Soil Science and Plant Nutrition \ 1-1
Burhan Kacar, Vahap Katkat, Şule Öztürk Adequate nutrition of humans and animals and the supply of raw materials required for basic industry are possible with qualified as well as abundant plant production. For this reason, it is possible to understand all the events that take place in the plant, from the germination of the seed to the vegetative development and the formation of the generative organs, with a good knowledge of the plant physiology. Although it is included in Basic Sciences, plant physiology; It is undeniably important for field, vineyard and garden plants and flower producers as well as for those working in agriculture and forestry.
The Plant Physiology book consists of fifteen main chapters. In the first part, the Structure of Plant Cells and in the second part, Enzymes and their Functions are examined in detail. Water-Cell Relationships, Water Uptake and Transport, and Water Loss are explained in the following three main sections. Plant Nutrient Elements and Uptake and Transport of Nutrient Elements are presented in Chapters 6 and 7, based on the latest research findings. Photosynthesis, Nitrogen and Sulfur Extractions, Transport of Photosynthetic Products and Respiration are explained in detail in the following chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11. Growth, Growth Movements and Plant Hormones and Their Functions are presented in Chapters 12, 13 and 14. The meaning and importance of stress in plants and different types of stress are explained in Chapter 15, entitled Stress Physiology.
Burhan KACAR As the importance of plant-based foods in human nutrition has been proven by research findings, interest in plant analysis has increased. The analysis of agricultural products is requested and closely monitored in many countries. The development of modern devices and easy-to-use sensitive methods has led to the widespread use of plant analysis. As in most countries, plant analysis has taken its place in the analysis programs of laboratories in our country. The development of easy-to-use devices and sensitive methods has supported the spread of plant analysis.
This book, which was prepared to provide information on new easy-to-apply plant analysis methods to undergraduate and graduate students as well as those working in laboratories, consists of 24 main chapters. For those who want to work in laboratories with their own rules, the first and basic information is given in Chapter 1 and the developments in plant analysis from past to present are given in Chapter 2. In the light of the latest information, how and in what way the plant samples will be taken and the results of the analysis will be evaluated in Chapter 3 and the methods applied in the decomposition (burning) of organic matter are given in Chapter 4. Today, various modern analysis methods of macro and micro elements and useful elements that are absolutely necessary for plants are given in Chapters 5 - 24.
The chapters in the book were read by a total of 20 scientists and researchers working in different universities and research institutions, and necessary corrections and arrangements were made in line with the suggestions. The names and addresses of the helpers are presented under the title of "Contributors" as in the books published abroad.
Burhan Kacar It has been witnessed that the number of plant, soil and fertilizer analysis laboratories has increased rapidly in our country in recent years, and this number exceeds thirty in some provinces. The main reason for this is that the negativities in traditional (conventional) agriculture are clearly seen in our country, as in various countries, and the "Good Agricultural Practices, GAP" regulation came into force within the framework of the European Union (EU) harmonization program. The negative effects on the environment of the lack of guidance and control in the application of agricultural inputs, especially chemical fertilizers and pesticides, on human and animal health have been clearly seen.
Celâl ER - Dilek BAŞALMA Seeds and seeds are the source of life. The propagation and reproduction material used or involved in the reproduction and reproduction of plants and animals, and in a broader sense of all living beings, is called seed and seed. Especially seeds, seeds, seedlings, saplings and all kinds of breeders used in agriculture have a unique (belonging) importance and this importance cannot be discussed. The seed and the seed pod is the hiding place of all the features and beauty. Even the hidden secrets of life are here. Man has been trying to reveal and read these hidden secrets since the day he began to use seeds and seeds consciously in production and reproduction. This struggle and effort of humanity will continue for eternity (until the Day of Judgment).
One of the most important proverbs in our beautiful Turkish is “What you sow, you reap!”. In that case, it is essential to use seeds and seeds of high-yielding and high-quality varieties in order to obtain a quality product and high yield. Only in this way is it possible to engage in a profitable activity. In other words, to say basically, among the production inputs, seeds and seeds, more generally, the production material used have a special place. Farmers and producers who understand this fact properly will always gain. “The harvest of the additional seed, the mourning of absence.” The proverb expresses this situation appropriately and meaningfully.
Each seed represents a new beginning. Every seed that is a new beginning is a link with the past, a healthy and meaningful bridge between the old and the new. In many ways, the study of the seed is the study of life itself. A single seed forms a neatly wrapped package containing a living organism capable of displaying almost all the stages found in a mature plant. By examining the seed or the germinating seedling, man; He also learned a lot about growth regulators, respiration, cell division, morphogenesis, photosynthesis and other activities. Although botanists have learned a great deal about seeds and seeds since the early 20th century, there are still many unknown aspects of the seed. For this reason, as today, in the future, seeds will be of interest and research.