Organization \ 1-1
Nihat Aytürk The basis of human relations and social activities in business and social life is custom and manners in every country; are the rules of behavior called respect, manners and courtesy. These rules are the legal, social, cultural and ethical norms of living and working together in love, respect, understanding and tolerance in family, society and business life. People who know these rules and abide by these rules in the society and business life they live in are always noticed and appreciated; loved, counted; become successful and respected people.
The rules of conduct applied in business and social life in Turkey and social events (celebrations, ceremonies, visits, invitations and banquets) as well as respect, etiquette, courtesy and dress code that are the basis of human relations are discussed in this book as the "Art of Behavior". and explained with examples in accordance with its cultural structure.
Suna Tevrüz - İnci Erdem - Tülay Bozkurt The main purpose of this book, which is about the human being and examines his behavior both as an individual and in the social and business environment, is to provide information about the various aspects of human behavior to those who have entered and will enter the working life.
The questions asked by the students in the selection of the topics in the book and what they told were guiding the authors and prompted the authors to fill some gaps in the Turkish literature. In this respect, although it is limited in subjects, this book is a complementary resource that provides important information for students in areas where human beings are at the core.
This book is interesting and helpful for anyone who is interested in human behavior, who wants to understand it and himself, in terms of its treatment and treatment of behavior at the individual, social and institutional levels.
Muammer Doğan The latest information and principles, which have gained an international character in the field of contemporary business, are prepared in the book, which has been prepared by carefully evaluating both the developments in the literature and the new practices in the business world in the 2000s, on all subjects within the scope of business administration, from its establishment to its operation, and especially on business economics and management. techniques and strategies have been systematically studied. In particular, the basic subjects and concepts of business, the establishment of the business, management, production, marketing and finance functions are discussed in detail.
This book is suitable for the students of Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculties of Business and Engineering and Vocational Schools, which include courses such as business administration, business economics, business management, management and organization, production, marketing and finance, as well as Engineering faculties who have felt the weight and importance of business in recent years. It is a reference source for students.
Gülay Budak, Gönül Budak Regardless of the field of activity and scale (size), the management phenomenon has a universal character for all businesses and institutions. The importance of the management phenomenon comes from the fact that it covers the issues that will enable organizations to achieve their goals. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of the manager increases as he continues to have scientific knowledge and experience in subjects with a scientific content. Thus, managers use the scarce resources of the organization in an effective and efficient way to reach the goals of the organization.
The most difficult aspect of the management profession is "managing people". People, whose expectations, needs and competencies are constantly changing, lead managers to seek different management as an increasingly complex resource.
Management is a rapidly changing and developing field of science. On the one hand, while new concepts, techniques, models and theories are brought to the field of management, on the other hand, many theories whose accuracy and validity were defended for a period of time can be disabled or transformed by being criticized.
Our Business Management book covers many current topics that will contribute to the knowledge of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students studying in the field of business administration, as well as managers and manager candidates working at different levels of the business world.
Can Aydın Today, with the rapid rise of information and communication technologies, we see that information systems are used in almost every field. Businesses are also taking steps to produce these systems instead of just using information systems in their business processes. Programming skills are vital in taking these steps. While data analysis and artificial intelligence studies have been used in the solution of many business problems by leaving the theoretical environment in recent years, it has become compulsory for students studying in the field of social sciences, especially in the departments of business, economics, finance and management information systems, to take programming education in order to keep up with the developing conditions and to solve their current problems.
In the rapidly developing technology world, the realization of a software idea that comes to your mind is limited to 30 days. In other words, it is necessary not only to think of the idea, but also to implement it quickly. This book provides easy and fast programming education to students in the field of social sciences, explaining the solution of business problems with examples, and enables the development of a wide range of applications from web page design to data analysis, from machine learning to deep learning, which are the usage areas of Python programming language. Even someone who has no programming education, to develop an application using the Python language, it is enough to learn the theoretical information in this book and repeat the applications.
Ramazan Erturgut This work aims to reveal a solid knowledge that emerged as a result of the author's 21 years of working experience in the field of logistics, as well as the researches he made during his time abroad. In the book, the concepts, principles and characteristics related to Logistics and Supply Chain Management are presented in a systematic flow. However, there has been an interest in the classification of current issues affecting the progress of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and new trends shaping research. This book also classifies the relations of Logistics and Supply Chain Management as a scientific discipline with other disciplines by supporting the citations from the leading scientific journals in this field, and thus aims to contribute to filling a gap felt in the national literature.
