tebrik eder büyük bir eksikliği gidereceğine inandığım bu eseri özellikle genç meslektaşlarıma hararetle tavsiye ederim.”
Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Cüneyt Aydın
Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
İnşaat Mühendisliği Yapı Bölümü Başkanı

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
I would like to congratulate you for taking on such an important task. In a world that requires global competition, such a contribution is much needed. Best wishes.”
Professor Dr. Necati Catbas
Civil Engineering Faculty Central Florida University, USA

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
Thank you very much for sharing your booklet with me. I am impressed by its style and content, and I hope that your booklet will be a very useful resource for young engineers.With my best wishes.”

Associate Professor Oya Mercan
University of Toronto Civil Engineering Department, Canada
Özgür Demirtaş A good leader is someone who can recognize the talents of their employees and has a strong intuition for selecting the most appropriate employees for the job. A great leader can recognize greatness in others, not only in themselves. They look for employees who deserve to be promoted within their organization. For an organization, one payoff of hiring a suitable leader is that its business will continue to grow as there will be right individuals hired for the right positions.
Every department in an organization has its own leader. Yet, a larger organization is still in need of a highly recognizable figure that will be responsible for making sure that the leadership figure in each department of the business is on the same page and completely understands the short and long-term goals of the business.
Vedat Martin İNCE Günümüzde, dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılan ortak yabancı dillerden birisi de Almancadır. Türkiye’ye her yıl milyonlarca Alman veya yabancı dili Almanca olan turist gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, ülkemizde Almanca bilmek bir ayrıcalık konumundadır; ancak buna rağmen bu ihtiyacın karşılanabileceği eğitim kurumlarında, yerli imkânlar ile üretilmiş eğitim malzemesi yok denecek kadar az ve olanlar da temel iletişim amacıyla kullanılmasını öğretmek açısından çok yetersizdir. İşte bu nedenle “Eisberg” adlı kitap hazırlanmıştır.
1. Kitabın ağırlık noktasını konuşma kalıpları, kelime hazinesi ve temel diyaloglar oluşturmaktadır. Bunların yanında dil bilgisi de ihmal edilmemiştir.
2. Görsel malzemeler hem sınıf içinde hem sınıf dışındaki faaliyetlerde öğretim elemanlarına ve öğrencilere yardımcı olacak ve onların yükünü hafifletecektir.
3. Konu anlatımları ve yönergeler, Türkçe açıklamalarla birlikte verilmiştir.
4. Kelime hazinesi, temel ihtiyacı karşılayacak kelimelerden oluşmaktadır.
5. Dil bilgisinin ağır konuları yerine, daha temel konulara yer verilmiş; detaya girilmemiştir.
Gökhan Murat Üstündağ Even though there is large literature on mass political culture, indeed, there is so limited number of works on elite political culture. To my knowledge, there is no scholarly work examining Turkish elite political culture after the 1990s. In this regard, main purpose of this research is to fill this gap by shedding a new light on basic aspects of elite political culture in Turkey. In order to explore the basic aspects of elite political culture in Turkey, the ideology of conservatism which is argued to be “dominant” ideology in Turkey was used in this study. In this regard; the Justice and Development Party elite was taken as case study and the records of Grand National Assembly between 2002 and 2016 were analyzed by applying critical discourse analysis based on interpretivist epistemology. As such in this study, the basic aspects of elite political culture, and concomitantly basic principles of Turkish conservatism were examined in a systematic way.