Sociology \ 1-2
Ahmet Karakaya, Ahmet Köroğlu, Alev Erkilet, Alperen Gem Ennçosmanoğlu, Asım Öz, Ayşen Baylak, Ertuğrul Zengin, Fatih Kucur, İbrahies Aksu, İlhan Sadıkoğlu, Kâmil Yeşil, Mahmut Hakkı Akın, Mehmet Erken, Mustafa Aydın, Mustafa Oğuzhan Çolak,Necdet Subaşı, Nurettin Ürün, Serkan Yorgancılar, Şerife Nihal Zeybek, Tuba Aydın, Vahdettin Işık, Yunus Emre Özsaray, Yunus Emre Tapan With each passing day, we understand better that the period of introversion shaped around the adventure of the nation-state creates a serious limit in the world of thought. This can be clearly observed when agendas, concepts, and priorities in handling issues are followed. It is possible to say that the period when the signs of overcoming this limitation were seen in the most concrete way was the years between 1960 and 1980, when the multi-party life became relatively permanent. To a certain extent, this period, in which different layers of the public are directly involved in the process, continues to be influential today, both in terms of its specific weight in Turkey's recent history, as well as new searches, channels, institutionalizations, diversifications and discourse differentiations in the history of Islamist thought and publishing. .
In addition, the fact that a significant part of the people who took an active role in the activities of the period are still alive, allows a tested eye to examine a reading to be made from today. Considering that a very important part of the cadres who carry today's Turkey in politics, bureaucracy, civil institutions and intellectual fields are the generations that grew up in the 1960-1980 period, the importance of those years will be better understood. In conclusion, in order to better understand the present, it is quite clear that it is necessary to closely examine the years of 1960-80, which is almost the womb of today. Therefore, both contributing to the understanding of the process we are witnessing and providing the opportunity to create a bridge between these living historical witnesses and new generations reveals both the intention and the value of this study.
Mehmet Görgülü Forensic Anthropology is a science that has become increasingly important and developing in recent years. It provides important contributions to various branches of science, especially forensic Sciences, Law and Archeology. It has an indispensable importance in the identification of biological materials belonging to humans, animals and plants mainly in archaeological areas, and in the identification of corpses and skeletons in forensic sciences. Ancient DNA, which is one of the biological materials obtained in archeology, and genetic studies from corpses and skeletons in forensic and legal sciences have also developed considerably in recent years and have become one of the fields of study of Forensic Anthropology.
Ahmet Ayhan Çitil, Burhanettin Tatar, Kasim Küçükalp, Özkan Gözel, Selami Varlık, Lütfi Sunar, Ömer Türker, Cafer Sadık Yaran This book has been prepared to deal with the ways in which otherness transforms into excluded otherness and to discuss this within moral thought. Because if a moral relationship is not established with the existence of the other, the alienation of the other emerges.
Today, problems arising from otherness occupy the agenda all over the globe. Xenophobia, ethnocentrism, racism, religious fanaticism, Islamophobia and nationalism are among the rising threats of our age. While nation states resort to identity-reinforcing policies with exaggerated security discourses to overcome their legitimacy crisis,
On the other hand, the socio-cultural crises faced are pushing the masses towards marginalizing language. Increasing global conflicts and the resulting migration waves bring up traumatic encounters with someone else. In this context, there is a need for a new perspective on morality and the other. If the existence of someone else, who has a moral idea in his essence, is taken as the basis of human life, a recognition can take place without othering, and this recognition can bring about a moral obligation.
Within the framework of this perspective, there are articles in the book that deal with the concepts and debates about the other/other in modern philosophy and Islamic thought.
is. Thus, it is aimed to create a new approach as well as a general and comparative perspective.
Ahmet Ayhan Çitil • Burhanettin Tatar • Cafer Sadik Yaran • Kasım Küçükalp Lütfi Sunar • Ömer Türker • Özkan Gözel • Selami Varlık
Adem Sağır, Alev Erkilet, Köksal Alver, Lütfi Sunar, Özgür Arun, Seran Demiral, Uğur Zeynep Güven Likes have become a central issue of social life for today's people. From music to food, from clothing to holidays, from speech to venue, issues of taste are becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, tastes at the intersection of the individual and the social have more value than ever before in terms of understanding social change. The book in your hand consists of six articles compiled from the seminar series held by the İLEM Specialized Community Working Group in the 2016 Spring term. The articles mainly discuss the social change in daily life through tastes. It is aimed that this work, which will be a fundamental contribution to the field of the sociology of taste, which has recently come to the fore in our country, will be the basis for new discussions.
Ferzan Durul, Gözde Aynur Mirza, Özgür Dirim Özkan, Melin Levent, Mehmet Gürlek, Uğur Zeynep Güven, M. Tolga Uslu, Süleyman Şanlı, Sanem Kulak Gökçe, Abdurrahman Yılmaz, Ebrar Akıncı, Mehtap Demir, Erdem İlgi Akter Anthropology, which has claimed to deal with “human” holistically for more than a century, has taken its place in history as a new social science; Over time, with the change of cultural phenomena, it has also been transformed and divided into sub-disciplines.
The Culture That Shaped Us – An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology book also presents this social science field to the reader as an introductory text.
In this book, starting from the conditions in which anthropology emerged and following its interaction with other social sciences; anthropology as well as theoretical approaches; Field experiences, research methods, language, economics, gender, family, politics, law, religion and art are also discussed.
If everything that stays the same and/or changes is within the domain of culture, then commonalities and differences regarding human beings also fall within the scope of cultural anthropology. This book it discusses the "culture that shapes us" by including the "us that shapes the culture" and draws a two-pronged anthropology framework.
Bülent Şen Couples who love each other, dream of growing old together, and after having a child, cannot solve their problems after many unwanted experiences, and perhaps decide to divorce after receiving family counseling; While experiencing the negative processes of divorce, they do not harm each other and their children more in cases where the conditions are made more difficult in the court environment, divorce can be more economical, in a shorter time, with fairer conditions for both parties, both parties and their families can remain friends after the divorce, children can always be It is thought that completing the divorce process by making joint decisions under the supervision of an impartial third person, where they can see both parents regularly and receive support, will contribute positively to both couples and children and society.
In the book, both domestic and international literature and practices have been tried to be presented to the readers with an impartial eye, and they will work on divorce mediation. to academics; to students and practitioners of law, social work, psychology, psychological counseling, sociology, child development, preschool education, family and consumer sciences; to family counselors; to family court judges and experts; To the members of the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court; to experts who will conduct legal studies on this subject; it has been tried to give basic information to the managers of the relevant institutions and organizations, to the readers who are curious about the issue of divorce mediation and to the couples who want to get divorced by agreement.
At the end of the book; Family Counselors who have received 450 hours of training in the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and have a Family Counseling certificate, and the desire of Lawyers who have received mediation training within the scope of the Mediation Law, to work together and to carry out interdisciplinary and holistic studies on Divorce Mediation, which can set an example for other countries, has been expressed.
