A3 Alanı: Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım \ 1-1
Ahmet Şahiner, Bora Acarkan, Durukan Erdoğan, Gizem Özdemir, Halil İbrahim Gökdoğan, İrem Özsoy, Kenan Yiğit, M. Emin Şahin, Muhammad Wasim Awan, Muhammet Raşit Sancar, Umut Özkaya
Bilal Kılıç The unprecedented expansion of civil aviation over the past three decades drives the demand for new employees (e.g., commanders, first officers, cabin crew, dispatchers, loadmasters, and technicians). The training of these employees plays a vital role regarding safety. Researchers have focused attention sharply on aviation safety and the resulting demand for qualified employees.
Learning from failures, accidents and incidents is the capability of an organization or individuals to obtain information and knowledge from past events and transfer these into measures and safety actions that will help avoid reoccurrences and improve safety in the related industry.
Aircraft Accident Investigation: Learning from Human and Organizational Factors provides a complete overview of the contributing factors to accidents and incidents in aviation and fundamentals of aircraft accident investigation. While the book in your hands may be used in the form of a reference source at universities in terms of its contents, it may also be used in the recurrent trainings of airlines as a supplementary source. It is also a source of reference that may be individually used by those who are interested in aviation for the purpose of learning about the investigation methods and causes of accidents that have been experienced.
Tolga Ayav Build Your Own
Computer architecture defines a set of rules and methods for the organization of a computer system. A microprocessor, as a central processing unit, is the most essential part of it. The microprocessor contains both combinational and sequential logic circuitries that perform arithmetic, logic and control operations by interpreting and executing the program instructions. Building a microprocessor is one of the ultimate goals of digital design. In this book, you will find the preliminaries of a microprocessor and computer design. The book is intended for the undergraduate students of computer or electrical engineering and its focus will be on the design principles of a microprocessor. This book also gives an insight into the low level and high level computer programming, program compilation, multitasking and programming with VHDL hardware description language. By the end of this book, you'll be able to design and build your own microprocessor in a hardware description language, and to run it by simulations and writing assembly programs.
Things you will learn: Microprocessor design, VHDL programming, HDL simulation, and assembly programming.
Bülent Karakaya “İnşaat mühendisliği oldukça geniş bir alana yayılan sanat, zanaat ve matematiğin buluştuğu bir meslektir. Böyle bir meslekte hayat boyu süren öğrenmenin, öğrenilen bilgiyi sentezlemenin sonucu problemleri çözmedeki başarı olarak kendini göstermektedir. Bu mesleğe yıllarını veren yazarın uzun yıllara yayılan tecrübe ve birikimlerinin hayat bulduğu bu eserin alanında önemli bir eksikliği gidereceğine inanıyorum. Özellikle genç inşaat mühendislerinin genişleyen iş portföyünde karşılaştıkları yabancı dilde terminolojiye hâkim olmamalarına/olamamalarına ilişkin serzenişleri bu alandaki yeter çalışmanın olmadığının en önemli göstergesiydi.
Geniş bir kitleyle muhatap olan inşaat mühendisinin etkin bir şekilde yabancı dildeki terminolojiyi anlaması ve kullanması için okuyucu dostu olarak hazırlanan bu eserin yazarı Sayın Bülent Karakaya'nın mesleğine olan sevgi ve saygısının bir tezahürü olarak hayat bulduğu söylenebilir. Sayın Karakaya'nın hazırladığı bu eserinden dolayı kendisini tebrik eder büyük bir eksikliği gidereceğine inandığım bu eseri özellikle genç meslektaşlarıma hararetle tavsiye ederim.”
Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Cüneyt Aydın
Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
İnşaat Mühendisliği Yapı Bölümü Başkanı

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
I would like to congratulate you for taking on such an important task. In a world that requires global competition, such a contribution is much needed. Best wishes.”
Professor Dr. Necati Catbas
Civil Engineering Faculty Central Florida University, USA

"Dear Mr. Karakaya,
Thank you very much for sharing your booklet with me. I am impressed by its style and content, and I hope that your booklet will be a very useful resource for young engineers.With my best wishes.”

