Russian Studies \ 1-1
Salih Yılmaz In this book, 47 analyzes published in Russian on TRT Russian channel in 2018 were brought together and presented in Turkish. In these analyzes, economic and military developments, especially the political events that developed between Turkey and Russia throughout 2018, were interpreted. In this sense, ideas and opinions that will guide the relations between the two countries have been discussed.
This work is a continuation of the book that previously dealt with the developing relations between Russia and Turkey between the years 2016-2017. In this work, the events that developed between the two countries in 2018 were written in Turkish and Russian in the form of analyzes. In order to understand these works, “Is a Turkey-Russia Eurasian Pact Possible?” We recommend that you also read our work.
The military-technological cooperation between Russia and Turkey, apart from the developing economy in Syria, marks a new era for NATO member Turkey as well as for other members. We should say that Turkey, which could not get enough support from its NATO allies in this state, is making efforts to ensure stability in its region, especially its own security, in cooperation with Russia. As long as the harsh policies of the USA against Turkey continue, this cooperation seems to develop further. Considering NATO's concerns regarding this cooperation, it may be possible to establish a new security-based bloc in Eurasia in the future. This process is under the initiative of NATO-USA on the one hand and Turkey on the other.
Turkey's purchase of the S400 air defense system indicates a significant change and opposition not only for Turkey but also for the whole world, which has become dependent on the USA. We hope that such works will be useful in order for these two states and societies to better understand each other.
Mesut Hakkı Caşın Throughout history, Turkish-Russian relations have been one of the main elements, probably the most important, of the general view of the Eurasian region and the balance of power in this geography. This important rivalry, which started with the relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Tsardom, at first tended to gain the appearance of cooperation after the establishment of the Soviet Union. With the World War II, this time it showed itself with the effect of an ideological separation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, although there is no direct land border between Turkey and the Russian Federation, the intensity of relations between the parties has not decreased; on the contrary, due to Turkey's relationship with the Caucasus and Central Asian Turkic republics, it has gained even more importance.
There is a need for a better understanding of Russia in our country in order to better understand this new relationship ground, which often emerges as conflict/competition and sometimes as common understanding/cooperation. This academic study in your hand is of a quality that sheds light on our understanding of Russia's present and future, which takes its place in this dilemma from the point of view of Russia. Author Prof. Dr. In his work, Mesut Hakkı Caşın also uses the historical background and brief flashbacks necessary for a better understanding of this period, while trying to analyze the situation in the Russian Federation that emerged after Vladimir Putin became President. With these features, the study is a useful contribution to the efforts we feel lacking regarding Russia.