Burak Gümüş, Büşra işgüzar, Gökhan Tuncel, Hasan Buran, İsmail Ermağan, Melek Busem Öztekin, Mustafa Karaman, Oğuzhan Göktolga, Sami Zariç, Süleyman Ekici, Yahya Gençay Since the formal framework of the political systems is determined by the constitution and laws of the relevant country, it is possible to have a certain idea about the general characteristics and functioning of the political regime. However, in addition to the constitution and some basic laws of a country, looking at the historical, geographical, social, cultural and economic characteristics of that country, its political parties, party system, election system, pressure and interest groups, is a more accurate and more consistent analysis of the functioning of the political system in that country. will further increase our ability to do so.
This work; It is composed of two volumes, to some extent interconnected, to some extent independent. In this first volume; the state, state theories, elements of the state, democracy, legislative, executive, judiciary, election, electoral systems, pressure and interest groups and party systems are discussed theoretically. Then, country practices that will be suitable for political regimes and their sub-derivatives are given. The Swiss practice is given as a partial example of the Parliamentary Government System, one of the systems based on the union of powers. Among the political systems based on the separation of powers, the country practices of England, Sweden and Saudi Arabia as an example of the Parliamentary System with a Constitutional Monarchy, and the country practices of Germany, Italy and the Republic of South Africa as an example of the Republican Parliamentary System are included.
In the second volume, 10 different presidential systems related to five sub-derivatives of semi-presidential systems, 4 different presidential systems related to sub-derivatives of presidential systems, and the Presidential Government System in Turkey will be covered.
Hope it will be helpful to the reader...
Nevzat GÜLDİKEN During the period until today, when the concepts of labor and work first appeared on the stage of history, different ideas have been developed for these concepts. In primitive times, the concept of work was defined as doing enough work to maintain life at a minimum level, but in modern times this provision is no longer sufficient. With the discovery of production by human beings and the emergence of the concept of wage with this discovery, the attitude towards work has also changed.
In this book, which tries to look at the concepts of work and employment from a sociological perspective, the views of various sociologists on these concepts and how the concepts are shaped according to the lifestyles, values and judgments of societies are tried to be conveyed to the reader.
Kemal GÖRMEZ Ecological problems, which a sage defined as "nature's revenge on humankind", are among the main problems faced by human beings today.
Environmental problems, which have become one of the problems threatening humanity since the second half of the 20th century, have generally become felt as a result of the Industrial Revolution, although its roots date back to ancient times. Since then, it has grown to great sizes. Despite the measures developed in recent years, many people are not hopeful for the future yet. Discussions and researches on this problem, which was perceived only as pollution in the past and which covers all areas of social life, are increasingly intensifying.
This book was written mainly to meet students' resource needs on ecology and environmental problems.
Ahmet Hulusi Akkaş, Çağlar Özdemir, Ebru Davulcu, Fikret Yazıcı, Hakan Aydın, Haşim Asil, Hülya Öztekin, Mustafa Öztürk, Mustafa Temel, Sümeyye Derin, Vahit İlhan Child abuse is a subject that needs to be studied meticulously in order to be handled with a multidisciplinary approach and to protect the best interests of children. Undoubtedly, the most important contribution to the solution efforts regarding the problem of child abuse will be the attempts to increase scientific and managerial knowledge about this field. The fact that these initiatives include a multidisciplinary approach is of strategic importance considering the extremely limited production in this regard and has the potential to strengthen the search for solutions. Depending on the stated purpose and importance, the ProChild Project has determined as one of its main outputs the production of an edited book, which deals with the problem of child abuse with a multidisciplinary approach. This book; It deals with the problem of child abuse with its knowledge of medicine, education, law and communication, focuses on the problem of representation through the news of child abuse published in internet newspapers, and opens the digital components of child abuse to discussion in detail.
Suna Tevrüz - İnci Erdem - Tülay Bozkurt The main purpose of this book, which is about the human being and examines his behavior both as an individual and in the social and business environment, is to provide information about the various aspects of human behavior to those who have entered and will enter the working life.
The questions asked by the students in the selection of the topics in the book and what they told were guiding the authors and prompted the authors to fill some gaps in the Turkish literature. In this respect, although it is limited in subjects, this book is a complementary resource that provides important information for students in areas where human beings are at the core.
This book is interesting and helpful for anyone who is interested in human behavior, who wants to understand it and himself, in terms of its treatment and treatment of behavior at the individual, social and institutional levels.
Lütfi Sunar What is social change?
How do societies change?
What are the main theories explaining change?
What are the main dynamics of change in Turkey?

Social change is a fundamental field that concerns all subjects, concepts and theories of sociology. From the beginning to the present, many explanations about change have emerged in the sociology literature. Understanding the accumulation of these explanations is very important for a sociology student. Understanding change is essential for analyzing the workings of society.
Turkey's social structure is in a rapid and permanent change. Comprehensive and sustained research and new perspectives are needed to understand and explain this change. However, social change has not attracted much attention from sociology in Turkey. The number of theoretical studies, conceptual studies and empirical researches in the field is very few. This work in your hand was written within the scope of Social Structure Research Program to fill such a gap.
This book, which consists of 16 chapters, examines the concepts, theories and approaches related to change in sociology. The topics covered in this book, which is also designed as a textbook, are handled simply and expanded with examples. With the concept explanations, biographies and reading passages added to the chapters, the flow of the book is tried to be relaxed and different windows are opened in the mind of the reader.
Abdullah Karatay, Başak Ekim Akkan, Berna Yazıcı, Betül Altuntaş, Faruk Taşcı, Güngör Toprak Çabuk, Mehmet Baki Deniz, Mehmet Ertan, Reyhan Atasü Topcuoğlu, Turgay Çavuşoğlu, Volkan Yılmaz Institutional social services, which were organized under the umbrella of the Social Services and Child Protection Agency in Turkey until 2011, entered a new organizational process with the formation of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies in 2011. This process it means not only the change in bureaucratic structuring, but also the involvement of actors other than the public in the delivery of social services. These actors; private sector, local governments and non-governmental organizations. Undoubtedly, in this new era, the importance of the family as the main pillar of social solidarity continues.
This book discusses the transformation in social services in the context of different welfare regimes on the axis of disadvantaged groups (children, elderly, disabled, women, immigrants, LGBT individuals, different ethnic-cultural groups, human trafficking victims). Undoubtedly, every disadvantaged group has problems in many areas from employment to increasing the quality of life, education and health services. This study deals with different disadvantaged groups as the main issue of social policy within the framework of the interest of social services and includes specific discussions for each group.
