Group Psychotherapy \ 1-1
Beyza Kırca, Halil Ekşi, Kübra Kaplaner, Osman Hatun, Serra Dinç Counseling with groups encourages clients to help each other, encourages cooperation, guides them to take steps in problem solving, provides opportunities for them to experience new and different experiences in relationships, and is intended for the continuous development of both the individual and the group to be monitored by the counselor and used effectively. It is a dynamic process that provides the necessary resources. Group counseling is a powerful and effective therapeutic process that supports the mental health and psychological well-being of clients.
In terms of psychological well-being and mental health, it is extremely important for people to know their own self and become free. Self-knowledge and liberation can only be possible when the physical/biological existence of man meets and integrates with his spirituality. Spirituality cannot be thought of independently of meaning in life. Victor Frankl states that the search for meaning is innate and is a natural and healthy motive of human life.
The main purpose of this book is to accompany people in their journey of self-discovery and self-realization by supporting their spiritual development. In this book in your hand, spiritually oriented group counseling practices for adolescents, youth and adults are included. In the book, examples of how counseling approaches such as Logotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Positive Psychology, Humanistic Psychology, Narrative Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Awareness Therapy, and Art Therapy can be handled from a psychospiritual perspective are presented. We hope that our book will make valuable contributions to mental health professionals, to those who want to increase their psychological well-being and support their spiritual development.
Nilüfer Voltan Acar This book, which deals with research and experiments, which are the "ceremonial games" of the psychological counseling process, is a useful practitioner for those working in the field. The author, who has an MSW degree in Personal Work and Marriage Family Counseling and is a Gestalt therapist, presents most of the experiments to the reader with the understanding of Gestalt therapy. The book details the exercises developed by both the author and valuable names in the field with facilitating pictures and encourages the group leaders to be creative.
Alişan Burak Yaşar, Altan Eşsizoğlu, Anıl Gündüz, Arzu Erkan Yüce, Asena Yurtsever, E. Başak Usta Gündüz, Emre Konuk, Emre Sargın, Gonca Soygüt Pekak, Görkem Gökçelioğlu, K. Fatih Yavuz, Kadir Özdel, Levent Sütçigil, M. Hakan Türkçapar, Önder Kavakcı, Şahabettin Çetin, Şenel Karaman, Zeynep Zat Psychotherapies have come a long way since Freud in approaching psychological problems. Psychoanalysis was objectively the first sign of a serious revolutionary development. Eyes were on him for a long time, and he played a role that extended beyond himself, affecting other areas. Life as a dynamic process was pushing the boundaries of existing theory, its concepts and method, and different theorists came up with various approaches to psychodynamic therapies. Other approaches that are functional, useful for different needs and suitable for both the complexity and simplicity of the human have started to impose themselves. At this point, the dawn of new developments was on the horizon. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its branches, which have matured with the meeting of behavioral and cognitive approaches, have started to be grasped by experts working in the field since the 1990s in our country. It has been proven by experimental studies that speech, words, metaphors, and thought, based on a theory and scientific method, have functions that affect the brain in the process of looking at issues, behavior and decision-making in a way similar to the chemical molecules in drugs. Acceptance and Determination Therapy was a new stop on the way, in terms of inviting people to take action and offering methods to overcome obstacles, in the emergence of certain inner lives that prevent us from living a meaningful and rich life. Schema Therapy, which reveals the basic structures of recurring difficulties in people's lives and intervenes with these complaints with experiential techniques, and Metacognitive Therapy, which intervenes by focusing on the effect of thoughts about thoughts on chronicling the problems, were again the other important stages of this journey. In addition to all these, EMDR Therapy, which works with memories to reduce or eliminate the psychological effects of traumas, that is, negative experiences and psychological threats, has emerged as another psychotherapy method that is frequently used today and its effects have been scientifically proven.
This book, which deals with today's frequently used, scientifically proven and high-evidence psychotherapy methods; Beyond giving information about contemporary methods and how they work, it is also worth reading as a comparative psychology history. In this respect, it is a work that has a rich content and is easy to read, but also very in-depth, not only for experts but also for those who are curious about current developments in the world of psychology.
Emrah Maraso
Science and Utopia Editor-in-Chief
Nilüfer Voltan Acar In this book, it is given why the Human Relations course should be given within the group counseling process. Written in a plain language like speaking, the book contains examples and plenty of exercises on the subject. Many concepts in communication are explained schematically. Drawings were also used to explain the subject.
Sevginar Vatan This resource has been prepared to make it easier for experts and prospective specialists in the fields of psychotherapy and counseling to keep observation and interview notes. It also aims to assist in filing for the entire interview process in a semi-structured format.
