English \ 1-1
Burcu Aydın The mystery of the language that enables communication between people is still not solved today. How do we form words and phrases from a set of sounds and derive complex meanings from them? How do we organize words in our mental dictionary and recall them when necessary? How do we combine words to form sentences and use them in ways that can mean different things in different environments? How does the process of meaning take place in our brain? While this book explains the answers to these questions within the framework of psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic approaches and models, it also provides information about the origin of language and its functioning in the brain.
Fatma Kimsesiz This book serves as a guide for English teachers who teach at the pre-school and primary school levels, for preservice teachers who will teach English to young learners after graduation, and for bilingual parents who want to review pedagogical sources and practical samples, particularly for following an effective route in teaching English to young learners. The book introduces key concepts through definitions, explanations, and theoretical information with implementable and accessible activities and samples that can broaden the limits of classroom learning. Literally, the book presents general information about theoretical considerations relevant to the nature of language, syllabus design for English lessons and commonly used methods in teaching English to young learners with practical samples. Plus, techniques, principles, and materials needed to develop language skills in foreign language teaching and to improve vocabulary are focused. Exploring how to teach grammar in a comprehensible and remarkable way, classroom management, assessment techniques and the relationship between the language and culture in teaching English to young learners are also addressed. Last but not least, the book aims to encourage language teachers to consider interesting ways to make their classroom more colourful when teaching English as a foreign language to young learners.
Saman Hashemipour National Notion Lives Out World Literature is a collection of essays on literature. Discussing genres of fiction and must-to-know literary terms with examples help literary fans to understand the core of literature. Discussing the history of novels in Turkish and drama plays in Persian helps the reader to have a conscious view of fiction in Turkey and Iran. Besides, comparative literature in Eastern universities and the value of literary works in world literature are discussed. A comparative method of investigation and psychological stance is applied to evaluate literary and critical works to realize the concept of national literature in the realm of world literature.
Burak Urucu, Maan Al Mubarak, Nergiz Öznur Vardar, Saman Hashemipour, Yasin Acar This book juxtaposes eight chapters by four authors about literary masterpieces by Orhan Pamuk and George Orwell. The common themes in the Pamukian and Orwellian context, such as hegemony, tensions between two discourses, false reality, degeneration of society, east-west conflict, imagined cities, nationalism, and the new historicist perspective on dystopia are fellow ground for the signified, well-analyzed, Eastern and Western authors. Furthermore, through instantiations, the Pamukian and Orwellian academic discourses in the medium of coordinating conjunctions of the past, present, and future of humanity are illustrated.
Ali Şükrü Özbay, Zehra Gürsoy, Senem Doğan, Merve Aslankılıç The main audience for this book is expected to be language teaching professionals and EFL learners at different levels, although educators at all levels may find it useful. Over the last three decades, phraseology and the supremacy of multi-word combinations in various forms and labels have enjoyed a crucial role in understanding how the English language functions in terms of lexicality. The necessity of studying multi-word combinations has been advocated, and the inclusion of computational methods has been favoured by many leading linguistic specialists. Thus, this book is intended to introduce the lexical features of the English language to language teaching professionals and EFL learners worldwide through contextual examples. After a short introduction, the scope of the book is further extended to include English verbs with their most frequent complements. Each chapter offers literature connections related to phraseology, formulaic sequence, and lexical approach. Finally, a comprehensive list of multi-word combinations was added in the form of tables to support language teaching professionals and EFL learners inside and outside the classroom in their attempts to increase phraseological awareness.
Muhammed Fatih Gökmen Foreign (English) language teacher education has heretofore produced a plethora of theories, methods, procedures, and techniques, most of which are virtually based on a specific philosophical paradigm. In this vein, this book outlines and expatiates the cutting-edge pedagogy named as post-method pedagogy on the grounds of post-modern educational philosophy, the critiques imposed on the ‘method’ concept and the conventional teaching methods, complexity of the ELT profession, and the subjective role of ELT professionals - specifically language teachers. By virtue of the author’s three discretional rationales, the post-modern educational philosophy, theoretical postulations in post-method pedagogy, and the conducted pertinent research, the author orchestrated his own personal and professional ELT small-scale theory under the framework of four continuous teacher development, three post-method parameters, and the personal and professional qualities that ELT professionals might adopt.
Senem Zaimoğlu, Şehnaz Şahinkarakaş The objective of educational research has always been to better understand language learning. However, as research on learning psychology and other related fields has progressed, people's perceptions of language learning have shifted. The purpose of this book is to shed new light on the understanding of social-emotional aspects of language learning together with core issues among young adults in a variety of language learning contexts. The particular feature of this book is to integrate the socially and the emotionally oriented perspectives of language learning. It brings the current situation among young adults to the light by focusing on the necessity of social-emotional competences for young adults in a rapidly changing society that requires them to deal with a variety of problems, stressful situations, and competing goals. In particular, the book offers unique insights into the new framework of social-emotional foreign language learning together with its theoretical foundations. Additional feature of this book is its discussion of different social-emotional assessments used in social-emotional learning. The book concludes by calling for SEL programs for young adults, which will support their social and emotional well-being in their language learning journey.
Şenay Tanrıvermiş The private lives structured by television came to light in different ways in eastern and western societies. This study provides concrete examples to the change of private life by making collective and individual culture comparisons through marriage programs. The Comparison of Marriage Shows in Two Cultures seeks to examine the complicated and often polemical terrain of marriage programs while considering their effects on the perceptions of privacy in two different societies: The United States of America and Turkey, in regards to two reality TV marriage shows: The Bachelor and Esra Erol`da Evlen Benimle.
Nowadays privacy is a commodity, property, and according to modern law one can do whatever one wants with it: some choose to sell it, or perhaps otherwise, to acquire an identity is impossible; it is that simple but its structure, content, borders and expression differ according to the impositions of western and eastern cultures.
Aysun Dağtaş, Şehnaz Şahinkarakaş People experience uncertainty in every aspect of life and researchers have investigated the concept in domains of psychology and communication in various contexts such as decision-making, health contexts, business, organizational settings and relational issues. Uncertainty is also a key concept in educational settings as it is unavoidable in life and it is a natural characteristic of learning contexts. Thus, it seems significant to expand our understandings of how students experience uncertainty while language learning. From the complex dynamic systems perspective, language learning is characterized as meaning making and this process of meaning making involves uncertain situations. Considering that uncertainty is inherent in language learning, it is necessary to understand how learners experience uncertainty in the language classroom and how they manage it.
Senem Üstün Kaya Women Behind the Pens: A Brief History of Turkish Feminism involves the historical development of Turkish feminism from Tanzimat Reforms to the modern period in Turkish literature. The book starts with the definitions of 'feminism' and the historical traces of feminism in the western and Turkish cultures. In the analysis part of the book, each chapter is respectively designed for a specific female Turkish author: Emine Semiye Önasya, Fatma Aliye Topuz, Halide Edip Adıvar, Nezihe Muhittin, Nezihe Meriç, Sevgi Soysal, Adalet Ağaoğlu, Erendiz Atasü, Tezer Özlü, Leyla Erbil, Buket Uzuner, Ayşe Kulin, Nazlı Eray and İnci Aral. Through the analysis of literary works and writing styles of the above mentioned authors, the main aim was to remind the readers their undeniable contributions on Turkish feminism. Based on the research, it was concluded that many of the 'women's writings' from Tanzimat period until today provided a common issue in Turkish literature: women need equal education , politic rights, economic independence and freedom of speech to gain a respected place and a voice in society. Therefore, it is desired that this book could contribute to the field in regards to the concepts of Turkish feminism and its historical development.