Abdulkadir Yeler, Adem Palabıyık, Adem Sağır, Celal İnce, Cumhur Arslan, Ebru Çetin, Esra Işık, Gökhan Göktürk, Göknur Ege, Gül Aktaş, Hasan Biçim, Işılay Göktürk, İlknur Beyaz Özbey, İsmail Öz, Kerem Özbey, M. Yavuz Alptekin, Mehmet Koca, Onur Uca, Özkan Aydar, Özkan Öztürk, Selim Karyelioğlu, Ümmet Erkan, Yaşar Erjem, Yunus Anter, Zeynep Hiçdurmaz Although this work, titled Sociology from Yesterday to Today, has both linguistic problems arising from translation and content problems that do not overlap with the sociological realities of Turkey, it has been prepared as an alternative to many translated books used as textbooks.
This book, which has the content of the "Introduction to Sociology" course given in the sociology departments; It has been written in a comprehensive, detailed, exemplary and visually rich manner and in a simple language. With these aspects, it is a work that can be used by all readers who are interested in sociology as well as academicians and students.
Orhan Battır Migration movements with increasing speed and visibility in the modern period; While it was a socio-demographic phenomenon at the action level, it was first included in the political field and then securitized and became a high policy issue. In the current century, migration has already become one of the top priorities of the international community's agenda, which directly affects the functioning of the international system and shapes the interaction between system actors. It is seen that the academic interest in the issue of migration has increased gradually due to the fact that it has come to the fore with its problematic aspects in recent years.
This work deals with the fact that people leave their places of residence and settle in other places, albeit for very different reasons, as a state of nature in the historical process. Therefore, in the work; There are evaluations that seeing the phenomenon of immigration as a "crime" that must be prevented and accordingly looking at immigrants as "criminal" consists of a fundamental illusion. Of course, while doing this, care is taken not to make the mistake of ignoring or ignoring problems based on immigration.
Ayşe Yıldırım, Çağdaş Demirci, Çiğdem Kara, Erdinç Kineşçi, Hasan Münüsoğlu, Melike Kaplan, Pınar Kasapoğlu Akyol, Saim Örnek, Sanem Kulak Gökçe, Z. Nilüfer Nahya, Zeynep Kantemur Social and cultural anthropology, which started to focus on education through child-rearing, childhood and psychological anthropology studies, gradually focused on education, class, ethnicity, language and religion, as well as with space, production, relations, institutions, etc. formed a coherent point of view. Thanks to ethnography, anthropologists write studies that can go into details and aim to understand and explain the community in depth and pattern. Learning, teaching, school and schooling, acculturation, identity, difference, discrimination, access to education, adequacy of educational opportunities, etc. They conduct research that addresses economic, political and social inequalities.
With the aim of making an introductory contribution to the developing educational anthropology studies in Turkey, this book covers educational anthropology with a broad perspective from the history of education to school ethnographies, the content of anthropology to its theories, the importance of language in education to cultural heritage, multiculturalism and globalization. Thus, the book offers a versatile content that appeals to sociology and educational sciences as well as social and cultural anthropology.
İsmail Doğan This book is the product of many years of experience and knowledge devoted to the "Social and Historical Foundations of Education". prof. Dr. In this work, İsmail Doğan brings together the theoretical and conceptual dimensions of the sociology of education with the educational and cultural realities of Turkish society. In addition to Western sociologists and theorists, Turkish intellectuals and thinkers who have opened an educational corridor to the problems of the country and society have an important place in the content of the book in proportion to their closeness and inclination to the sociological style and method. The contributions of Ali Suavi, Münif Pasha, Prince Sabahattin, Ziya Gökalp, İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu, Mümtaz Turhan, Nurettin Topçu, Nusret Köymen and many Turkish intellectuals to the sociology of education are considered in this context.
From Ibn Khaldun to Emile Durkheim, from Max Weber to Paulo Freire, the story gives a universal perspective and experience to the academic problems of the sociology of education. The content that stands out in this framework, on the other hand, provides an objective journey to the traditional and current problems of the sociology of education.
Şenol Korkut This book examines the political philosophy of the Second Muallim Fârâbî in terms of its origins and originality.
Fârâbî, who built the political science and philosophy in Islamic thought as a science, also pursued a series of alternative political theories to the political thought of the Athenian-oriented Greek philosophy. Al-Farabi, who built a unique political philosophy between the political elements brought by the revelation of Islam and the ancient Greek political philosophy, on the one hand brought new problem areas to political philosophy, on the other hand, he brought a new horizon to Islamic thought with the doctrine of virtuous and virtuous cities. It is possible to see the virtuous and immoral perspectives developed by the philosopher on the ground of philosophy, nation and medina, in all the problem groups he examines about political philosophy. In this book, on the one hand, virtuous philosophy, virtuous religion and the idealized philosophical adventure of the virtuous city are examined, on the other hand, the story of corrupt philosophy, corrupt religions and unvirtuous cities in the philosophical filter of the Second Teacher is discussed.
Mustafa Fayda, Mustafa Sabri Küçükaşçı, Azmi Özcan, Casim Avcı, Mehmet Özdemir, Hasan Hüseyin Adalıoğlu, Ali Satan, Uğur Demir, Abdulkadir Macit The caliphate, one of the most important institutions in the history of Islam, is among the critical concepts of the literature of Islamic political thought. The way the concept takes place in Islamic sources and its forms that have been the subject of theological and political thought have responded to the states' search for sovereignty and authority since the first periods of Islamic history.
This book, which includes 9 articles, puts forward the issues such as what kind of process the caliphate followed in the pre-modern period and what functions it fulfilled, and what discussions took place about it. It aims to benefit from the past experience in the determination and criticism of current issues.
It is hoped that this study/work, which contains the papers of the workshop held on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the succession of the Caliphate to the Turks, will be instrumental in many more new/original researches and will serve to commemorate and understand this great historical heritage correctly.
Abdulkadir Yeler, Adem Sağır, Celal İnce, Cumhur Arslan, Esra Işık, Gökhan Göktürk, Işılay Göktürk, İlknur Beyaz Özbey, İsmail Öz, Mehmet Koca, Onur Uca, Özkan Aydar, Selim Karyelioğlu, Ümmet Erkan, Yaşar Erjem, Zeynep Hiçdurmaz Sociology course is the course that students who have just started to university do not understand very well what it will do in life, but the students who graduate are also the most sought after and referred to the most. This is due to the complex structure of sociology that includes micro and macro dimensions of life, respectively, and the fact that it is a necessary science for life.
This book, titled Sociology in General Lines, covers the 14-week, single-term content of the Sociology course, which is taught in many faculties and colleges, especially in the Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture, Communication, Health Sciences, in addition to the Department of Sociology, and covers the main topics with examples from current events and in a plain language. It aims to explain the science of sociology to all its readers, especially students, in a pleasant way and to teach it with love.