Beril Zeynep Hacıosman, Berk Efe Altınal, Didem Dilge Yıldırım, Elif Çarpar, Elif Güneri Yöyen, Elif Mutlu, Esra Akcan, Fatih Bal, Fatma Biçer, Gizem Selcan Arslandoğdu, Hale A. Kahyaoğlu Çakmakcı, Hasan Sezeroğlu, İlhan Bozkurt, Kahraman Güler, Merve Çalık, Mesut Yavuz, Nuşin Bilgin, Ömer Akgül, Onur Okan Demirci, Pelin Hazer, Rıdvan Üney, Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya, Tuncay Barut This book; presents the psychotherapy methods used in clinical psychology for the most common case examples today, with up-to-date explanations.
Book; it includes a wide range of information for those who work in psychology, psychological counseling and guidance, family counseling and similar fields and who want to learn about psychotherapy methods. Counselor or therapist; This work, which guides the effective techniques that should be done for the client or the patient, together with diagnosis and treatment, presents the therapy process to the reader in a qualified way with concrete procedures.
Therapy methods are given in detail, without narrative, with direct and effective methods and application examples. In this way, the reader is informed about what to pay attention to during the implementation of psychotherapy methods.
Each psychologist, psychotherapist; “What can I do?” in front of the client. will find the answer to his question in this work and will have the opportunity to learn the psychotherapy methods used in clinical psychology in the home or library environment without wasting time in training seminars with this work.
Müge Yukay Yüksel, Ezgi Özkan Kuruçay, Mine Sayın, Çiğdem Demir Çelebi, Bilge Kurt, Enver Ulaş, Hacer Yalçıntaş, Neslihan Yaman, Emine Beyza Özoğlu, Zeynep İnce, Derya Eryiğit, Azize Nilgün Canel, Bilge Nuran Aydoğdu, Işıl Tekin, Simel Parlak, Deniz Çanga “Group Programs for Intermediate and Advanced Adults” have been prepared for students who are still studying in these fields, as well as psychological counselors, psychologists, sociologists, social workers and medical professionals. The increase in the elderly population has necessitated the diversification of services for this population. Economic, psychological, social and health-related changes and problems in the life of the elderly person affect not only the elderly but also those living with them. As a result, it is necessary to carry out various studies by adopting different approaches to the problems that individuals are likely to encounter from the adult years. Based on this need, in the book "Group Programs for Individuals in Middle and Advanced Adulthood", programs and therapeutic content are planned for solving problems that can be experienced from adulthood on. The book you are reviewing is designed to consist of four functional parts. In the first part of the book, “social issues in middle and advanced adulthood” are mentioned. In this section, sessions that support communication skills, provide informative counseling, psychoeducational, life-cycle-based group therapy, adapt to menopause and andropause period, career planning in advanced adulthood, social life skills after retirement and make effective use of free time are planned. In the second part, group sessions based on cognitive-behavioral, psychoeducational, narrative therapy and mindfulness-based techniques were developed, addressing the process of “adapting to the changing cycle in advanced adulthood” under the headings of adapting to changing roles, empty nest syndrome, adaptation to second marriage, and developing grandparenting skills. In the third part, under the title of “psychological support for special groups in advanced adulthood”, psychological support groups are planned for people who are in need of special care, who are responsible for caring for the disabled and those with Alzheimer's disease, and who have adult patients in intensive care, and it is aimed to protect the mental health of individuals living with these special groups. In the fourth part, group studies supported by cognitive behavioral, expressive, humanistic and spiritual approaches were prepared for individuals who are trying to provide "psychological support to individuals in advanced adulthood" and who are trying to cope with depression, fear of death and the grieving process.
We hope that the “Group Programs for Individuals in Middle and Advanced Adults” book, which is supported by enjoyable and practical exercises, will be a resource that can be easily used by those who volunteer to support individuals in their old age.
Deniz Altınay Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy and Sociodrama System, as one of the most important psychotherapy theories of the century, tended to specialize by creating sub-fields in treatment, art, education systems and in all areas of life. This book, which aims to explain and exhibit important developments in the field of psychodrama, covers important sections such as neuropsychodrama, earthquakes and similar disasters, emotional traumas, problems between families and couples, and the treatment of different developments. You can also find David Kipper's article on the changing character of psychodrama and Zerka Moreno's article in response to it in the book.
This book, which was created with the contributions of authors, each of whom developed their expertise in their own field and completed their education at Istanbul Psychodrama Institute and Istanbul International Zerka Moreno Institute, is a rich resource that opens the doors of life areas where psychodrama expands and spreads.
Deniz Altınay Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy is one of the most important psychotherapy theories and systems of the century. Besides psychotherapy, it finds important applications in education, business and theater. This book; It covers a wide range of content such as 450 warm-up games, auxiliary techniques and child psychodrama games, supervision techniques and technical analysis used in Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy. Group psychotherapists, specialists working with children, play therapists, psychological counselors, teachers make extensive use of these techniques, limited to their own fields, and education specialists apply to these games for warming up in schools and companies. Guidance programs excerpt from this book. There are different studies focused on many sub-themes among these games, which can be used for all studies with action methods aimed at learning by living and experiencing. This book by Deniz Altınay, President of Istanbul Psychodrama Institute, is a handbook for psychodrama therapists as well as all experts in the field.
