History of Science and Philosophy of Science \ 1-1
Sevim Tekeli, Esin Kâhya, Melek Dosay, Remzi Demir, Hüseyin Topdemir, Yavuz Unat, Ayten Koç Aydın The history of science is a research activity that examines the development process of scientific knowledge, and by making use of historical information, the birth and spread of scientific theories in various periods, the way of thinking of scientists and their effects on the development process of social institutions, their mutual relations with other intellectual activities such as philosophy, religion and art, their place in the formation of technical knowledge, It tries to recognize and promote scientific activity in all its aspects by questioning the value and importance of individuals in their daily lives.
Ali Altuğ Biçer, Ali Kürşat Sak, Arifenur Güngör, Ayfer Genç, Yılmaz Ayşegül, Elif Çaycı, Berk Çaycı, Duygu Celayir, Faruk Yazar, Huzeyfe Zahit Atan, Lütfü Çakır, Mahmut Sami Güngör, Mahmut Esad Ergin, Mehmet Sağlam, Murat Can Gökdemir, Neslihan Arıcı Özcan, Mustafa Ilıcalı, Nihan Yavuz, Oğuz Demir, Şükrü Mete Tepegöz, Tolga Ala Ümmügülsüm Zor, Vildan Merve Yılmaz, Yunus Özcan, Yusuf Artar, Yusuf Tuna, Didem Zeynep Beyazı, Zeynep Çelik Gülseven Developing and changing social, economic and political conditions have made it essential to take the right decisions and make strategic moves. In order for decision makers to make correct and consistent decisions, they need to have the right information. Getting the right information is not an instant situation. A process is required to provide accurate information. In today's conditions, where the motivation for "added value" is increasing, it has been experienced that the most important source of this is knowledge. The painful experiences experienced in the periods when the information element was neglected, revealed the importance of accessing the right information in a timely, economical and consistent manner.
In this book, it has been tried to gain a multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary view to the concept of knowledge with faculty members from about 20 different disciplines and professionals who are experts in their fields. In this way, it has been tried to be brought into account that knowledge is the basic and most important input of all branches of science. Thanks to this feature, all concerned, especially academicians, will have the opportunity to examine and examine the approaches of different disciplines to the concept of knowledge as well as their own fields. In this respect, it is thought that it will fill a gap in the field.
Zekeriyya Uludağ The history of humanity is the name of the time when the being reached its own realization. This is an effort to catch the permanent in a relative moment and to dedicate oneself to eternity. One aspect of this history is the spirit shaped by thought, and the other aspect is the education that helps the mind and will to be embodied, almost to enter the mold of the body. While man wants to reach happiness and truth within the time frame given to him, he has benefited from three basic disciplines to achieve them. These; religion, philosophy and science. Therefore, no human activity is outside of these three disciplines. The first of these belongs to the emotion, the second belongs to the mind, and the third belongs to the body, that is, to see, and none of them can be considered separately from the other. Whoever wants to create a world, a mentality based on only one, will not be able to catch the whole. Because being is a whole made up of parts.
Since the 18th century, we are trying to shape our world of thought and education based on these theories, which we have transmitted from the West. However, we are faced with the fact that we cannot develop an educational idea of ​​our own because we do not take into account the essential elements of our culture. Since the essential elements of the culture that make up civilizations are kept out of sight, the question "What kind of human do we want to raise?" No meaningful answer could be found.
This study tries to express a holistic understanding in terms of our philosophy of education, although it deals with the subjects that are touched upon in the classical philosophy of education books in our country. For this reason, while approaching the thoughts of philosophers who have a strong influence on education in the West from time to time, he also included the development process of the Turkish-Islamic civilization that made us who we are and conducive to the formation of the essential elements, and the thoughts of some personalities who contributed to it. . In addition, some of our contemporary thinkers who contributed to the thinking dimension of our education were also discussed. In short, this study was written to raise a question in the minds of both prospective teachers who are interested in education and those who are interested in this field.
Yavuz UNAT In the book, it has been tried to give a historical process how the science of astronomy has developed from the ancient times to the present. This work; it consists of six main sections: The Birth of Astronomy and Astronomy in Ancient Civilizations, Astronomy in the Ancient Greek Period, Medieval Astronomy, Renaissance and Copernican Theory, Modern Astronomy and the Development of Astronomy After the 17th Century. In the first part of the book, the contributions of ancient civilizations to astronomy are discussed, and in the second part, the contributions of the ancient Greek civilization to astronomy. The third part, which is devoted to medieval astronomy, consists of two parts, astronomy in the Christian World and astronomy in the Islamic World. In addition, in this part, the development of astronomy from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire to the Republic and the introduction of modern astronomy to the Ottoman Empire are discussed. In the fourth chapter, the Heliocentric Theory of the Universe founded by Copernicus, and in the fifth chapter, modern astronomy established by Kepler. The last chapter is devoted to the study of astronomy after the seventeenth century.