Arda Özkan, Arzu Kurşun, Bora Yenihan, Gülşah Taşçı, Harun Tanrıvermiş, İlbey Dölek, Mehmet Ali Kirman, Nagihan Taner, Pınar Türkmen Birlik, Ruşen Keleş, Sabriye Çelik Uğuz, Selen Ezme Yumak, Sema Buz, Serdar Gündoğan, Sevda Köse, Şebnem Köşer Akçapar, Şirin Dilli, Tolga Çıkrıkçı, Yeliz Yazan Koç, Yeşim Tanrıvermiş This book discusses the concept of “migration” from an interdisciplinary perspective. While most of the research on migration in the field focuses on the subject with a single discipline, this book in your hand sheds light on the phenomenon of migration with different dimensions of many disciplines. In addition to migration studies, the book will also be a valuable resource for students and academics who do research in different disciplines.
Yusuf Adıgüzel This book, which is an introduction to basic migration issues, made its 5th edition in a short time and became one of the reference works in the field. The Sociology of Migration book aims to focus on the sociological dimensions of migration and its national and international social effects. In the book, firstly, the concepts and theories related to migration are explained, and migration movements are handled with a local to global theme. Internal migration processes in Turkey are evaluated together with the dimensions of urbanization, urbanization and citizenship. Migrations from Turkey to abroad and regular and irregular migrations from abroad to Turkey are examined. Global migrations, migration policies, models of living together, diasporas, return migrations, immigrant solidarity networks, public institutions and NGOs working in the field of migration are also among the topics covered in this book.
Sociology of Migration will be an important reference source for students and academics in all social sciences, especially sociology, law, political science and international relations disciplines of universities.
Aybeniz Sarıçiçek İpekoğlu, Aybike Dinç, Dolunay Şenol, Ezgi Karmaz, Gıyasettin Yıldız, Gülden Filiz Önal, Mehtap Nur Bitmez, Merve Çetin Kılıç, Özge Gülver, Seda Taş, Yıldız Yavuz “Daily habits, attitudes and practices, or in other words, daily “actions, practices and modes of production” are not seen as the dark, sunless ground of social activities, and this is a theoretical, methodological, classification and observational way of moving from the darkness of the night to the light. When a series of questions can be articulated behind this research, we will have achieved our goal”.
Michel de Certeau

Everyday life is both a production and a consumption area, which becomes ambiguous and ambiguous under the demonstrative lights of modernity, which is treated implicitly as well as being the scene of explicit interventions. In this area, there is a need to reveal what is implicit and to understand the implicit aspects of what is open. For this reason, the study has been carried out in sections by determining the main points that are thought to be effective on the field of daily life. While only theoretical information is given in some of the sections, it is aimed to contribute to the field by carrying out both theoretical and applied field studies in the other section. Working in this direction; By reading the daily life through photography, together with the subjects of culture, music, addiction, crime and fear of crime, happiness, wedding, children, media in particular, television, social media and masculinity identity, ethnography and semiotic analysis methods, which are relatively new in sociology, are used as a method in the field of daily life sociology. aims to contribute.
Abdullah Akat, Abonoz Küçük, Ahmet Keskin, Berna Ayaz, Hamiyet Özen, Mehmet Aça, Mehmet Ali Yolcu, Mehmet Çeribaş, Mustafa Aça, Mustafa Dinç, Ülkü Kara Folklore, whose foundations were laid in Western Europe, has tended to spread to Western Asia, the Mediterranean basin and North America since the beginning of the 20th century. The beginning of Anatolian-centered Turkish folklore studies is also dated to this period. Turkish folklore, advancing towards a scientific formation with the pioneering works of Turkist intellectuals, has shown a rapid development in the context of the cultural policies of the Republic of Turkey. The fact that folklore studies have started to be carried out in an institutional framework has brought about the representation of this new branch of knowledge in our academy. Many scientists have provided unforgettable services in the progress of this process, which dates back to the 1960s, and in understanding the importance of folklore in cultural sciences.
folklore; In addition to becoming an undergraduate and graduate level department in the "Turkish Language and Literature" departments of the academies, the need for teaching materials has increased day by day with the opening of the "Folklore" departments, which aim to train experts in the field of folklore. The need for resources where different perspectives and innovative views are put forward has been tried to be met with various studies. The Folklore Handbook has been prepared to add a new one to these studies. In this book, which aims to be a source for the departments of our academy such as Turkish Language and Literature, Folklore, Anthropology, Musicology, Architecture, Art History, Handicrafts at undergraduate and graduate level, almost all subjects within the scope of folklore have been evaluated by academics who are experts in their fields, considering their functionality.
Hüsniye Canbay Tatar, İsmail Kitapcı, İsmail Öz, Mevlüt Yılmaz, Musa Yavuz Alptekin, Neriman Açıkalın, Ömer Aytaç, Taner Tatar, Uğur Çağlak, Uğur Dolgun, Veysel Bozkurt, Yavuz Odabaşı, Yonca Altındal This book has been prepared to support the writing activities of researchers and academics who want to look at economic developments from the perspective of sociology, and also to meet the learning needs of relevant students. In this sense, in addition to the scope of the previous limited number of Economic Sociology textbooks, the subject of capitalism, entrepreneurship and the causes of underdevelopment has been added to the agenda of the book.
İsmail Kitapcı It is difficult to understand people and society… It is even more difficult to understand the relationships between people, society and economy… Because…
• On the one hand, the irresistible attraction of the relations established with strong ties, on the other hand, the visionaryness of the relations based on innovation with weak ties…
• On the one hand, those who do not change the old for anything, those who are crushed under 'creative destruction', on the other hand, those who replace the old with the new, those who see technology as superior to humans, and those who have a heart like a machine...
• On the one hand, those who do not want to be put in the 'iron cage' of capitalism, on the other hand, the petrified hearts who think that unlimited power is power…
• On the one hand, those who act with the understanding of 'a bite and a cardigan', on the other hand, the pretentious people who use this understanding as an excuse and prevent themselves from working and turn idleness into a philosophy of life...
• On the one hand, those who take their bread out of stone, on the other hand, those who consume themselves as they consume, those who cannot have anything because they have everything...
• On the one hand, those who create capital for themselves from mutual trust and culture, on the other hand, those who acquire wealth, property and money for themselves.
• On the one hand, potlatch culture wins as it loses, on the other hand, selfish and self-seeking people who seek ways to gain more as capitalism gains.
• Those who are stuck in understatement on the one hand, and those who do not give up on excess on the other...
• Longing for local culture on the one hand, admiration for the global on the other...
• On the one hand, those who have the morality of submissiveness, and on the other hand, those who do not give up the morality of rebellion…
• On the one hand, “Our society rots without our virtues.” said Socrates, on the other hand, “Our society cannot develop without our vices.” said Mandeville…
• Those who are lost in cultural depths on the one hand, and those who lose their culture to civilization on the other.
• On the one hand, those who live with the American dream, on the other hand, those whose worlds turn into a nightmare...
