Economics and Administrative Sciences \ 2-4
Meral Sucu, Funda Kul This book has been prepared as a textbook for Finance Mathematics courses given in Economics, Business Banking, Finance and Actuarial departments of universities. It will be a resource book that can be used by candidates who will take the Capital Markets Board (CMB) Licensing exams and Actuarial exams.
The topics in the book were written in a simple language, and it was tried to ensure the intelligibility of the topics with many examples. With the different exercises given at the end of each chapter, the knowledge was reinforced.
The book consists of six chapters. In the First Chapter, time value of money, interest problems are discussed and interest and discount types encountered in practice and academic studies are given in detail. The subject of definitive annuities is explored in Chapter Two of the book. In Chapter Three, annuities with variable payouts, which can be made at different frequencies from the interest conversion period, are discussed. In the fourth chapter of the book, the debt payment methods, Depreciation and Debt Payment Fund methods, are examined in detail and the relationship and differences between them are emphasized. In the Fifth Chapter, commonly used investment instruments in financial markets are introduced and the valuation of these products is examined. In Chapter Six, derivatives markets and derivative products are discussed in detail and models used for pricing derivatives are explained.
The book will be useful as a textbook for people and students interested in finance.
Mehmet Saraç While the theoretical questioning of finance, which is a relatively young specific field among the sciences, is actually being questioned, the world view and human perception on which neoclassical economics is based, and perhaps beyond that, neoclassical economics is also questioned. While doing this, the source of knowledge, the methodology of science, how the Enlightenment process gave direction to these issues and the future of the concept of scientific knowledge are also included in the discussion to a certain extent.
Today, the most questionable point of conventional economics and the finance discipline derived from this understanding is that the epistemology of the economics and finance understanding and the assumptions on which it is based do not fully grasp the reality of human and existence. For this reason, post-modern humanity struggles with crises, cannot establish a sustainable economic system and is deprived of a fair distribution of wealth. This book deals with the debates, critical views, new trends and new paradigm searches, which have become more evident especially after the crises, regarding the theory of finance as a scientific field of study and the global financial system in terms of practice.
Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan In this book, in which the topics covered in the first part of the voluminous financial management books are collected separately under the title of Introduction to Finance, the basic theoretical information about finance is tried to be conveyed in a plain language. In addition, examples of practice based on theories, up-to-date information from the world and Turkey on the subject, and additional information from alternative perspectives such as participation finance and behavioral finance are shared. As such, this book has been prepared in such a way that it is suitable for reading like a one-semester textbook and can appeal to people of all levels who want to gain introductory information about finance.
Aclan Omağ, Ali İhsan Karacan, Başak Tanınmış Yücememiş, Canan Dağıdır Çakan, Erişah Arıcan, Esra Erişir Karacan, Gökhan Işıl, Güçlü Okay, İdil Özlem Koç, Lamiha Öztürk, Levent Çinko, Mahmut Hayati Eriş, Murat Akbalık, Server Demirci, Ufuk Alkan, Ufuk Başoğlu, Vildan Serin Financial markets, money and banking are among the topics that directly affect our daily life, even in it and arousing curiosity. Because what is learned in this field not only allows the understanding of different views on the execution of economic policy, which is the subject of discussions in the political arena, but also helps a clearer understanding of the economic and financial concepts that are frequently heard in the media. All the topics in this book, which is prepared for the relationship between financial markets, money and banking, are handled with a unifying method, and an analysis systematic in an economic and financial perspective is tried to be developed for the readers.
In this book; in addition to the structure and functioning of the financial markets that make up the financial system, financial institutions and instruments are discussed, the concept of money and its policies are based on theoretical foundations, the place of money and its policies in the financial system is examined, the central bank monetary policy practices are mentioned and the stability of the financial system is emphasized. In addition to these, the theoretical infrastructure related to banking in the financial system has been examined, the development, functions and international activities of banks, which are the most important actors of the system, are discussed, and the activities for the regulation and supervision of the system are examined. These topics in the book reveal the development and change experienced both in the countries of the world and in Turkey.
With the information they will acquire in this book, the readers will have the opportunity to approach and examine the subject with a different perspective and way of thinking.
Bekir Elmas Reading the financial statements and making some judgments about a business by analyzing the financial statements is extremely important for all segments of the business. E.g; managers are aware of the current situation of the company they manage and make plans for the future; partners, to see the status of their companies; Investors, during the process of understanding the situation of the company they are considering to invest and making the investment decision; On the other hand, credit institutions make use of the results of financial analysis while evaluating the loan application of the company. In addition to the sections related to the business we have mentioned, various groups such as other businesses, the state, unions and researchers that have commercial relations with the business also benefit from the results of financial analysis.
There are three main features that distinguish this book from the financial statement analysis books available in the market. The first of these, as stated above, is to include financial statements prepared in accordance with the new practice, Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TMS/TFRS), not the old practice Uniform Accounting System (TDMS). The second important feature that distinguishes the book from other books is that financial analysis and evaluations are made on the financial statements of two companies operating in Borsa Istanbul (TOFAŞ AŞ and FORD AŞ) instead of imaginary examples. Of course, such an approach will make the analysis and evaluations more realistic. As the third distinguishing feature in the book; KPSS, SMMM, Account Expertise, Banking etc. It can be shown that the questions and solutions in the institution exams are included.