In the content of the book, logistics activities at the scale of enterprises and institutions are presented with a comprehensive content, in addition, logistics management with global norms, logistics strategy, logistics performance management, logistics education, structural problems of logistics and supply chain, and Logistics Management in Turkey are discussed as a separate chapter. taken. In addition, "Annotated Logistics and International Trade Terms Dictionary" and "Incoterms 2010" add-ons, which contain basic terms in both fields, are included for the benefit of those who are interested in the subject. In this respect, it is considered that the work can be a source work for those who train and train in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, as well as scientists and practitioners in the field.
Saim Kılıç – Ali Alp When the Boss, who founded and grew his company with great difficulty, transfers the management of his company to a professional manager called the CEO / General Manager, that's when the problems begin to arise. Because, unfortunately, the saying of our forefathers, “the agent is like a principal”, is not always valid in company management. Alright;
Why can't the CEO (deputy) be like the Boss (principal)?
• Should the boss really be afraid of handing over the management of his company to a CEO?
•What are the common unethical behaviors of CEOs? Why and when do they exhibit these behaviors?
•How can the boss be protected from the CEO's potential wrong/unethical behavior?
• In what way the company's management system and Boss-CEO relations are designed, the saying “the agent is like a principal” is valid in the company management?
The book “The CEO of the Boss”, written by Saim Kılıç and Ali Alp, answers all these questions with an impartial perspective, plain language and concrete examples; explains the ways in which the ideal CEO of the boss can be created. This book, which includes many recommendations based on years of experience and observations, is an invaluable guide for bosses and CEOs alike.
Dilaver Tengilimoğlu, Oğuz Işık, Mahmut Akbolat Healthcare businesses that offer labor- and technology-intensive services have a complex structure. This field, which requires a large number of professionals to work in harmony as well as intensive technology, also consumes a large part of the country's resources. For this reason, the importance of the management of health institutions is increasing day by day in our country as well as in the whole world. In parallel with this, it is of great importance to equip health managers with special knowledge and skills in health services as well as basic business information. For this purpose, this book has been prepared to meet the needs of both the increasing health management programs and the managers and other professionals who provide services in the sector.
Erdal Nebol All the processes that ensure that all the goods and services we need are readily available when we need them, form the core of the Supply Chain. A Supply Chain is a network of relationships that connects customers, retailers and wholesalers, manufacturers and their suppliers, and the regular flow of goods, money and information between individuals and organizations.
customers; they want more suitable, better and lower cost products. Competition between goods and service providers has also reached global dimensions. In order to be successful in competition, it has become a necessity for organizations in the supply chain to establish and execute a coordinated and effective cooperation.
This book; It examines the transactions in the supply chain from raw materials to the end user and the roles of the organizations that perform these transactions, within the framework of various business models. It then focuses on establishing integration between supply chain members on a local and global scale.
Salih Güney The Basic and General Business book has been written in accordance with today's business and management understanding. The establishment, responsibility, continuity and evaluation criteria of the enterprise are the main points of the book. The topics of the book are explained by following a systematic writing technique. The Basic and General Business book has three main purposes. The first aim is to provide systematic information to the students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences; the second purpose is to provide basic information to those who want to open and manage a business; The third aim is to provide regular information to those who want to do academic studies in the field of business.
Gözde Mert People's transition from hunter and gatherer to settled order, urbanization and establishment of city-states, possession of seeds and products made division of labor and trade possible. This trade, which started with barter, led to the emergence of traders and businesses with the discovery of precious metals and money. The trade, which developed considerably through silk, took an international form. With the emergence of the railway and the telegraph, the businesses turned into increasingly gigantic enterprises.
The source of land, product, technology, knowledge and welfare has now become a commercial power. To have this power, military units were formed, alliances were made, laws were made and wars were made. Empires collapsed, regimes disappeared. Everything has come to an end, but the trade has not come to an end, he is still alive.
In this book, the theoretical and conceptual framework of international business is expressed and explained with case studies. International business is handled thematically with a multi-disciplinary approach.