Deniz Altınay Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy is one of the leading mainstream psychotherapy schools of the century in Turkey and in the world. This system, which is based on three cosmic phenomena - creativity, spontaneity and action - finds a wide range of applications from the individual to the society in the light of the philosophy of the moment. A handbook for all group psychotherapists, this comprehensive study is also a basic handbook for students and other professionals who want to familiarize themselves with the field. The book covers a wide range of psychodramatic theories, basic philosophies, key concepts, forms of social intervention, systems of working with traumas. Apart from group psychotherapy, it opens the doors of a rich area of use that extends to education, theater and business world to the reader. The spontaneous emergence of the creative person's actions in the moment is the definition of mental health and the processes of those who will remain in the future.
Başak Öksüzler, Ceren Gökdağ, Elçin Yorulmaz, Ezgi Göcek Yorulmaz, Gamze Gültekin, Gülay Dirik, Melikenaz Yalçın, Nesibe Olgun Kaval, Nimet Serap Görgü-Akçay, Özge Erarslan, Pelin Bintaş Zörer, Seda Sapmaz Yurtsever, Seda Tokgünaydın Arıtürk, Sedef Tulum-Akbulut, Servet Kaçar Başaran, Sıla Derin, Umut Çıvgın, Zeynep Erdoğan Yıldırım Psychotherapy is a remarkable field that has remained a mystery since the past. Many different views have been put forward for many years and have led to heated debates about this field, which is of interest to many professions such as psychiatry, social services, psychiatric nursing, psychological counseling and guidance, especially clinical psychologists; in fact, millions of scientific studies have been carried out on this subject so far. It is likely that this movement in the field of psychotherapy will continue in the coming years.
In today's world, developments are happening very fast; the field of psychotherapy also takes its share from this change. Beyond the perception of lying on the sofa and telling about his childhood, the field of psychotherapy now lives and reflects different kinds of discussions and changes with all its vitality. With this book, it is aimed to gather these discussions, which took place in different parts of the world, under one roof from the eyes of clinical psychologists. In the book, the current scientific research methods in the field of psychotherapy, especially the reflections of technology and the internet on psychotherapy, positive clinical psychology that goes beyond the abnormal and focuses on the positive, psychotherapy interventions applied in health institutions, which psychotherapy approach is effective in which situations, and self-help tools applied without the need for any specialist. In the content, you can find explanations on different topics and examples from recent scientific research. The "Current Issues in Psychotherapy" book, prepared for those who follow the developments in psychotherapy, are willing to learn about current issues in this field and are curious, will be an important source for both your professional and personal life.
Asude Malkoç, Aykut Bora, Ayşe Irkörücü Küçük, Çiğdem Yavuz Güler, Dilaram Billur Çelik Örnek, Elif Ulu Ercan, Esef Ercüment Yerlikaya, Ferah Çekici, Gökçen Duymaz, Hande Gündoğan, Meltem Aslan Gördesli, Mustafa Alperen Kurşuncu, Semra Uçar, Şule Baştemur, Zeynep Aydın Sünbül This book is a guide for professionals working in the mental health field. Each theory is comprehensively discussed in the book, which consists of sixteen chapters, including traditional and contemporary theories. These theories are Psychoanalytic Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Attachment-Based Therapies, Individual-Centered Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Rational-Emotional-Behavioral Therapy (ADBT), Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis (TA), Structural Family Therapy, Bowen Family Therapy, Satir Transformational Systemic. Therapy is listed as Solution Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Feminist Therapy, and Expressive Art Therapy. In order to provide the reader with ease of reading, the topics in the book are handled step by step and presented from a broad perspective. Each chapter began with the theorist's life; It continued with the basic philosophy of the theory, its basic concepts, the aims of therapy, the principles of therapy, the role of the therapist and the client, the stages of therapy and therapy techniques. Immediately after the therapy techniques, case examples are given that both students studying in the field of mental health and field experts can benefit from. We hope that our book, which we hope you will read with pleasure, will contribute to the field...
Oya Mortan Sevi, Serap Tekinsav Sütcü Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder whose treatment is mostly limited to medical applications. Due to false beliefs that have existed since ancient times, it was thought that patients with schizophrenia would not benefit much from psychological treatments. Perhaps for this reason, few studies have been conducted on the psychological treatment of schizophrenia in our country. In the West, interest in this field has increased over the years and the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, which are used in the treatment of many different mental problems, has also been proven in the treatment of schizophrenia.
This book contains the research and applications of the authors in this field for more than 10 years and was written with the belief that it will be a guide on psychosocial treatment for clinicians working with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. In this guide, the causes of schizophrenia, its main features, the main measurement tools necessary to evaluate these features, and different techniques used in psychosocial treatment, as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are especially emphasized. By presenting information on the application of CBT techniques in a group setting, a therapy program created by the authors and tested by scientific research is explained in detail. Finally, the questions frequently encountered by clinicians working in this field and the answers that can help these questions are also included.
We hope it will be useful to everyone working in the field…