The book consists of four parts. Our aim; in the first part of the book, introducing the financial statements issued by the businesses; in the second part, how to analyze financial statements issued by businesses, that is, to introduce financial analysis techniques; In the third part, it is to introduce some advanced analysis topics that are increasingly important for businesses. In the fourth and last part of the book, there are KPSS, SMMM (Certified Accountant and Financial Advisor), Account Expertise, Banking etc. There are questions and solutions related to institutional exams.
Amal Essayem, Fatih Güçlü, Hasibe Aysan, İsmail Canöz, Mehmet Akif Altunay, Merve Tuncay, Metin Sarıaslan, Muhammet Fatih Canbaz, Mücahit Özdemir, Nevzat Tetik, Onur Altın, Selçuk Sevgi Case studies have a very important function in reconciling theory and facts in subjects such as finance, banking and accounting, and associating lived realities with abstract theories. The case study technique, which has been attracting attention in Western universities for years both as an educational tool and as a research area, unfortunately has not received the value it deserves in Turkey. Aiming to fill the aforementioned gap, this work has a feature that combines theory and reality in banking and provides a deeper understanding to its interlocutors. In the work, rather than mathematical and statistical analyses, theoretical analyzes have been put forward with a broader perspective by associating theory with facts. Thus, the basic philosophy underlying the case technique, the scientific value of the study and the interaction of the work with the audience; simultaneously observed. Rather than mere stories of the cases discussed in the work, theoretical connections were established, important factors that played a role in the development process were conveyed, and the results of the case were analyzed in detail for both scientific and policy makers. Thanks to this approach, a more holistic and reader-friendly study has emerged. In this study, which examines the real developments in Turkey and the world, the following cases are discussed:
• Barclays LIBOR Manipulation
• İhlas Finance
• Bernard L. Madoff
• Deutsche Bank Scandals
• Etibank
• Ege Insurance
• Bankers Trust and Kıdder Peabody
• Agricultural Credit Cooperatives
• Money Foundations
• Dana Gas Sukuk
• Grameen Bank
Cihan Yılmaz, Derya Üçoğlu, Fatih Güzel, Fatih Yiğit, Gamze Şekeroğlu, Hakan Cavlak, İbrahim Emre Karaa, Melek Acar, Mevlüt Camgöz, Samiye Ekim Dertli, Volkan Dayan Case studies have a very important function in reconciling theory and facts in business disciplines such as finance, banking and accounting, and explaining lived realities by associating them with abstract theories. The case study technique, which has been attracting attention in Western universities for years both as an educational tool and as a research area, unfortunately has not received the value it deserves in Turkey. Aiming to fill the aforementioned gap, this work has the feature of combining and integrating theory and reality on the fundamental issues of finance theory, giving its interlocutors a deeper understanding. In the work, theoretical analyzes supported by numerical data have been put forward by associating theory with facts rather than mathematical and statistical analyses. Thus, the basic philosophy underlying the case technique, the scientific elements of the study and its interaction with the audience it addresses were simultaneously observed. Rather than a mere story of the cases discussed in the work, theoretical connections were established, important factors that played a role in the development of the cases were conveyed, and the results of the case were analyzed in detail for both scientific and policy makers. Thanks to this approach, a more holistic and reader-friendly study has emerged. In this work, which examines the real developments in Turkey and the world, the following cases are discussed under four main headings.
• Business Finance
 XTO Energy
 Worldcom
 Polly Peck
 Do&Co
• Investments and Portfolio Management
 2010 Stock Market Crash
 Gamestop/Reddit
 Pets.Com
 Wirecard
• Risk management
 Long Term Capital Management
 Metallgesellschaft
• Ponzione Chain Systems
 Farm Bank
 Charles Ponzi
Osman Okka The first edition in 2005, the second in 2009, the third in 2013, and now the fourth edition in 2018, "Financial Management Case Studies and Case Studies" has been prepared for use in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs at our universities. The number of cases, which was 50 in the first edition, 62 in the second edition, and 71 in the third edition, was arranged over 104 cases, including 33 cases in undergraduate level, 71 in group B at graduate and doctorate level in the fourth edition, and also 71 group B case studies (cases) were updated.
In order to understand the problems of the financial manager and the role of finance theory correctly and to be able to make accurate financial decisions about the company in today's world dominated by extreme competition and high capital costs, our students and readers should closely see financial management problems taken from real life and turned into case studies and They need to find solutions to these problems. According to our research, students perceive, formulate, prepare for a solution, take the right decision by solving, and have difficulty in risk management, a financial problem they encounter in real life, starting from the textbooks or small financial problems in the books. For this reason, these case studies are; It is prepared for our readers to see themselves in the virtual environment of the company, to penetrate deeply into financial management problems, to develop alternative solutions and to improve their ability to make the right decision, that is, it acts as a finance simulator for financiers.
Osman Okka The aim of the book is to give financial issues related to financial management, its basic principles in a simplified way in a systematic way and to help students by supporting the theory with problems.
The problems and case studies in the book are generally taken from real life. Thanks to these problems, students will become accustomed to how to address and solve a private financial problem when faced with a real-life financial problem. In addition to the book problems, financial purpose, statements, depreciation, taxes, cash flows and financial mathematics, environment, analysis and control, forecasting, planning, profit-cost-volume relations, measures to strengthen the financial structure, working capital management, long-term investment decisions in companies, capital budgeting, compilation of bonds and stocks, risk and return analysis, capital cost and structure decisions, long-term financing alternatives, short-medium-long-term debt sources, debt management.