Associate Professor Oya Mercan
University of Toronto Civil Engineering Department, Canada
Aşkın İnci Alaca Sökmen, Esra Güneşay Köse, Hatica Koçan Kılıç, İpek Z. Ruacan, Linjie Zhang, Maryam Khaleghinezhad, Pengfei Hou, Rehana Saeed Hashmi, Santosh Kumari, Valentin Quintus Nicolescu This booklet contains abstracts of the valuable papers presented by the participants, which approach the theme of the event from different dimensions and aspects and address the “failed state” phenomenon from various aspects. The order of the abstracts is based on the order of the sessions in the conference program. The first four studies approach the concept of failed state theoretically and conceptually and offer new and critical expansions. The following three studies address failed states and state fragility from historical, social, and political perspectives. The last four studies critically review failed states through discussions on intra- and interstate conflicts. With this order, the booklet aims to cover the subject in its focus in an orderly and meticulous manner.
Gökberk Durmaz An aging society and a stable economy have forced Japan to receive more immigrants and to open its doors to the world, in contrast to the nation's historical distancing away from internationalization and immigration. Although the country is struggling with a labor shortage in almost all sectors, the main target of its immigration policy has always been highly-skilled and low-skilled labor rather than unskilled ones. Historically, the country has tried many different ways to attract more qualified immigrants.
In the late 20th century, the country decided to increase the reputation of its universities and research institutions with research parks and science cities, which could be useful tools to enhance technology and knowledge transfer. In this context, Tsukuba Science City was created and promoted by the Japanese central government.
As this book argues, Japan is using science cities to attract more qualified, highly-skilled immigrants by facilitating them with a scientific environment. However, is it enough to attract international highly-skilled researchers with only physical infrastructure? What other factors can be effective in swaying people's decisions to immigrate? What do international immigrants really experience?
This book uncovers unheard voices of highly-skilled immigrants in Tsukuba Science City (Japan), which will help to understand the experiences of academic immigrants from the immigrants' views centered on a phenomenological perspective of social (cultural) anthropology. Only then, the role of highly-skilled immigrants in generating a Japanese science city could be truly understood.
Alisgandar Salamov, Aneela Ashraf, Antonio Jesus Jara Valera, Atilla Akkoyunlu, Ayesha Hanif, Eduardo Illueca Fernandez, Elanur Küçük, Emel Topuz, Erman Ülker, Fatma Cansu Ulutuğ, Gary M. Grossman, Hadya Taşçi, Iris Cuevas Martfnez, Javarıa Nasir, Jesualdo Tomas Fernandez Breis, Kesavan Nallaluthan, Khaled Tadmori, Koray Velibeyoğlu, Lecturer Muhammad Zeeshan Hanif, Logaiswari Indiran, Mahreen Alam, Moynul Ahsan, Muhammad Ashfaq, Nahide Işıl Çetinkaya İstikbal, Nomahaza Mahadi, Ogtay Salamov, Pınar Ergenekon, Rendy Bayu Aditya, Researcher Hazal Ertem, Researcher İrem Öztürk, Researcher Pelin Okutan, Sabir Asadov, Shathees Baskaran, Yogeeswari Subramaniam, Zarife Özsubaşi, Zulfikar Dinar Wahidayat Putra
İsmail Kıyak Lighting is a discipline that is necessary for all living things and determines the quality of life. In recent years, besides the obligatory use of lighting, its visuality is also considered important, and therefore the concept of lighting design has emerged. Lighting design is classified as industrial areas, highways and pedestrian roads, building facades, sports centers, shopping areas, historical areas and objects, parking lots, interior areas, and each has different parameters in accordance with standards. In lighting technology, it is desired that the design made outside of the technical details appeals to the eye. In today's lighting projects, it aims to make the environment safer, more comfortable and more efficient in terms of energy saving, by transforming the space it is in into an automation, not just lighting. In addition, lighting has been fully integrated into smart building systems and has played an active role in improving living conditions.
This book provides sectoral information for those who consider lighting as a profession to have an idea. It contains; the concept of light, types of lighting, design principles of lighting systems, lighting control techniques and principles, protocols used in lighting automation are explained and sample applications are included.