• On the one hand, the 'knowledgeable' person of Neo-Classical economics, on the other hand, the person who cannot get rid of their cognitive biases…
• On the one hand, those who always sing the same refrain, on the other hand, entrepreneurs pushing the limits of innovation...
• Those who act as if they will never die on one side and will die tomorrow on the other…
Sociology of Economics aims at the journey of finding the 'economics in life', not the 'life in economics'. For this purpose, by making use of the views of different thinkers from Adam Smith to Karl Marx, from Max Weber to Emile Durkheim, from Werner Sombart to Joseph Schumpeter, from Karl Polanyi to Mark Granovetter and Pierre Bourdieu, the lost spirit in economics and society ; He tries to find real economics by examining the narcissist and hedonist approaches of postmodern consumer culture and the social and economic relations created by global capitalism. This book is, “First there was people, not economics.” Based on its motto, it tries to understand and make sense of the economic processes from the most primitive ages to the present day. Now is the time to question more the economic approaches that isolate people and society.
Demet Gürüz, Ayşen Temel Eğinli Communication is something we cannot give up in order to understand, to explain, or to agree… A cycle that we cannot escape from, continuing and responding to what we understand, what we say, and our agreements… An escalator that goes and comes continuously from us to us, from us to you, from you to us, in short from person to person… A cornerstone of life. Contact…
It is a book that guides all individuals in the society these days when we complain about lack of communication and realize that communication is important... While it contributes to learning what communication skills are, it also sheds light on people's ability to see where they make mistakes... It answers the following questions that come to mind:
They don't understand me, I can't explain myself, what should I do?
I think I empathize, or am I not?
There is a constant conflict between us, how can I resolve it?
I'm unsuccessful in group work, why can't I express myself?
I can't convince… How can I do it?
Communication in the family is broken… Why?
My communication with my friends is very bad at my workplace, how can it be improved?
Am I a good listener?
Aysel Aziz Communication is a long process that started with the existence of human beings in the world, has survived to the present day and will continue in our future.
It is clear that it would be so difficult to explain a subject with such wide borders in the numbered pages of a book! However, by placing certain limitations, important parts of this long adventure were taken and tried to be conveyed to the reader within the framework of the introduction.
Starting from the definition of communication within this kind of limitation, after general information about communication such as its process, relationship with other disciplines, communication types, functions and models, interpersonal communication, mass communication and mass media, news agencies, historical communication and mass communication in Turkey. development, organizational communication, internet and social media. In the last two chapters of the book, the effects of communication on society and communication researches are discussed.
Each of these introductory information; It is researched, analyzed and published under separate headings by other academics, authors and researchers. The aim of this book, titled "Introduction to Communication", is to give general information about such studies as preliminary, and to direct those who want to deepen in their subjects to such studies.
Salih Güney The indispensable element for all businesses is people. For this reason, businesses that attach importance to the selection, placement, training, promotion, evaluation and retirement of their employees have always been successful in business life.
The human resources management book is a resource that people or institutions that want to be successful in the processes from the recruitment of the personnel to their retirement can apply.
Eşref Altaş, Fatma Turğay, Hacı Bayram Başer, Hatice Umut, Hülya Alper, İbrahim Halil Üçer, Mehmet Zahit Tiryaki, Murat Kaş, Ömer Türker. Şaban Haklı, Sümeyye Parıldar, Tuba Erkoç Baydar, Yunus Cengiz. Ziya Erdinç From the moment we were convinced that man was born without a given meaning and was defined by the functions or roles he was assigned from the moment he opened his eyes, it became increasingly difficult to expect anything from man. Moreover, such expectations were always confronted with demands for freedom. This book is "What can we expect from a free man?" It grew out of a strong belief that the question can still be asked in a meaningful way. The different conceptions of man in the Islamic tradition of thought, despite all their differences, are optimistic about our expectations of man. However, how this expectation can be grounded. He found different answers within the philosophical, theological, mystical and jurisprudential perspectives in the tradition of Islamic thought.

The study, which includes fourteen articles, investigates the answers given by different disciplines in the tradition of Islamic thought and the different schools within these disciplines to the question of what a human is and what is really expected of him. For these perspectives, which all consider human life as a long story that progresses in a constant test, human is always something that is "being". The main factors that direct our ability to "be", where this ability should lead, and the areas of accrual constitute important topics in the evaluations of what a human being is. The articles in this study proceed through these questions, while investigating the nature of human beings in the traditions of philosophy, theology, mysticism and fiqh, on the other hand, they deepen the current possibilities of these perspectives.
Adem Levent, Ahmet Karakaya, Esra Kartal Soysal, Hakan Ertin, Kasım Kücükalp, Latif Karagöz, Lütfi Sunar, Metin Özdemir, Mevlüt Göl, Olkan Senemoğlu, Şaban Ali Düzgün The conceptions of the nature of man, the ethics of human actions throughout history. determined his political and metaphysical orientations. Therefore, it can be said that many emerging structures, from moral choices to social organizations, from state orders to education systems, are a direct or indirect manifestation of the answer to the question of what human is. For this reason, the question of what man is is central to any conception of the world. modernity. By radically transforming the classical conceptions of the nature of man, he revealed one of the most important breaks in human history. It is therefore a way of achieving a correct understanding of the modern period. It is through identifying and analyzing the transformations of human imagination in this period.
In this book, the debates about the nature of human being in modern Western thought are discussed and the effects of different definitions of human in these fields on the formation and transformation of various scientific disciplines are evaluated. In addition, the book also includes various debates in contemporary Islamic thought, providing an answer to the question of how the transformations that emerged with modernity affect human conceptions in the Islamic world. In this way, readers will have the opportunity to follow the simultaneous and simultaneous effects of the radically changing universe and human imagination.
Yunus Cengiz, Selime Çınar The concept of conscience, which is one of the key concepts for moral thought, is often used in the sense of "moral consciousness" today. When we look at the thought of Islam, it is difficult to say that the word conscience is used in this sense or that it is commonly used with such a content. As a matter of fact, in many texts, this concept is mentioned in a way that corresponds to intuition in an epistemological sense, not moral.
The aim of this study is to process the concept of conscience through Islamic traditions and to determine the equivalent of the concept in these traditions. This situation necessitates us to deal with the texts that aim to analyze the mental states and their practical consequences that provide the moral awareness of the actor against an action, regardless of whether the conscience is literal or not. If we do this, we will not only find the opportunity to reinterpret the classical texts on moral psychology, but also contribute to the reproduction of Islamic moral philosophy.
In the articles included in this book, which consists of the works presented at the Conscience in Islamic Thought Workshop hosted by İLEM-ILKE on June 3-4, 2016 within the scope of the Islamic Moral Thought Project, the way of problematizing the inner state that encourages people to act correctly, their reflections in different fields and psychological -theological foundations are discussed in terms of relevant traditions.