Levent Aydın, İzzet Arı Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a need for planning in development economics on issues such as improving the level of development of countries, using resources more effectively, increasing population with changing technology and transforming economies according to differentiated demand. Economic planning is one of the main elements that ensure development with measurable, reportable and verifiable indicators by using planning tools in accordance with the vision, strategy, goals and targets determined by the countries at the macro scale. At the same time, economic planning and economic programs are an important approach that enables rational decisions in the economy in a time perspective.
The book reveals the necessity of economic planning, its basic features, conceptual framework and economic planning techniques with examples. This book, where researchers, academicians, policy makers and decision makers, experts and students can access basic information about economic planning, was written by two academicians who are experts in their fields. In the book, industrial plans and the development of development plans since the first years of the Republic in Turkey are presented from a sectoral point of view. In addition, the Input-Output Method, which forms the core of the General Equilibrium Models in the economy, is also included in the planning techniques section in detail. In addition, decision-making tools in project evaluation, which is complementary to the Plan-Program-Project hierarchy, are presented in detail with examples.
Tülin Şendur World trade is an indispensable element for the needs, quality of life and welfare of humanity, and the indispensable part of world trade is transportation systems, which are the most important part of the logistics sector. Maritime transport is the only option as the cheapest freight transport in transportation systems, in intercontinental distances, in large volumes. Today, 90% of world trade is carried out by sea.
In the first part of the book, general features of maritime transport, maritime transport in the world and in Turkey, fleet analysis, maritime transport types, cargo and ship types, freight market, international maritime organizations, in the second part, ship chartering and commercial operation, charter agreements and freight In the third part, a research and solution proposals for the determination of the ship management problems in dry cargo transportation in Turkey, in the fourth part; In order to ensure trouble-free ship management, a case study analysis of the connection and operation stages of a dry cargo ship is included, and in the fifth section, sample applications on demurrage-dispatch calculations are given.
Due to the fact that ship management is an international and specific business, English professional abbreviations and jargon are used as the language of correspondence, even if the parties are Turkish companies during the chartering process and ship operation, which is called ship connection. Subjects such as ship management and brokerage, which have been taught in universities in London since the beginning of the 1900s, have only been partly taught in the logistics departments of our universities in recent years. Considering that it can be a good resource as a desktop vocational guide book for both university students and employees who have just stepped into the sector, English professional abbreviations and jargon are used in the correspondence between the parties in the case study analysis, and the English abbreviation of the abbreviations and their Turkish translation are included in parentheses.
Yüksel KOÇ YALKIN In this book, accounting issues are handled in accordance with the Uniform Accounting System, which has been implemented in our country since January 1, 1994. In this direction, the concepts, principles, financial statements and chart of accounts included in the Uniform Accounting System have been thoroughly examined. In addition, while the functioning of the accounts is discussed, each account is first revealed with its theoretical features, scope and operating rules. In the second phase, the features, scope and operating rules of each account according to the Uniform Accounting System in our country (Accounting System Application General Communiqués) were examined.
The book, which is supported by both theoretical principles and Uniform Accounting System principles and application methods with numerous examples, includes the necessary corrections and additions to the Accounting Standards as well as the principles in the changed Tax Laws and related Communiqués. The book, which includes problems based on exam questions for the benefit of students, will also benefit those who are interested in the field of teaching and practice.
Hakan Ertürk, Ceyda Kükrer Mutlu, Emre Selçuk Sarı, M. Halil Çonkar, Hamdi Döndüren, Ali Togay, Murat Çizakça There have been people who are creative and have new ideas throughout history. These ideas led to the development of alternative models outside of the ongoing economic habits and opened the door to innovations.
Today, many innovations, especially in the field of technology, emerge as a result of the maturation of such ideas. Venture/venture capital is an important financial instrument in this respect, which refers to being a partner in these initiatives in order to meet the funding needs of individuals and companies with new ideas. It is an important feature of this partnership that one party takes the risk and aims to earn long-term returns by putting forth the capital of the other party and the creative thinking of the other party. In this respect, venture capital is an alternative model different from classical financing models. The profit-loss-based partnership structure in venture capital is suitable for the objectives that Islamic Economics wants to achieve. For this reason, it is an important investment tool that public and private institutions, universities and companies can apply, especially participation banks. This book in your hand examines the history, current situation, legal structure, economic opportunities, tax and accounting dimensions of venture capital. In this respect, it aims to fill an important gap in this issue, which has been neglected in terms of both theory and practice.
Kahraman Çatı There is no doubt that education is the most fundamental factor in the development of entrepreneurship and innovation. In our country, the importance given to entrepreneurship education in both secondary and higher education is increasing. Some universities even plan to offer entrepreneurship courses in all their departments. Some of our universities offer entrepreneurship graduate programs. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the necessary materials for entrepreneurship education.
In this book titled Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, basic topics such as the concept of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship culture, ethics in entrepreneurship, business modeling and innovation management are explained in detail. In addition, the book covers the types of entrepreneurship and the management, marketing and finance issues that an entrepreneur must know.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management book will be of great benefit to people who will start new businesses, business people who need an innovative perspective to develop their business, and people who want to think innovatively at every stage of life.
Arzu Özsözgün Çalışkan, Ayşenur Tarakcıoğlu Altınay, Beyhan Marşap, Bilge Leyli Demirel, Can Öztürk, Esra Atabay, Gül Yeşilçelebi, Gülnur Sultankhanova, H. Pınar Kaya, Mehmet Özbirecikli, Serap Sebahat Yanık, Seval Kardeş Selimoğlu, Süleyman Uyar, Şaban Uzay, Yıldız Ayanoğlu Assurance services are independent professional services that improve the quality of information for information users. It is essential that the information provided in assurance services is presented by an independent, honest and impartial professional. The reason why the concept of independence is of such great importance is that the information provided after the assurance service becomes more valuable.