Yavuz Unat Although the research on Ottoman science in Turkey is carried back to 1955 academically, it is still very new. For the last 20 years or so, important studies have been carried out on Ottoman science, and with these studies, general opinions about Ottoman science have gradually changed. In particular, the Ottomans did not follow the West sufficiently, and the evaluations made only by looking at the innovation movements are far from drawing the general framework of Ottoman science. Studies of the history of science show us that the success of civilizations is largely dependent on scientific and cultural movements. In this sense, it is impossible to say that the Ottoman Empire, which managed to become a 600-year-old world empire, failed in science. This book, which we call Science and Technology in the Ottomans, is a study that compiles the researches of science historians working in this field in Turkey and consists of some published articles. The aim of the study is to convey the researches and results in this field to the general reader. Science and Technology in the Ottomans consists of three main parts. The first chapter contains general writings on Ottoman science and is titled An Overview of Science and Philosophy. The second part is devoted to the subject of Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics) in the Ottomans. The third part includes the subjects of Geography, Geology, Medicine and Technology in the Ottomans.
Abdullah Uçman, Abdülkadir İlgen, Abu Muslim Akdemir, Açıkgenç Alpaslan, Ahmet Güner Sayar, Ali Coşkun, Ali Utku, Ayhan Bıçak, Ayşe Durakbaşı, Bayram Ali Çetinkaya, Bedri Gencer, Beşir Ayvazoğlu, Buğra Ekinci, C. Muammer Muşta, Can Karaböcek, Cem Tezer, Cevriye Demir Güneş, Ceyhun Cengiz Akın, Cumhur Arslan, Cüneyt Köksal, David Grunberg, Derya Mengilli, Emine Gözde Özgürel, Emrullah Kılıç, Eyüp Sanay, Fatma Odabaşı, Fazlı Arslan, Fethi Gedikli, Gül Eren, Hacı Bayram Kaçmazoğlu, Halil İbrahim Düzenli, Hikmet Celkan, Hilal Görgün, Hüsameddin Erdem, Hüseyin Gazi Topdemir, İlkay Erdem, İsmail Köz, Kâmil Yeşil, Kemal Bakır, Kenul Bünyadzâde, Kevser Çelik, Kurtuluş Kayalı, Mehmet Akgün, Mehmet Ali Dombaycı, Mehmet Görmez, Mehmet Karaca, Mesud İnan, Murtaza Korlaelçi, Mustafa Erkal, Mustafa Günay, Mustafa Kara, Mustafa Kök, Mustafa Öztürk, N. Güngör Ergan, Naci Bostancı, Nasrullah Hacı Müftüoğlu, Necmeddin Tozlu, Necmi Uyanık, Nevzat Kösoğlu, Nuray Karaca, Nuray Kuray, Nurten Gökalp, Orhan, Okay, Osman Aydınlı, Ömer Hakan Özalp, Ömer Osman Sarı, Ömer Özden, Öner Necati, Rabia Karakoyun Gündoğdu, Rabia Karakoyun, Recep Batu, Recep Ertürk, Recep Kılıç, Recep Şentürk, Sadık Erol Er, Samed Bağçeli, Semra Uçar, Senail Özkan, Sönmez Kutlu, Suad Mertoğlu, Süleyman Dönmez, Süleyman Hayri Bolay, Şaban Ali Düzgün, Şengül, Çelik, Şükrü Hanioğlu, Tahsin Görgün, Tarık Tuna Gözütok, Uğur Odabaşı, Uluğ Nutku, Ümit Akça, Vâris Çakan, Yakup Yıldız, Yavuz Akpınar, Yavuz Unat, Yılmaz Özakpınar, Yılmaz Soyyer, Yusuf Kaplan, Yümni Sezen, Zeki Arslantürk Our first goal in preparing this voluminous work is to enable our new generations to meet with the creative thoughts of their grandfathers and fathers in the recent past; to enable them to see everything with their own eyes and think with their own minds, and to help them circulate their own ideas. In this regard, we will not first lease our minds to the West or borrow their minds and lie on it. Because not only they are thinking, we are thinking too, we are also making “production ideas”.
Today, Turkey is located in the "periphery", not the center that determines and determines the intellectual agenda in the world, and often acts in a peripheral situation depending on the agendas determined by the center.
Therefore, our second goal is to help pave the way for getting out of the periphery and being at the centre. At the same time, it is to help the revival of our civilization, which we belong to in history, as an alternative, and to contribute to our thought life in its rebuilding.
This book also aims to reveal that contemporary Turkish thought is strong enough to be showcased in the world thought arena. If the development of our intellectual life towards its “natural medium” continues, it is certain that Turkish thought will make a significant contribution to world thought by producing newer and more original ideas. Now, we should leave behind the period of self-evaluation according to the thoughts of Western thinkers, and aim at the level where they can evaluate their own thoughts by looking at our products of thought, as in the past. We must be aware of it, so that we can move on to the periods of producing more of our new and universal ideas.
Esin Kâhya In general, the nineteenth century is a period of political, economic, social and cultural restructuring all over the world. It is possible to determine this change not only in political life, but also in social structuring, various branches of art, philosophy and science.
In this period, the steps taken in different branches of science, such as mathematics (calculation of probability, etc.), astronomy (finding new planets and studies on the universe system, etc.), physics (electricity and mechanics, etc.), chemistry (atomic theory, organic and inorganic chemistry). studies), developments in biology (the theory of evolution and heredity, cell research, etc.) and developments in medicine (microbiology, pathology, developments in physiology, etc.) have determined the scientific problematic of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Today, we continue to build our scientific structure on the foundations laid at that time.