Fatih Savaşan, Fatih Yardımcıoğlu, Şakir Görmüş, Süleyman Kaya Many issues such as what the economic view of Islam is, whether it offers an economic system, what solutions it provides to people's needs, and through which institutions historically Muslims carry out their economic activities have been discussed by different segments for a long time and still continue to be discussed. Not only theoretical efforts, but also many practical efforts have been put forward and institutions have been established. Sometimes the practice side, led by Islamic banks, directed other theoretical studies, and sometimes the theory tried to influence the practice. On the other hand, with the growth of Islamic finance, regulatory authorities have inevitably been included in this ecosystem. In the end, many stakeholders, interconnected or not, ponder on Islamic economics and finance and contribute to keeping this field on the agenda.
Studies in the field of Islamic economics and finance have increased for Turkey, especially after the 1980s. Islamic lawyers, employees in the Islamic finance sector, regulatory agencies, academics and many more contribute to the field. Among them, some names played leading roles in their own fields and have been influential in the reaching of Islamic economics and finance to a much wider audience today. This book consists of interviews with professors who have worked in this field for many years, industry representatives and regulators operating in the field of Islamic finance.
A. Taha İmamoğlu, Ahmet Okumuş, Haluk Alkan, Hızır Murat Köse, İlker Kömbe, Lütfi Sunar, Ömer Türker, Özgür Kavak, Süleyman Güder, Şenol Korkut There are many attempts to define the nature of man. The most common and almost agreed upon among these attempts is that man is a political creature. Man is a being who lives in a community, makes sense and establishes himself in a community. However, the transformation of this obligatory union of people into a good and fair system poses an important problem. Various political systems have been developed throughout history to establish and maintain such a social order. One of the most important and urgent problems facing humanity today is the formation of a good, beneficial and just order for everyone.
This work has been prepared in order to draw a theoretical framework for Islamic political thought by using the possibilities and tools of contemporary political science and political philosophy.
This book, which includes 11 articles written by competent academics in the field, aims to provide new expansions of classical origin to Islamic political thought, which has been shaped by Western influence in the modern period. For this reason, it aims to systematically address ancient issues in a conceptual continuity and thus to bring Islamic political thought to the present.
Aydın Uğurlu, Feyzan Göher, H. Nurgül Begiç, Hava Selçuk, Onur Köksal, Recep Özkan, Selcen Gültekin, Servet Senem Uğurlu, Yahya Akyüz, Yonca Gül Uğurlu While the human element that makes up the society affects geography and culture on the one hand, it is also affected by geography and culture. The human element of the social structure consisting of men and women differs from society to society according to the position of these two sexes in the structure. The position of women and men in society is one of the most important factors in determining the place of that society in other societies.
The meanings ascribed to women and men by society differentiate and differentiate the contributions of the sexes to social life, even by drawing sharp boundaries, sometimes visible and sometimes invisible barriers/prohibitions. This situation; It affects every aspect of the social structure, from family life regulated by gender to individual relations, from business life to educational status.
The cultural rituals, which constitute the main source of the differences in the social roles of these two sexes, in which the existence of one is not possible without the other, has sometimes brought the woman to the fore, sometimes the man, to the point of dominating the other and even depriving him of all kinds of rights. This deprivation and domination has been mostly in favor of men in the history of humanity, and women have been pushed into the secondary plan by being overshadowed by men in almost every era and society.
This book; “Women in Turks”, “Women in Anatolia”, “Women in Nomadic Culture”, “Bacıyan-ı Rum and Women Craftsmen in Anatolia”, Women in the West”, “II-IX. It covers the topics of "Women and Music in the Turks in the Centuries", "Violence Against Women", "Women with Statistics", "Education of Girls in the Late Ottoman Period and the Professional Life of Teacher Faika Ünlüer".
Alev Erkilet, Ammar Kılıç, Ayşen Baylak Güngör, Büşra Bulut, Lütfi Sunar, Mahmut Hakkı Akın, Mehmet Erken, Necdet Subaşı, Vahdettin Işık The period between 1960 and 1980 is a period that is talked about a lot in Turkey, but little is known about it. This work; tells the story of this critical period through visuals. Islamism, like other currents of thought, became more visible in the 1960s.
and acquired an assertive language. From this point of view, 1960Tar embodies various beginnings for Turkish political and intellectual life and is vital in terms of understanding the aftermath. This book deals with the emergence of new public manifestations of Islam in Turkey since the 1960s. For this purpose, the book is knitted around selected images from magazines. This work, which we call publicized Islam, tells us about the return of the oppressed. As the pages of the book are opened, it is witnessed that Islam gains visibility in public life gradually. The manifestation of a different aspect awaits the reader on each page. This study, which deals with the subject through visuals, offers a new horizon in understanding the intellectual history of Turkey.
Ahmet Özalp, Arda Arıkan, Duygu Mete, Esra Ün, Fatma Kenevir, Gamze Gürbüz, Hasan Ali Yılmaz, Hasan Hüseyin Aygül, Hüsnü Ezber Bodur, Kerem Özbey, Orhan Ayaz, Özcan Güngör, Özge Zeybekoğlu Akbaş, Ziyaeddin Kırboğa The process of "masking the society" with Covid-19 inevitably affects religious beliefs and practices. Social obligations and the sanctioning power of the state deeply affect the familiar things of religion such as gathering, worshiping collectively, synchronously repeating the sacred words, touching and feeling, in other words, the way religion is experienced. The physical nature of worship can be transferred to online environments, and unexpected and radical measures can be taken, such as closing mosques for worship as in Turkey, suspending Hajj by the Saudi government, or burning Muslims who died of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka, by government force. Similarly, New Age beliefs can continue to develop their market and gather new followers by associating bodily health with the transcendent by taking advantage of this gap, Muslims in India can be labeled as "super spreaders" of Covid-19, and in many places people are subject to social exclusion due to their religious identity. may be exposed.
Although the Covid-19 epidemic is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary phenomenon that needs to be dealt with within the framework of understanding, the effect of this process on religious beliefs and practices should be determined, and especially the process and its results should be discussed by the Turkish academy. It is thought that this book project, which consists of twelve chapters and was prepared with the participation of 14 authors who produce in fields such as sociology, sociology of religion and philosophy of religion, will contribute to the academicians and students working in the related field, as well as to the family of readers who are interested in this field.
A. Teyfur Erdoğdu, Ahmet Ayhan Çitil, Ali Utku, Mehmet Zahit Tiryaki, Ömer Türker, Sadık Türker, Tahsin Görgün One of the most important and prioritized elements that ensure the continuity of a branch of science is the determination of its central concepts and ensuring its natural continuity. In particular, the studies to be carried out within the framework of social sciences give clues about the scientificization processes of the relevant branch of science, as the concepts corresponding to the reasonable meanings in the field of that science are attributed to the term/term, which means that they are a name for a meaning in the language.