Assurance services are services offered in the market by independent auditors (CPA and CPA) or various other professionals. For years, independent auditors have provided many assurance services regarding financial and non-financial information of enterprises. Assurance services are services that must be provided in accordance with certain international standards, as in independent auditing. These standards are the guide in the delivery of work and form the basis of quality assurance service work. In our book, the process of each assurance service engagement is illustrated by way of planning, evidence gathering, and reporting, based on standards for auditing assurance services.
When the legal regulations that shape assurance services in our country are examined, it is seen that there is a structuring institutionally based on regulatory authorities (such as KGK, CMB, BRSA, EMRA). In this structure, Law No. 3568 is a framework law, and it is the main source in terms of regulations regarding assurance services after both regulatory institutions and new legal regulations (such as concordat).
In our book; The issue has been made more understandable and applicable since the standards on assurance services auditing are handled separately in each section, supported by application examples. Our book, in which the concept of assurance services is handled within the framework of the legal regulations and Assurance Services Standards in our country, by following the stages of the assurance services process, has content that can be easily understood and benefited by professional accountants/candidates and university students who want to advance in the accounting profession.
Cantürk Kayahan The demand for education in the health sector is increasing day by day. As a former health worker, my main purpose in preparing such a book is to show how people in managerial or managerial positions other than doctors and allied health personnel, or candidates, as well as medical service managers, can make a better contribution to hospital performance. Because financial performance management provides an overview of hospital management and imposes responsibility on all managers, not just finance managers. In addition to these, the harmonious work of more than one professional staff within the organizational structures of hospitals is also of great importance in terms of patient health, hospital performance and country interests.
The general acceptance of hospital administrators by hospital personnel is possible with their analytical intelligence and solution-oriented approach as well as their abilities and merits. Managers should put themselves in the shoes of patients if they want to run a good and successful hospital, and should make it their life philosophy to treat patients and their subordinates the same way they would like to be treated. Thus, the corporate hospital management approach can be assimilated at every level from the bottom to the top. As a result, it is necessary to see the need for the subject in order to write and write a book. You must know what the student needs and why he or she should learn. In this study, the “Data Envelopment Model”, which is frequently used in the financial performance analysis of hospitals, was applied step by step and a road map was created in the Appendix so that students could make applications more easily. For a better future, we expect practical and theoretical studies from our students and academicians that will contribute to the field...
Armağan Macit, Aydan Savıcı Polat, Battal Tuna, Begüm Buse Özsavaner, Cenk Erkin, Deniz Macit, Didem Rodoplu Şahin, Furkan Polat, İhsan Çelebi, Orkun Özsavaner, Satılmış Ürgün, Sinan Fidan, Sultan Gedik Göçer, Turkay Özdemir, Vildan Durmaz, Volkan Yavaş Today, air transport is one of the most important sectors for world economies and is the main actor of the globalization process. The aviation industry continues to grow day by day in our country as well as in the world. With this growth trend, academic studies in the field of aviation have gained speed and importance in order to meet the increasing needs and produce solutions to problems. In the book Fundamentals of Air Transport Management, which was written in 23 chapters in order to meet the deficiency in the field of air transport management; aviation economy and sector analysis, civil aviation sector and global economic crises, airline management and strategies, air transportation marketing, air cargo transportation, airline fleet planning, revenue management in airline businesses, financial management in airline transportation, airport management, airport design and planning, airport ground services, airspace and air traffic management, human resources management in aviation, aviation safety, aviation safety, risk and crisis management in aviation, digital transformation in aviation industry, air traffic control technologies and future projection, aircraft production technologies and future projection, unmanned aerial vehicles, environmental effects in aviation, sustainability in aviation, aviation laws and regulations. In this context, it is aimed to provide readers, professionals and academia with new perspectives on the field of strategic air transport management and to increase their conceptual knowledge by examining these concepts in detail.
Mehmet Çoban The aviation industry in the world grows by about five percent every year. In direct proportion to the growth of the sector, the need for aviator personnel to be employed in the field of aviation is also increasing. In order to meet this need that will arise in the coming years, aviation departments continue to be opened within aviation high schools and universities in recent years.
Although important studies have emerged to be used in the courses to be given in the field of aviation, unfortunately, the desired proficiency has not been reached yet. For this reason, in the preparation stage of this book, the contents of the introductory aviation courses taught in universities providing aviation education in our country were examined and an effort was made to create an international content by scanning many foreign sources published abroad.
The main purpose of the Introduction to Aviation book is to contribute to the literature in the field of aviation, and to be the main reference source for those who are interested in this field and want to learn about basic aviation issues.
Mikdat Kadıoğlu “As soon as you start talking about aviation, meteorology becomes one of the indispensable scientific disciplines. The intricate relationship of the two fields is an indispensable element for the flight or destiny of an aircraft in the sky. From this point of view, it would be one of the most accurate definitions to say that meteorology is one of the most important branches of science for the development of aviation.
Our National SİHAs, which have become one of the most important breakthroughs of the National Technology Move, have become used in many areas from military areas to disasters, from forest fires to monitoring irregular migration movements. As with all aircraft, air movements have a decisive role in the flight of UAVs. UAVs fly by making use of airflow and aerodynamic forces, and therefore meteorological events have a great impact. The dynamic processes of a remotely managed flight with a fully autonomous system also depend on the current state of the atmosphere. For this reason, severe weather events such as turbulence, storm and icing in the atmosphere are decisive for the performance and safe flight of UAVs.