Adnan Çorum, Ahmet Tezcan Tekin, Anis Gilani, Ayfer Aksu, Başar Öztayşi, Beril T. Çiftci, Berna Tektaş, Betül Altuntaş, Büşra Buran, Cem Sarı, Cenk Y. Ustabaşı, Dilan Sarpkaya, Dilay Celebi, Duygu Aktay Kantaroğlu, Elizabeth Ripley Johnson, Erhan Önder, Eyüp Çalık, Ferhan Çebi, Gizem Deniz Cömert, Güler Koçak, Gülin İdil S. Bolatan, H.Okan Yeloğlu, Hasan Dinç, Hür Bersam Sidal Bolat, İlkan Reyhanoğlu, Kaan Selcuk, Leonie Hallo, Maria Castaňo Martinez, Mehmet Karahan, Merve Kocaman, Mohanad Shafei, Müge Bulu, Neslihan Aldoğan, Okan Yeloğlu, Onur Ilgaz, Onur Jane, Ozlem Senvar, Ömür Benek, Ömür Yaşar Saatçıoğlu, Reema Al-dalain, Samet Batuhan Güven, Selcen Öztürkcan, Serhat Çakır, Şeyma Gönen Halıcı, Tiep Nguyena, Tuğba Yasemin Karagöz, Tuncay Özcan This study recognizes that engineering is changing fundamentally. Integrating traditional engineering concepts with cutting-edge digital technologies has blurred the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. This book will explain the complexity of this convergence and analyze the potential when engineering meets the digital frontier.
"Opportunities and Challenges of Engineering Applications in the Digital Age" draws on the expertise of experts from diverse sectors to provide a unique perspective on engineering and digital technology. This book helps practitioners, scholars, and students navigate this complicated changing era.
We recommend critically assessing the ideas in these pages as you begin this intellectual journey. This book showcases the boundless potential for engineering innovation in the digital age and the opportunity for those who want to understand, adapt to, and influence its future.
May our inquiry spark curiosity, start discussions, and inspire a new generation of engineers to explore the possibilities and overcome the challenges of this exciting and ever-changing intersection of engineering and the digital world.
Ayhan Akbaş, Aytül Gökçe, Durdu Hakan Utku, Ender Sevinç, Enver Salkım, Gonca Buyrukoğlu, Musa Nurullah Yazar, Necattin Cihat İçyer, Samire Yazar, Selim Buyrukoğlu, Yıldıran Yılmaz, Zeynal Topalcengiz Programming Solutions for Engineering Problems is a lively book to get the theory of various real-life problems into perspective and to reduce their complication to tractable representations via convenient programming languages used in engineering, mathematics, and life sciences. The emphasis is on the use of rich repertoire of programming methods and techniques, supported with excellent graphical representations. User-friendly computational activities are intended to provide some guidance for implementing the computational methods for specific research subjects. The topics covered in this book include popular research issues such as utilization in population dynamics in mathematical biology; robotics; deep learning for various applications; image processing for generating computational models; data mining problems for medical purposes, etc. The book is designed for graduate students and scientists, primarily for those in mathematics and engineering.
Aslı İgit, Ayhan Küngerü, Dilan Çiftçi, Gülüm Şener, Kadriye Kobak, Özge Sayılgan, Semra Ay, Semra Çam, Şuheda Soğukdere, Tülin Sepetçi Independently from time and space, today’s digital communication medium provided us a range of possibilities and freedom on the content, speed and forms of communication. Even, a generation has been born and grown up in a digital era by relating all medium they knew with numerical data and digital kind of interactivity. Games, books, movies, even the education system became or transformed into a digital version of its origin in a very short time for human history. While an adaptation process from traditional and old data to the new and digital medium still continues, new forms of communication have emerged and been added to our cultural life. Digital medium became an extension of our existence. This extension is not only of a part of our body like offered by McLuhan, but it’s an extension of our souls now and effected many levels of our daily life from economy to politics, from art to entertainment, to education and to our social relations. Even the main thresholds of human life emphasized with social practices like birth, weddings or death rituals gained a digital groundwork through the Internet.
Besides, social media and participatory culture increased the language of visuals and transformed almost each participant of this postmodern universe into the subjects producing, manipulating and editing regularly photographs, films and even interactive contents. Content is now something open to interference and visuals are not stable on the walls, but they are movable, interactive and in flow on the screens. This story which has begun at the beginning of the 20th century went to the next stage towards the end of the same century with the rise of digital which gave us a sense of power on the content represented on the screen. Digitally represented, the image’s aura is not underlying on its uniqueness or privacy, instead, its touchable nature inviting the subject to change it continuously, is the new aura.