Today, the dominant concept in social sciences and the terminological expressions accordingly are determined on the axis of the dominance of Eurocentric definitions, and this concept-definition relationship ensures the continuation of Eurocentric interpretations. In this way, definitions made with concepts produced contrary to the core values ​​and structure of society prevent authentic productions in social sciences. The development of a correct social science, which takes into account the structure and culture of the Islamic society, and accordingly providing a correct scientific thought ground, first of all necessitates a conceptual and theoretical framework that can be followed in terms of local and origins.
The book in your hand has been prepared in order to lay the groundwork for developing new concepts in social sciences in line with these requirements and to identify areas of opportunity.
Aynur Erdoğan Coşkun, Ayşen Şatıroğlu, Betül Kızıltepe, Büşra Turan Tüylüoğlu, Elif Altundere, Mehmet Ali Akyurt, Melek Kırtıl, Merve Ayar Yılmaz, Murat Şentürk, Nursen Tekgöz, Salih Ünüvar, Şefika Aydın, Yusuf Adıgüzel “Ancient cities, medieval cities and modern cities, cities in capitalist countries, cities in socialist countries, and cities in Third World countries—all of these were within our broad intellectual framework. The resulting urban sociology could be anything you can think of, if you knew it was happening in cities. If you could see it, then you could see it discussed elsewhere in the literature of urban sociology." Saunders, R (2013). Social theory: Urban sociology (S. Bring Right, Trans.). Ideal Culture Publishing.
The construction of the city and the spread of cities to almost every corner of the world has been one of the most successful human creations of all time. Although it is very difficult to make a classification about the city and urban studies, which has been discussed in many ways, associated with different disciplines and has a rich literature written on it, the framework of this book covers a broad perspective from demography to the phenomenon of urbanization, from rural practices to the process of squatting, from social mobility to migration studies. and developed incrementally.
Introduction to Urban Studies aims to illuminate the dynamics of the past and present by approaching, step by step, the issues of city, dirt and migration, which still remain important and do not fall off the agenda. This work, which can be used by both those who are interested in urban studies and experts, is important in terms of being a starter book and creating integrity in the academic context.
Demet Gürüz, Ayşen Temel Eğinli Interpersonal communication begins with two people noticing each other and accepting each other's existence. In this process, the person; It conveys messages with its attitudes, personality, behaviors, what it does and does not do, what it says and does not say.
We are in the age of communication… If we are still talking but not explaining, telling but not being understood, talking but not listening, talking but not listening, talking and listening but still not being able to understand… our verbal and nonverbal messages, the factors that affect or hinder our communication should be questioned before our communication ends.
I guess I didn't understand...
You misunderstood me…
I wish I hadn't said that...
Oh my prejudices...
His tone sounded angry…
He made such an emphasis that…
Your eyes didn't say that, but…
He shook hands as if breaking my fingers…
What a stance it was, it told a lot…
Interpersonal Communication -Information-Impacts-Obstacles- evaluates various aspects of the interpersonal communication process with examples. In this sense, the book will shed light on both researchers who continue their academic studies and anyone who wants to communicate effectively.
Alaattin Dolu, Asiye Şahin, Hüseyin Önal, İsmail Taşpınar, Lana Kudumovic, Ömür Yazıcı Özdemir, Ruba Kasmo, Sezen Karabulut, Yasemin Avcı Jerusalem contains a witness that has been given to very few cities in history. In the past century, the occupation of Jerusalem and the problems of the Islamic World have progressed in parallel. This situation requires a multidimensional evaluation with its intellectual, geographical, socio-cultural and economic components, beyond being an issue that only awaits a political solution.
Jerusalem studies are getting richer day by day. Uncovering the social and spatial remnant of the ancient city and producing the scientific archive against the destruction of Jerusalem by reduced interventions to the nation ideology is seen as an indispensable prerequisite for these researches.
The book in your hand has been prepared with the aim of contributing to the expanding Jerusalem Library in Turkey. In the book, a versatile Jerusalem perspective is presented through original studies that evaluate Jerusalem in terms of its historical, cultural, urban and architectural dimensions and address the Jerusalem issue from the perspective of international law.
Levent Bayraktar In today's world where the expressions of the imagination of civilization are used frequently, it is necessary to realize that civilization is and can be based on a philosophical unity and harmony in order for the actual content and meaning of this term to be realized.
Civilization and Philosophy is a study that brings up the mutual relations of these two fields and what they owe to each other. It seems to be an invitation to examine and scrutinize these areas. The studies brought together in this book, which can be read as a landmark on the way to reach the philosophical consciousness of our civilization and to make a philosophical critique, had previously reached a limited audience as articles, papers and conferences. Now, this issue, which is one of the main agenda items of Turkish Thought, is presented to the attention of a wider readership.
We hope that this work will be an opportunity to realize that the idea of ​​a civilization without philosophy would be wrong.
Abdulkadir Gölcü, Ali Murat Yel, Bilal Yorulmaz, Bünyamin Ayhan, Ceyhun Bağcı, Çilem Tuğba Koç, F. Betül Aydın Varol, Fikret Yazıcı, Metin Eken, Muhammed Mücahid Dalkılıç, Muhammet Emin Çifçi, Mustafa Cıngı, Mustafa Derviş Dereli, Mustafa Koçer, Mustafa Sami Mencet, Mustafa Temel, Müşerref Yardım, Özcan Hıdır, Vahit İlhan, Yasin Yılmaz In recent years, Islamophobia, as an expression of fear based on prejudice and discrimination, has become one of the most fundamental psychological, social and political problems that lead to antipathy, hatred, violence and hostility towards Muslims all over the world. Exclusion in processes related to political administration, social responsibilities and employment; discrimination in the provision of services such as education and health; Prejudice in media and daily conversations and in daily life both verbal and physical violence produces many negative results. The media plays a very active role in the production and shaping of the perception that reveals these results. The effects of Islamophobic elements, which spread from traditional media elements to new media, have not yet been adequately addressed academically and sufficient information has not been produced to affect the policies on this issue. This study, which includes some important book reviews in addition to sixteen articles, is expected to constitute an important source for the questioning of the relation between the media and Islamophobia, as well as the relation between media and religion in Turkey.
Hüseyin Arslan The book Milli Gorus Movement: Political and Social Transformations is an analysis of a movement that left its mark on the political history of Turkey and became the catalyst for social transformation. The Milli Gorus movement, which started with the entry of Necmettin Erbakan into politics in 1969, marks a turning point for Turkish political life and Islamist thought.
The history of Turkey cannot be analyzed clearly without considering the National Vision movement, which is the core of many social structures, institutions and political parties that still affect Turkish politics today.
With the "Idea and Movement Studies" series, it is aimed to present a framework and an original view on the main names, journals and issues that reflect the intellectual accumulation of Islamism and appear in almost every field. The books to be included in the series cover topics that are curious in different fields of Islamist thought. In this framework, it is aimed to contribute to the understanding of the issues on a basic and introductory level.