Selcuk Bayraktar

Weather is an important factor affecting aircraft performance and flight safety. It is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place according to variables such as temperature (hot or cold), humidity (wet or dry), wind speed (calm or stormy), visibility (clear or cloudy), and barometric pressure (high or low). The term weather also applies to adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions such as high winds.
In fact, weather conditions are never neutral. In war and peace it is always against us or with us. The rule of thumb is: “Air is our ally if we understand and use it to our advantage; If we don't use it, we become our enemies." As a result, when we do not pay attention to the weather conditions throughout our war and aviation history, the weather is our enemy; We have repeatedly experienced that when we pay attention, it is our ally.
For these reasons, this book is aimed at providing a solid understanding, comprehension, analytical thinking and decision-making of meteorological phenomena related to weather conditions of all aviation community flying or serving for civil, military or sportive purposes in war and peace. Prepared to improve their skills.
Bülent Yılmaz, Ender Güler, Murat Atik, Şaban Çelik, Tuğba Dölen, Yaşar Köse In today's world, where globalization is experienced rapidly, the importance of the aviation industry is increasing both in our country and in the world. In terms of finance, the aviation sector is the economic, political, social, military, etc., which is experienced on a local and international scale, where large capital investments are made. It is a sector that is simultaneously affected by developments and includes some risks that need to be managed.
This book consists of six chapters covering financial risks in the aviation industry and related accounting practices. The authors of the departments are academicians who are competent in their fields and have evaluated their own subjects scientifically in the light of current developments.
Hoping that the book will be useful for scientific studies related to aviation and the personnel involved in the aviation sector...
Vahap Önen The foundation of a good safety management system is only possible by establishing a good safety climate and a good safety culture in organisations. If the safety climate and safety culture are not well established or developed, whatever we do in safety system work will not make much sense. The work done remains only on paper, and incidents and accidents continue to occur without the system producing any added value. To summarize, Safety Culture and Climate is the most basic building block of the “Safety Management System”. For this reason, if we want to establish and operate a truly permanent and successful safety management system, we must first get to know the concepts of safety culture and safety climate, and understand the relationship between them. After these basic concepts are well understood, the issue we need to ask ourselves is “what level of safety climate and safety culture our organization has.” For this, we need to recognize the models developed in the literature, be aware of them, and then make measurements by predicting which method will give more accurate results for our own organization. At the end of all these, we have the opportunity to get to know ourselves better and become aware of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in terms of safety climate and safety culture. This will provide the basis for the preparation and implementation of an appropriate "Cultural Development Program" for the establishment of a good safety management system.
All sector organizations that operate and/or have to operate the safety management system in the aviation sector or if the importance of safety culture and climate is explained in the safety management system courses taught in aviation-related universities and schools, if they better understand and transfer these concepts and their models, they can analyze their situation with the right measurement methods. and as a result, if they implement effective safety culture-climate development programs, more appropriate employees and students will emerge towards the desired attitude and behavior, and thus the desired goal in the establishment of this system will be achieved much faster and more accurately. “The purpose of the book in your hand is to help you to walk on this road by lining up the stones on the road so that you can walk on this road.
Vahap Önen, Z. Benan Böke, Ferhat Koçaslan, Ahmet Selim Süzer, Ayberk Tutkun, Serap Daş, Şebnem Tamer, Figen Altakriti, Ali Akbaba, Nil Konyalılar, Dilek Yalçın, Özgür Ergun, Gönül Akın, Ekrem Süzen, Gülnaz Karahan, Hadi Ercan, Cengiz Türkoğlu, Engin Aksüt, Eray Beceren, Ayça Mumkule Erşipal, Julide Nukan, Tevfik Uyar, Fahri Peksu, Mehmet Ali Ağaşçıoğlu, Sahavet Gürdal The subject of human factors in aviation is the basic denominator that all aviation workers and aviation students should know, understand and learn. The emergence of the need to deal with such an important issue in more detail and the lack of a Turkish resource in this field with a comprehensive content covering all areas of aviation operation in our country has been instrumental in the preparation of this work. It is thought that this work published on "Human Factors in Aviation", which should be the main course subject in all civil aviation colleges and faculties and should be given as basic education in all areas of the aviation sector, will serve an important gap both in the sectoral and academic fields.
The book has been prepared to include all aviation operational activities with case studies with the contributions of real experts from aviation operations, experts who provide professional services in this field, and academics from seven different universities related to civil aviation.
Ali Şenol, Cemal Aktürk, Erkan Caner Özkat, İpek Atik, M. Sait Vural, Mehmet Elibol, Mustafa Akgün, Mustafa Demirbilek, Soner Kotan This book is about Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Decision Support Systems, Big Data and Learning Analytics in fields such as Computer Engineering and Management Information Systems, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Business Administration, Computer and Instructional Technologies Teaching. It has been prepared to provide scientific contribution to researchers and experts. The fact that the chapter authors of the book are from different disciplines and the genetic algorithm is used in many fields is an indication that this book has been prepared to appeal to every researcher in the relevant fields.
In the book, first of all, the basics, theory and applications of genetic algorithm are explained. Information about the use of genetic algorithm in machine learning and big data applications, which is one of the other artificial intelligence methods, is given. Later in the book, the use of genetic algorithm for engineering, business and education fields is mentioned.