Tomasz E. MALEC The addressees of Simple Introduction to Architecture are both early-years students from architectural faculties and people who have not previously been close to the work of architects but want to learn more about at least some aspects of this interesting profession.
Musab Talha Akpınar Welcome to the urban living of the future. Cities are not just keeping up with, but also taking the lead as technology advances. Learn about the revolutionary changes taking place in cities all across the world, from the crowded streets of Barcelona to the pulsating back alleys of Tokyo. The book "Smart Cities: Cases & Implications" investigates the most innovative city-wide projects, illuminating the ways in which they are influencing the lives of people all over the world. However, the significance for everyday people, government officials, and city planners is just as important as the technological marvels themselves. Is there a way to make sure these technologically advanced cities are also enlightened? The obstacles, achievements, and future course of action for tomorrow's networked cities are all revealed in this insightful book. Get ready to rethink all you know about city life.
Haşim Çayır There are a lot of structures on bundles (Tangent bundle, Cotangent bundle, Semi-Cotangent bundle, Tensor bundle, etc.) and n-dimensional differential manifolds Mn. The integrability of tensorial structures on a manifold and their extension to bundles such as tangent and cotangent bundles has been an active research topic for the last 60 years. Firstly, Japanese mathematician S.Sasaki (1912-1987) studies the differential geometry of tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds in 1958. Later, the subject of lift and bundle constantly improved. Afterward, Ishihara and Yano (Ishihara and Yano,1973) obtained the integrability conditions of the F structure satisfying the condition of F3+F=0. By and by, a lot of structures on the manifold and bundles studies by valuable authors (Tachibana, 1960; Norden, 1960; Sato, 1968; Shirokov, 1966; Vishnevskii, 1970; Kruchkovich, 1972; Salimov, 1994). Differential geometric applications of tensor operators are a very fruitful area of research in the modern study of differential geometry. However, despite its importance, tensor operators, structures and related issues are not well known yet. In addition, there are very few reference books in this field that can be referenced. In this context, all structures on Mn and bundles from the beginning to the present combined in this book. We believe that this research book will provide a systematic description of tensor operators and structure theory and especially useful in master and doctoral education.

Ferhan Sami Atalay Fossil fuels, such as gasoline, coal, diesel, are nonrenewable sources of fuel, and the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of use, create incentive to seek alternate sources of clean energy that may be produced in a sustainable manner. Thus, biorefinery systems should be established to transform renewable materials, such as wood or agricultural crops, into extra value goods such as energy and feedstock chemicals, in order to support economic sustainability.
Biofuels are fuels obtained from biomass that can be solid, liquid, or gas. Wood and crops (such as wheat, maize, and rice) are the two most common kinds of biomass. Another important type of biomass is waste such as food waste, manure, and so on.
Biodiesel, bio-oil, bioethanol, biohydrogen, biogas, and methanol are a few examples of biofuels.
In the conversion of biomass to biofuels, biological, chemical, and physicochemical processes are used. The physico-chemical approach is mostly used as a pretreatment method and does not require any chemical alteration of matter. The chemical conversion of biomass alters its chemical structure by the use of heat chemicals, catalysts, or a mix of the two. The thermochemical technique involves pyrolytic treatment of biomass to yield solid, liquid, or gaseous compounds that can then be converted to fuels (synthetic biofuels). Various types of pyrolysis, gasification, and torrefaction are employed to produce gaseous, liquid, or solid fuels depending on the reaction circumstances.
Fermentation is a biological process that results in the production of ethanol, biogas, and biohydrogen. The main fermentation process involves the use of microorganisms in a warm and wet environment to turn carbohydrates (sugar, etc) into ethanol. Sugar is normally extracted mechanically by crushing and combining sugar-rich crops like sugar cane and sugar beet with water.
This book contains information about the design and application areas of the following biofuels, as well as examples of the designs of these compounds derived from biomass.