Aliye Mavili, Fatih Şahin, İlhan Tomanbay, Meshut Başak, Sema Oğlak, Harun Ceylan, Şeyda Yıldırım, Serap Daşbaş, Güler Güneş, Yasemin Çölgeçen
Adurrahim Korkmaz, Ahmet Furkan Çetin, Ahmet Keser, Ali Erfidan, Alper Uzun, Armağan Türk, Arman Zafer Yalçın, Aydın Aktay, Barış Şentuna, Berna AK Bingül, Burak Oğlakcı, Celalettin Çevik, Cihan Ardili, Fahri Çakı, Hüseyin Şahin, Kadir Canatan, Mehmet Narlı, Mustafa Kemal Şan, Mustafa Özbaş, Mürsel Sabancı, Oğuzhan Özkan, Osman Aydoğan, Recep Önal, Rengin Ak, Roza Süleymanoğlu Dinçer, Sercan Ceylan, Serdar Nerse, Taner Atmaca, Yonca Altındal The relatively indifferent attitudes in the first weeks, when the source and spread of the COVID-19 virus were associated with a foreign and distant place (Wuhan) and an other (Asian) identity, gave way to rapidly increasing social anxiety as the danger began to spread rapidly across borders and approach home, and with it media attention. also rose rapidly. These days and later, when danger enters the home, people have had a variety of rational and irrational responses to the risks of COVID-19.
In this case, it can be said that individuals and communities who have different experiences in different places, in the past and now, experience the pandemic in different ways, attribute different meanings to it and show different reactions. While it is necessary and important to understand the physical/biological causes and consequences of the pandemic, it is also necessary and important to understand how people experience it, how and in what ways they make sense of it in their life world. Undoubtedly, this task is a responsibility on the shoulders of social scientists. Collaboration between social scientists and practitioners is vital to understand the key social and cultural characteristics of the local contexts of pandemic-affected areas and to foresee how these will directly impact strategies and practices regarding pandemic response. In order to better control and prepare for pandemics, it is necessary to investigate their social, cultural, economic and political contexts. By focusing on this assignment, this book aims to make a modest contribution to the advancement of our knowledge and understanding of the reality of the pandemic in particular of COVID-19.
Consisting of five very comprehensive and twenty-three chapters, the book is the product of a continuing academic interest in the reality of natural and man-made disasters and offers a multidisciplinary view of pandemics in particular COVID-19. In this respect, the book gives the reader the chance to see how the pandemic phenomenon can be approached from different perspectives. While doing this, the book, which not only brings together experienced academics in the field, but also opens up space for young and talented researchers, sheds a questioning light on the pandemic situations of modernity.
Muhammed Hüseyin Mercan Studies on Islamic movements, or more specifically the Muslim Brotherhood, have often focused on ideological foundations or tensions with the political regime. Although there are a limited number of analyzes on the organizational structure of the movements, the way they are organized, the method of education and ideological indoctrination in these studies, the factor of institutionalization has always been left out of consideration in these analyses. The most important reason underlying this is that Islamic movements are not accepted as political institutions. Considering that political institutions are structures that attribute value and identity to their members, Islamic movements should be accepted as political institutions and their institutionalization processes should be taken into account, since they have similar characteristics. In this context, the book in your hand tries to answer the question of how the institutionalization processes of Islamic movements should be analyzed based on the assumption that they are also political institutions. In the book, in the example of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is considered the pioneer of Islamic movements, the institutionalization problem of the Movement is analyzed over six parameters, and the level of institutionalization of the structure is analyzed within the framework of its relationship with the Egyptian regime, in addition to the internal tensions and debates it has experienced since 1928.
Yıldırım Deniz The Middle East, which has been a center of attraction in every period of history due to its rich oil and natural gas deposits and being the center of monotheistic religions, is an unfortunate geography that has witnessed conflicts and wars in every period as a natural consequence of these characteristics. Factors such as power or prosperity revealed by classical approaches are insufficient to explain the events in international relations in the Middle East. Therefore, the internal dynamics of the region should be known very well. One of the most important internal dynamics in explaining the events in the region is the understanding of "Salaf" religion. This book explains the reasons for the events and conflicts in the Middle East by giving answers to questions such as what Salafism is, how it emerged, what historical processes it has reached today, what its types are, how it affects the people living in the region, events and international relations.
Hakkı Uygur, M. Tahir Kılavuz, Mehmet Evkuran, Mehmet Toprak, Oğuzhan İrgüren, Ramazan Yıldırım, Süleyman Güder Although it is noteworthy that one of the cornerstones necessary to understand and make sense of the Middle East after the 2011 Arab uprisings is the relationship between politics and religion in the region, the importance of the issue is increasing day by day. As academics in Turkey, we tried to deal with the developments in the region and the background of the events.
As part of the ILEM Islamic Political Thought Project, we held a series of seminars under the heading "Politics and Religion in the Middle East". Our aim was to try to understand the politics-religion relationship in the region through different religious and political schools. In 2017, we tried to deal with issues in a different spectrum, from the origins of the two main currents in the region, $ii and Sunni political thoughts, to today's political reflections. Of course, the issues we deal with are neither limited to the seminars nor as they appear in the book; has much broader extensions. Nevertheless, we tried to produce a comprehensive and representative work.
Mustafa Can, Nejla Günay, Ramazan Erhan Güllü, S. Gül Akyılmaz, Tuğba Eray Biber The Ottomans managed to maintain their unity and integrity in three continents by establishing and administering one of the longest-lived states in the world, in a geography known as the old world continents. It would be a wrong approach to base this success only on military power. Because the Ottoman Empire was able to maintain its existence for about three more centuries after losing its military power. So, to understand this, “How did the Ottomans provide peace and prosperity in the Middle East, the Balkans and the Caucasus, where turmoil is dominant today?” The answer to the question must be sought. Thus, it will be possible to find clues on how to improve the relations of societies with different cultures and beliefs with each other and how to achieve peace.
The Ottoman State showed the sensitivity of managing the beliefs and values ​​of its people with different origins, beliefs and cultural characteristics, rather than interfering and preventing them. The most important aim of the state was to ensure peace and tranquility through the society's coexistence within the framework of mutual respect. For this reason, he developed a management model called the "Ottoman Nation System" and accepted different religions as interlocutors before the newly established religious institutions and leaders to represent them. The Ottoman State connected the Orthodox Christian people and especially other Christian elements in the Balkans to the Fener Greek Patriarchate, the Armenian people to the Armenian Patriarchate, and the Jewish people to the religious leader known as the Chief Rabbi and ruled through them. According to this, the leader of each congregation was obliged to collect the tax that his congregation had to pay, to deliver it to the treasury and to ensure that the members of the congregation comply with the laws set by the state. On the other hand, the state did not interfere with the religious and cultural lives of the communities by leaving them free in their own internal order.