Kaan Zülfikar Deniz Although statistics is a very easy field to learn, the learner's own affective barriers can prevent learning. When we look at those who have problems in learning statistics, it is seen that most of these individuals have had negative experiences in numerical or statistics courses in the past.
This work, named Statistical, provides a practical learning resource for researchers, academicians and students working in both social sciences and other fields of science, without overwhelming the learner with statistical formulas. A self-resource has been created for all the information needed for introduction to statistics and the application of fundamental analysis.
The first part of the book has a structure that is explained simply and reinforced with real-life examples. The statistical information in the first part forms the basis of the subjects in the second part. In the second part, the introduction of the SPSS program, the explanation for all statistical analysis, the visual processing steps of the SPSS application of the relevant subject, the introduction of the SPSS results, the tabulation and interpretation parts in accordance with the APA format, which is frequently used in social sciences. In addition to these, the most common mistakes in the relevant statistics at the end of each topic and the special situations that the researcher may encounter and the solution proposals, which consist of their solution suggestions, are in the nature of answers to the questions that most researchers cannot find answers to. The book aims to provide permanent learning as a whole and systematically.
Ahmet Özken, Hakkı Gürcan Atay, İrfan Kalpalı, Mehmet Ağırbaş, Meltem Onay, Mine Yılmazer, Mustafa Tanyeri, Mutlu Yılmaz, O. Murat Koçtürk, Ömer Pesen, Özcan Güven, Özge Ayan, Serkan Çınar, Tuğçe Danacı “This valuable publication, which analyzes Turkey's foreign trade structure from a modern point of view, with a wide range of information from the historical evolution of foreign trade and current legislation applications to foreign trade processes, this valuable publication is devoted to those working in this field at all levels, academics and those operating in the private sector/ It is a guide for the professionals who will show it.
Unlike many publications in the field of foreign trade, the book includes interviews where representatives from various sectors of the business world share their experiences. I believe that these interviews, where success stories are told, will make a great contribution to those who have just taken or will take a new step into the business world.
This publication, created in the triangle of public-private sector-university, has been a very valuable study that provides answers from A to Z to questions in the field of foreign trade. I congratulate everyone involved and wish them continued success.”
Adnan Yıldırım (Deputy Minister of Economy)
The point reached in our country, which aims to reach an ambitious export volume of 500 billion dollars from the export-led growth model in the 1980s, is one of the biggest efforts for our development.
Increasing the number of our entrepreneurs who produce and export what they produce and earn foreign currency to the country by using the blessings offered by technology in the most effective way has become more important than yesterday in today's competitive environment.
For this reason, I believe that this publication, prepared by different academics and experts, is a guide in terms of accurate information and using the right resources.
I congratulate everyone who contributed to this valuable publication, with the hope that it will achieve remarkable success in increasing the volume of foreign trade, which is one of our strategic goals.
Ender Yorgancılar (EBSO Chairman of the Board)
The importance of foreign trade is increasing day by day in our globalizing world. I find it very important to share successful examples, transfer past experiences to young entrepreneurs, and thus encourage them.
The work you have created is a very valuable resource in this respect. In particular, interviews with people who have achieved success in Turkish conditions are instructive.
Such publications; It supports production, trade and, in short, life. I congratulate you and everyone involved for your valuable contributions.
Sabri Ünlütürk (Head of Aegean Exporters' Associations Coordinator)
A. Dinç Alada, Altuğ Yalçıntaş, Bahar Araz, Derya Güler Aydın, Hüseyin Özel, M. Aykut Attar, Metin Sarfati, Nilgün Dai Çokça, Ragıp Ege, Vedat Ulvi Aslan When we look at the developments in the philosophy of science in the last hundred and fifty years, it is seen that the method of natural sciences is dominant in the method of social sciences. The separation of economics from philosophy, which is thought to progress by using advanced mathematics and technique, has been criticized by twentieth century economists and other social scientists, and these criticisms have led to different epistemological and ontological searches in social sciences from natural sciences. Especially with the development of ontological hermeneutics, the research subject and content of economics has started to be questioned again through the mutual relationship between the individual and society.
In this book, which is prepared for readers who are interested in economics and other social sciences as well as the philosophy of science, the nature of the mutual dynamic relationship between the individual and society as the main research topic of economics has been opened to discussion in different periods and thinkers, thus trying to bring an ontological dimension to the mainstream economy. A critical perspective is presented to the methodology of economics.
Hüsniye Canbay Tatar, İsmail Kitapcı, İsmail Öz, Mevlüt Yılmaz, Musa Yavuz Alptekin, Neriman Açıkalın, Ömer Aytaç, Taner Tatar, Uğur Çağlak, Uğur Dolgun, Veysel Bozkurt, Yavuz Odabaşı, Yonca Altındal This book has been prepared to support the writing activities of researchers and academics who want to look at economic developments from the perspective of sociology, and also to meet the learning needs of relevant students. In this sense, in addition to the scope of the previous limited number of Economic Sociology textbooks, the subject of capitalism, entrepreneurship and the causes of underdevelopment has been added to the agenda of the book.
İsmail Kitapcı It is difficult to understand people and society… It is even more difficult to understand the relationships between people, society and economy… Because…
• On the one hand, the irresistible attraction of the relations established with strong ties, on the other hand, the visionaryness of the relations based on innovation with weak ties…
• On the one hand, those who do not change the old for anything, those who are crushed under 'creative destruction', on the other hand, those who replace the old with the new, those who see technology as superior to humans, and those who have a heart like a machine...
