Traditional Turkish Arts and Restoration \ 1-1
Tuba Kınay Gör The art of printing is based on hand prints on cave walls that were made thousands of years ago. However, although the art of printmaking dates back centuries, the terms related to this art are renewing itself day by day, and new techniques and materials are added to the terminology. Although this art is quite old, it has been seen how harmful the toxic substances used in time have caused to health, and this has led artists to search for more reliable products. In addition, the artists started to experiment with the materials at hand, since some materials caused problems in terms of both cost and access. Due to these and similar reasons, a tendency towards more organic ones, both as a mold and as a dye and solvent, has been seen day by day, thus new techniques, methods and materials have emerged in the experimental sense.
This book is also a reference source that will provide great convenience in conveying these innovations and providing access to the meanings of terms in academic research. It is an abbreviated terminology focused on print that will be used by researchers and experts working on this field, especially undergraduate students studying in related departments of universities, as well as academicians.
H. Turgay Ünalan After the discovery of writing, human accumulates knowledge; He transferred it on materials such as bone, stone, clay tablets, metal, papyrus and parchment found in the geographies he lived in. About 2000 years ago, paper, a material that can be produced and reproduced more easily than other materials, was discovered in China, thus the adventure of paper, which has continued until today, began. Today, paper is used in all areas of life beyond being a writing and drawing tool. In addition to its use in social life, paper also appears as a design element and art product in artistic activities. Therefore, handmade paper is accepted as an important craft and art material all over the world. Two- or three-dimensional works can be done with paper pulp in the desired texture, size and color. In this book; Materials and equipment that can be easily found at home, at school, in the workshop, and activities and techniques to be applied at every age level are explained.
Aydın Uğurlu, Feyzan Göher, H. Nurgül Begiç, Hava Selçuk, Onur Köksal, Recep Özkan, Selcen Gültekin, Servet Senem Uğurlu, Yahya Akyüz, Yonca Gül Uğurlu While the human element that makes up the society affects geography and culture on the one hand, it is also affected by geography and culture. The human element of the social structure consisting of men and women differs from society to society according to the position of these two sexes in the structure. The position of women and men in society is one of the most important factors in determining the place of that society in other societies.
The meanings ascribed to women and men by society differentiate and differentiate the contributions of the sexes to social life, even by drawing sharp boundaries, sometimes visible and sometimes invisible barriers/prohibitions. This situation; It affects every aspect of the social structure, from family life regulated by gender to individual relations, from business life to educational status.
The cultural rituals, which constitute the main source of the differences in the social roles of these two sexes, in which the existence of one is not possible without the other, has sometimes brought the woman to the fore, sometimes the man, to the point of dominating the other and even depriving him of all kinds of rights. This deprivation and domination has been mostly in favor of men in the history of humanity, and women have been pushed into the secondary plan by being overshadowed by men in almost every era and society.
This book; “Women in Turks”, “Women in Anatolia”, “Women in Nomadic Culture”, “Bacıyan-ı Rum and Women Craftsmen in Anatolia”, Women in the West”, “II-IX. It covers the topics of "Women and Music in the Turks in the Centuries", "Violence Against Women", "Women with Statistics", "Education of Girls in the Late Ottoman Period and the Professional Life of Teacher Faika Ünlüer".
Vahap Candan During my sports or cultural trips, Turkish expressions that I had not heard before in the field of architecture caused me to look more carefully at village structures. I sensed that we had a rich vocabulary regarding the art of construction. Looking at the ancient sources, I began to realize that those words were a guide that took us on a journey through the time tunnel.
I could not come across a study directly related to the village building art in the old sources. Interest in the village started by Turkish intellectuals during the Second Constitutional Period in the first years of the Republic, Atatürk especially encouraged research on Turkish language, history and cultural history. I also scanned the compilation dictionaries compiled by the intellectuals of the time, as a bee collects honey, from the mouths of the people, with Atatürk's orders and encouragements. My curiosity deepened and I also scanned the search dictionaries. With the thought that it would be useful to make a comparison, I also examined the reference sources of the Gokturk, Uyghur and Karakhanid periods on the subject. that the words in question do not merely represent a structure or element of structure; When I realized that some of them bear the traces of our cultural codes, I started taking notes. The transformation of these notes into the Building Art Dictionary is the result of five years of research and analysis.
I hope that the dictionary will contribute to the understanding of our cultural codes and be useful...
Muteber ERBAY, Tülay ZORLU, Betül AKGÜL, Dilara ONUR, Aylin ARAS At the intersection of Art and Architecture, this book introduces a tried-and-true method for creating form and solving interior spaces in design studios, based on Kandinsky's work through the art of painting.
The book basically consists of two parts. In the first part; Design and Creativity, Design Studios in Architectural Education, Painting Art and Architecture, Abstract Art and Kandinsky, The Concept of Abstraction and the Relationship between Architecture are examined. In the second part, a method proposal applied in the Interior Architecture Class I design studio is introduced and the resulting products are shared with the reader.
Sıdıka Sibel Sevim Ceramic decorations have increased their aesthetic value by ascribing different meanings to the products produced since the first ages when ceramic production began. In addition to this, it has also been an important means of conveying people's feelings, thoughts and current lives. Ceramic decors, which were initially applied using primitive methods, later started to be applied with modern methods with the development of technology. Today, mass productions are made in the ceramic industry with the constantly developing ceramic decoration methods. In artistic works, applications are presented with different effects of hand decorations as well as technical decoration methods.
In this book, a brief history of ceramic decors and application techniques from the beginning, ceramic decor design and purpose, ceramic decor types applied on underglaze, underglaze, overglaze and wet mud and the methods used in these decors, screen printing decors, decoration methods applied in today's ceramic art and industry, application stages and explained with examples.