Pharmacy \ 1-1
Ayşe Çakır Gündoğdu, Canan Eroğlu Güneş, Cansu Özbayer, Cansu Özbayer, Cemile Merve Seymen, Ceyda Çolakoğlu, Ceyhan Hacıoğlu, Ecir Ali Çakmak, Emine Yağcı, Emrah Tümer, Ercan Kurar, Ertan Kanbur, Ezgi Kar, Faruk Saydam, Fatih Kar, Gamze Güney Eskiler, Gülşah Çeçener, Hülyam Kurt, Işıl Ezgi Eryılmaz, İrfan Değirmenci, Mahmut Özdemir, Merve Deniz Değirmenci, Miriş Dikmen, Muammer Yılmaz, Neslihan Meriç, Özlem Sağlam Uçar, Rumeysa Özyurt, Sinan Değirmenci, Ünal Egeli With the acceptance of cancer as a genetic disease, scientists continue to research cancer in genetic and molecular terms. Clarifying the molecular mechanisms of cell division and proliferation and learning the molecular pathways in the cell indicate that more research is needed on molecular structures to be targeted in cancer therapy.
We hope that the book "Cancer Genetics and Molecular Biology" will be a useful resource containing up-to-date information that will benefit scientists who will do research in this field and our students studying in departments such as Medicine, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary.
In the book, cancer epidemiology, carcinogenesis, molecular targets and signaling pathways in cancer, cancer genetics and cytogenetics, genes responsible for cancer, the relationship between cellular aging and cancer, cell death mechanisms and cancer, characteristics of cancer cells, cancer types, angiogenesis, metastasis, immunity, plasticity, topics such as cancer stem cells, biomarkers, ion channels and cancer relationship and multi-drug resistance in cancer are discussed.
Ayça Şolt Kırca, Ayfer Eser, Ayşegül Şimşek, Elif Dağlı, Ezgi Şahin, Fatma Akbulak, Gülay Rathfisch, Halime Aydemir, Hatice Acar Bektaş, Neriman Güdücü, Nurdilan Şener, Reyhan Aydın Doğan, Rojjin Mamuk, Saadet Yazıcı, Sebahat Hüseyinoğlu, Seçil Hür, Sefa Karaman, Serap Öztürk Altınayak, Sevda Korkut Öksüz, Suzi Özdemir, Tuba Kızılkaya, Yasemin Aydın Kartal In recent years, "complementary medicine practices" and studies in this field have been increasing rapidly in our country as in the world.
Our colleagues who provide services in the field of health and are responsible for care have very important responsibilities. Our colleagues are expected to use scientific evidence, follow up-to-date information, and convey the results of their work to care.
Our colleagues, who are aware of these responsibilities, carry out studies in many fields, especially in complementary medicine applications, in order to obtain new evidence and contribute to the development of databases of their professions.
However, the legal regulations on complementary medicine practices cause us to have difficulties in permitting the studies we will do in this field. We wanted to create this book in order to draw attention to the work of our colleagues on complementary medicine practices, whose place and importance in the field of health are well known, and to shed light on what they will do.
Hope it will be useful to your readers and the literature…
Ayşegül Bayramoğlu, Ayşegül Savci, Ayşegül Unutkan, Bahar Çelik, Burcu Yüksel, Büşra Arık, Çiğdem Ökten, Deniz Akkaya, Derya Şayır, Didem Çevik, Dilek Doruk Kondakcı, Emel Cihan, Emel Elem, Emel Sezici, Emine Güdek Seferoğlu, Esra Karabulut, Figen Vural, Güller Şahin, Halime Uğur, Havva Gezgin Yazıcı, İmran Boylu Gülek, Kevser Karacabay, Lütfiye Akkurt, Melike Ertem, Mustafa Karataş, Nalan Bostan Akmeşe, Nigar Çelik, Sercan Mansuroğlu, Sevinç Tüysüz, Sultan Güçlü, Veli Şahnalı Communication is an indispensable part of life, which is at the heart of any human relationship. Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Based on this fact, therapeutic communication is an effective and empathetic communication method, where personal space, privacy, confidentiality and trust are provided, information meets compassion, which can be used to increase the delivery/quality of health services and to increase patient/client satisfaction. Health professionals should know how to communicate with patients/clients and their relatives while evaluating patients/clients; It is very important for the individuals with whom they communicate to realize that they are also human beings with their own values and feelings. This book will be a guide for healthcare professionals and students, who are future healthcare professionals, to develop their therapeutic communication skills by approaching their patients/clients with a holistic perspective.
Hasan Baydar Turkey has a unique biodiversity in terms of medicinal and aromatic plants. The medicinal and aromatic value of Turkish plants, especially endemic species, is very high. For this reason, the Anatolian flora is a very rich source of ethnobotanical research for traditional medicine practices and modern medical science. Moreover, the active ingredients of heavy industrial products such as medicines, aromas, perfumes, cosmetics, spices, functional foods and natural dyes are obtained from medicinal and aromatic plants.
This book will help students who study medicinal and aromatic plants, scientists who do research, and individuals who are curious about the subject to better know, understand more, research more deeply, and finally more It has been prepared in the light of scientific findings and academic rules in order to help students
In the book; the adventure of medicinal and aromatic plants from past to present, use of medicinal and aromatic plants in traditional medicine applications, distillation and extraction methods, herbal medicines and phytotherapy, essential oils and aromatherapy, perfumery and perfume plants, spices and spice plants, alkaloids and pleasure plants, herbal dyes Almost every subject such as dye and dye plants, production and reproduction methods of medicinal and aromatic plants, cultivation and breeding has been explained in detail with charts, graphics, pictures and figures.
With the information you will learn from this book, you can grow medicinal and aromatic plants in your field, garden or greenhouse, produce herbal teas, spices and natural dyes and medicinal preparations such as tinctures, creams, ointments, syrups, sherbets and pastes from your products to make your daily life healthier and higher quality, distillation. By making pure essential oils and aromatic waters, you can obtain perfume and cosmetic extracts by extraction.