• On the one hand, those who do not want to be put in the 'iron cage' of capitalism, on the other hand, the petrified hearts who think that unlimited power is power…
• On the one hand, those who act with the understanding of 'a bite and a cardigan', on the other hand, the pretentious people who use this understanding as an excuse and prevent themselves from working and turn idleness into a philosophy of life...
• On the one hand, those who take their bread out of stone, on the other hand, those who consume themselves as they consume, those who cannot have anything because they have everything...
• On the one hand, those who create capital for themselves from mutual trust and culture, on the other hand, those who acquire wealth, property and money for themselves.
• On the one hand, potlatch culture wins as it loses, on the other hand, selfish and self-seeking people who seek ways to gain more as capitalism gains.
• Those who are stuck in understatement on the one hand, and those who do not give up on excess on the other...
• Longing for local culture on the one hand, admiration for the global on the other...
• On the one hand, those who have the morality of submissiveness, and on the other hand, those who do not give up the morality of rebellion…
• On the one hand, “Our society rots without our virtues.” said Socrates, on the other hand, “Our society cannot develop without our vices.” said Mandeville…
• Those who are lost in cultural depths on the one hand, and those who lose their culture to civilization on the other.
• On the one hand, those who live with the American dream, on the other hand, those whose worlds turn into a nightmare...
• On the one hand, the 'knowledgeable' person of Neo-Classical economics, on the other hand, the person who cannot get rid of their cognitive biases…
• On the one hand, those who always sing the same refrain, on the other hand, entrepreneurs pushing the limits of innovation...
• Those who act as if they will never die on one side and will die tomorrow on the other…
Sociology of Economics aims at the journey of finding the 'economics in life', not the 'life in economics'. For this purpose, by making use of the views of different thinkers from Adam Smith to Karl Marx, from Max Weber to Emile Durkheim, from Werner Sombart to Joseph Schumpeter, from Karl Polanyi to Mark Granovetter and Pierre Bourdieu, the lost spirit in economics and society ; He tries to find real economics by examining the narcissist and hedonist approaches of postmodern consumer culture and the social and economic relations created by global capitalism. This book is, “First there was people, not economics.” Based on its motto, it tries to understand and make sense of the economic processes from the most primitive ages to the present day. Now is the time to question more the economic approaches that isolate people and society.
Afşin Şahin The science of economics is closely related to the fields of finance and banking in terms of dealing with the optimum distribution of resources, and the regions where their circles intersect are expanding day by day following the global crises. In these discussed subjects, it has been tried to see the big picture, sometimes starting from small pieces. Trees were analyzed in detail, and application experiences were shared with readers. Sometimes, starting from a large piece, it was traveled to small pieces. It has progressed in the way of speaking to the reader whenever necessary, but meticulous attention has been paid to supporting comments and thoughts with scientific reality and resources. The book begins with basic macroeconomic issues such as production, consumption, investment, foreign trade and inflation it is complemented by various comments and assessments on monetary economics, central banking, finance and banking. This book contains many topics that appeal to university students, those who work in business life and those who want to improve themselves in these areas.
İsmail Kitapcı Do people always act rationally when making economic decisions? Are the balances in economic life best established spontaneously? Does economic development always increase welfare and happiness? Why do people make systematic mistakes when they have unlimited billions of experiences? How influential are our cognitive biases on our decisions? Why are those who know a lot wrong? Why does our body begin to believe what our brain believes after a while? Why do we give different answers and irrational responses to different questions, according to the way they are presented? How happy is it to consume in a postmodern world where needs turn into wants?
Are there things money can't buy? Is there happiness with money? Is it possible for Mesut from Mesudiye to be happy in today's postmodern world? What message does Agent Smith give to a person who is immersed in the rational and linear world? In what way do religious and moral values ​​affect economic life in a society where most things are judged by market conditions? Why is the blood given in return for less quality and why is there more disease in this blood? Is it possible to explain the unreasonable enthusiasm and excitement that moves people even in the most negative moments with rational factors? Does two and two always make four in social and economic life? Longer and longer questions and answers always hidden somewhere...
Rationality and Irrationality in Economics opens the doors of a happy social and economic life. It gives tips on living in a balanced and measured way between a rational and irrational world. He's trying to find the real man and economics that gets rid of his cognitive biases. It reminds us once again that money cannot buy everything and that man is not a machine. It is time to question the traditional paradigm more in order to be happier in a postmodern world where there are serious disconnects between economics and morality.
Demet Gürüz, Ayşen Temel Eğinli Communication is something we cannot give up in order to understand, to explain, or to agree… A cycle that we cannot escape from, continuing and responding to what we understand, what we say, and our agreements… An escalator that goes and comes continuously from us to us, from us to you, from you to us, in short from person to person… A cornerstone of life. Contact…
It is a book that guides all individuals in the society these days when we complain about lack of communication and realize that communication is important... While it contributes to learning what communication skills are, it also sheds light on people's ability to see where they make mistakes... It answers the following questions that come to mind:
They don't understand me, I can't explain myself, what should I do?
I think I empathize, or am I not?
There is a constant conflict between us, how can I resolve it?
I'm unsuccessful in group work, why can't I express myself?
I can't convince… How can I do it?
Communication in the family is broken… Why?
My communication with my friends is very bad at my workplace, how can it be improved?
Am I a good listener?