- Solid biomass thermochemical conversion
- Oil-based biodiesel generation
- Production of biogas from agricultural waste
- Production of bioethanol from biomass
- Production of hydrogen
- Methanol manufacturing
Alessandro Carabia, Alim Koray Cengiz, Ebru Bingöl, Ebru Bingöl, Flavia Vanni, Luci Attala, S. Tuğçe Tezer The book TALE OF A RIVER CITY is as a collective work that aims to narrate the complex history between Antakya's inhabitants and the Asi River running through the city that has shaped Antakya's urban life and its reception for millennia. The book outlines the collaborative, interdisciplinary work of five researchers coming from different academic backgrounds ranging from anthropology, archaeology, art history, architecture, and city planning, and articulates stories merging into the flow of the Asi River from Antakya's foundation until today. The book adopts a historical narrative method, which will be expanded upon five chronologically ordered chapters employing a kaleidoscope of perspectives from diverse sources, including books, articles, travelers' notes, myths, drawings, maps, photographs to mediate understanding the changing urban-water relations in the historical context.

NEHİRLİ KENTİN ÖYKÜSÜ kitabı, Antakya sakinleri ile şehrin içinden geçen ve Antakya'nın kentsel yaşamını şekillendiren Asi Nehri'nin binlerce yıldır süren karmaşık tarihini anlatmayı amaçlayan kolektif bir çalışmadır. Kitap; antropoloji, arkeoloji, sanat tarihi, mimarlık ve şehir planlama gibi çok farklı akademik geçmişlerden gelen beş araştırmacının iş birlikçi ve disiplinler arası çalışmalarını bir araya getirmekte ve Antakya'nın kuruluşundan günümüze kadar Asi Nehri'nin suyuna karışan hikâyelerini özetlemektedir. Kitaplar, makaleler, gezgin notları, mitler, çizimler, haritalar ve fotoğraflardan oluşan çeşitli kaynakların farklı perspektiflerini bir araya getiren kronolojik olarak sıralı beş bölümden oluşan bu kitap; tarihsel anlatı yöntemini benimsemekte, zaman içerisinde değişen şehir-su ilişkilerini tarihsel bir bağlamdan anlamaya aracı olmaktadır.
Yalın Alpay - Emre Alkin Today, many of his works are included in top private and public museums' collections in Turkey, such as Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture and Sakıp Sabancı Museum. Mualla retrospectives are run by many internationally recognized modern and contemporary art museums, especially by Istanbul Modern. The most prestigious art galleries in Turkey and in the world hold exhibitions to display Mualla paintings in particular. There are numerous books and plays written about him, many movies and documentaries telling his life story.
Despite all of these, the life and art of Fikret Mualla are still ridden with myths and contradictions in the eyes of society. Maybe it is because the last word has not yet been said on the connection between his life and his art, the way how his outlook on life influenced his works, other painters who have been an inspiration to him, the novelties he brought into the art of painting and finally the life he led, a life so dramatic and so intriguing that it could almost be used as a plot for a novel.
Here in this book, you will find the life story of Fikret Mualla, the relationship between his art and his life, rare and precious examples of his works, and various characteristics of his art.
Merve Kayacı Çodur, Mohammad Ali Sahraei Development in the range of vehicles has become a notable characteristic of modern towns, as the accumulation of individual wealth and the requirements for transport significantly motivate the ownership and utilization of vehicles. These developments have encouraged researchers to study in this field. Although several methods associated with car ownership forecasting have been described till now, there is a lack of hybrid methods for this topic. Therefore, the unique characteristic of this research lies in the integration of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) model with the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a hybrid ANN-GA. The Grey Model (GM) was also utilized to forecast independent variables from 2021 until 2040. Then, forecasting car ownership based on the best-developed network was conducted. In this regard, large-scale actual data from 1970–2020 was gathered, including population, GDP per capita, petrol price, and road length. A comparative analysis between ANN and hybrid models demonstrated the effectiveness of utilizing the hybrid ANN-GA approach concerning the best performance criteria. The results of this forecasting indicate that car ownership will be gradually increased by around 36% until 2040. These results can be utilized in specific, complex, or ambiguous environments because of the flexibility in several developed and developing countries.
Ali Günyaktı The course of Urban Hydraulics and Hydrology is one of the civil engineering elective courses having essential practical applications in designers' life. It gives useful theoretical and practical information for the design, construction, and operation of system's elements for the supply of potable water and for the collection and transfer of municipal wastewater and storm water in urban areas. The basic principles of hydraulics and engineering hydrology are summarized firstly. Then, they are applied to the design of elements of both water supply and sewage systems.
Supplying of enough freshwater, collection and disposal of both municipal sewage water and storm water are the main problems in urban areas. People require freshwater supply in enough quantity with a satisfactory quality. At the same time, it is necessary to collect and dispose properly both the sanitary sewage and the storm water. The water supply in the required quantity and quality can be provided by correctly designed, constructed and operated certain civil structures. These consist of structures used for collection, transfer, storage, treatment, and distribution of freshwater. For the collection, transfer and discharge of both sanitary and storm water; engineers design and construct mainly underground structures. In the design of all such structures engineers use basic principles of hydraulics and hydrology.
They basically use the theory of the closed conduits under dynamic pressures for the water supply systems. The sewer systems used for the management of both municipal wastewater and storm water are indeed a closed system usually working as an open channel. For the design discharge of drainage structures engineers need certain hydrological computation.
In this book, a review of the basic hydraulic and hydrologic principles is given without going into detail. Then, three parts dealing with the basis of design for the water distribution system, the sanitary sewage collection system, and storm water drainage system for urban areas are explained. Many working examples with some unsolved problems are supplied for better understanding of the theoretical parts given in the book.
Ferhan Sami Atalay Utilities in the chemical industries include steam generation, hot oil system, electrical power transformers and electrical distribution panels, air compressors, vacuum system low temperature generators (chiller), water cooling towers, process water, waste removal systems to protect the environment. Also, all activities such as maintenance and repair activities, fire prevention and fighting systems are subject of utilities.
Heating and/or cooling of processes in factories is provided by using central systems. While the low temperatures required for the process are provided by the a facility called chiller; the cooling water used in the production process is cooled by using a cooling tower and sent to the production process. Especially in small plants, a hot oil system is preferred instead of saturated steam and hot water to maintain the require temperatures of 250 – 350ºC for process.
If industrial activities are not controlled, they can cause significant environmental problems. Global environmental problems such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, air/ water / soil pollution, hazardous wastes, sea and ocean pollution without borders endanger the sustainability of the environment and the health of human and other living species.
For this reason, it is obligatory to carry out production activities in accordance with the philosophy of sustainability and to treat the wastes that arise during these activities and cause environmental problems.
On the other hand, the safe operation of a plant is a top priority requirement. The lives of workers in the plant , the sustainability of the processes, and the environment and human health are highly dependent on the safe operation of the plant. Safety becomes even more important, especially in plants that produce hazardous chemicals.
The most important steps in the safety of the facilities are the mechanical designs of the process equipment in accordance with the standards and the automatic inspection of the processes. While various requirements, mechanical, economic and social conditions are taken into account by the designers, safety, production specifications, environmental regulations, operating restrictions must be taken into account. Proper implementation of controls increases the safety and profitability of the facility.
It is extremely important to take measures in maintenance and repair workshops and factories in order to ensure continuity in the facility, prevent accidents, and minimize possible malfunctions.
In this book, information about the design and operation problems of the following utilities is presented and examples of the designs of these facilities are given.
- Steam Generation
- Hot Oil System
- Water Cooling Towers
- Process and Boiler Water Preparation Systems
- Refrigeration System (Chillers)
- Environmental Protection Systems
- Vacuum Systems
- Electricity System and Automation
- Maintenance and Corrosion Prevention
- Safety and Fire Fighting
Burak Polat This book is an advanced original text on Vector Calculus aiming university students and researchers from engineering and basic sciences who are interested in the analytical aspects of classical electromagnetism as well as other disciplines of continuum physics. It is an outgrowth of the author’s published works and university lectures throughout decades. The original material in the text includes the concept of Nabla Algebra, a complementary perspective on the network of relations between vector operators and integral theorems, vector algebraic properties of phasors, differential and commutative properties of the comoving time derivative operator, transport theorems in volumetric and nonvolumetric domains, generalized vector operators for studying singularities, spatial derivatives of point, space curve and surface type distributions of arbitrary order, and distributional forms of Stokes’s and divergence theorems. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the notions of differential and integral calculus at sophomore level.