Aysel Aziz Communication is a long process that started with the existence of human beings in the world, has survived to the present day and will continue in our future.
It is clear that it would be so difficult to explain a subject with such wide borders in the numbered pages of a book! However, by placing certain limitations, important parts of this long adventure were taken and tried to be conveyed to the reader within the framework of the introduction.
Starting from the definition of communication within this kind of limitation, after general information about communication such as its process, relationship with other disciplines, communication types, functions and models, interpersonal communication, mass communication and mass media, news agencies, historical communication and mass communication in Turkey. development, organizational communication, internet and social media. In the last two chapters of the book, the effects of communication on society and communication researches are discussed.
Each of these introductory information; It is researched, analyzed and published under separate headings by other academics, authors and researchers. The aim of this book, titled "Introduction to Communication", is to give general information about such studies as preliminary, and to direct those who want to deepen in their subjects to such studies.
Gönül BUDAK, Gülay BUDAK It would not be wrong to call the age of communication, where social media, virtual networks and mass communication advance with giant strides, as the age of image.
The importance of image structuring at individual, organizational and national levels is related to the fact that the image is a phenomenon that can be established and managed. Image studies are at the focal point of public relations. All other work is shaped around this focal point. For this reason, characterizing the activities carried out to create an image as public relations will be insufficient in naming the activities carried out. It would be more correct to say "Image Engineering" instead.
Within the framework of the SA 8000 Social Responsibility standard determined in 1997, businesses have started to contribute to the fields of Social Entrepreneurship, which also aims to create a positive image by proving to their target audience that they work with a "win-win" mentality and to provide a sustainable contribution to the welfare of the society by supporting disadvantaged people within the scope of their social responsibilities.
The target audiences defined within the scope of public relations are quite broad. It starts from within the business, from the employees, customers, potential customers, competitors, government, etc. It extends to many popular communities at the national and international level. One of the most important tools in reaching large masses of people; media, the other is the virtual environment. Thanks to virtual networks and social media, the business has been able to have the freedom to manage its own news. Moreover, it has become easier to manage the image of the enterprise, which can be edited 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can shape the desired visuality and content at any time in an extremely dynamic environment. However, considering how fast the spread of information as well as its creation can be in the age of communication, it should be accepted that the preservation of the image has become more difficult than before.
The importance of public relations activities is gradually increasing due to the search for answers on how to protect the image as well as how to structure the image in the desired direction.
Salih Güney The indispensable element for all businesses is people. For this reason, businesses that attach importance to the selection, placement, training, promotion, evaluation and retirement of their employees have always been successful in business life.
The human resources management book is a resource that people or institutions that want to be successful in the processes from the recruitment of the personnel to their retirement can apply.
Abdurrahman Benli, Ali İhsan Balcı, Ali Şahin Örnek, Bora Yenihan, Bünyamin Bacak, Canan Öykü Dönmez Kara, Cenk Murat Koçoğlu, Ebru Kanyılmaz Polat, Emrah Özkul, Gonca Gezer Aydın, Gökçe Cerev, Hüseyin Erkul, İlknur Karaaslan, İlknur Taştan Boz, Levent Şahin, Murat Uzunparmak, Mustafa Kara, Neslihan Arslan, Niyazi Yılmaz, Oğuz Başol, Oğuz Diker, Orkun Göktepe, Özgür Topkaya, Pelin Kanten, Sarp Kumlu, Siyret Ayas Şarman, Suat Uğur, Tanju Çolakoğlu, Tuncay Yılmaz, Ufuk Özer, Umut Eroğlu, Yener Pazarcık, Yusuf Yiğit, Zeynep Sözcan Let's go to 2050 for a moment. There are no wars left in the world. There is abundance in every country. There is no income distribution problem, poverty is almost over. Boundaries between countries have been removed. All production steps that require muscle power are made with real robots. Robots even design works of art. All unfinished symphonies, novels, scientific works and films are completed by artificial intelligence. He who wants immortality is being cloned.
Turkey is one of the rare countries that has established a colony on the Moon. A global power that has overcome environmental problems thanks to space mining. One of the few states that has created its own blockchain. Earth is a peaceful planet. The population has dwindled to half of what it is today.
People? They are programmed before they are born. They mainly devote time to philosophy, art and aesthetics.
Did you find this short projection unrealistic? You asked, so let's go back to the present.
Be prepared to face the following challenges:
• New technologies that fundamentally change the design of work,
• New expectations and values ​​in the workplace,
• workforce skill gap,
• Workplaces where employee loyalty decreases,
• The increase in the population consisting of long-term and even educated unemployed,
• The demographically changing labor market,
• A young generation that is not equipped enough for the business world,
• A troubled economic and social structure with regional and urban divisions.

Section author(s) who care for the richness of the literature; they discussed the business world from their own perspective within the scope of HRM discipline. While emphasizing the behavioral dimension of human resources management, on the other hand, the future orientations of human existence are approached glocally. Network quotes collected from social media, which sometimes point to a situation or a problem, and sometimes make you laugh/think, are scattered throughout the book. In addition, the link and QR codes of the relevant videos from social media are placed at the end of the chapters. The reader's interest was kept alive with the case studies and movie recommendations that were scripted or selected from daily life.
Target audience of the book:
• Students who receive undergraduate and graduate education in the field of HRM,
• Researchers and academics working in the field of HRM,
• HR managers and professionals,
• Employees and managers at all levels who are interested in the field of HRM.
• Good reading...
Haydar Ateş, Murat Düzgün This rapid development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), which has been developing rapidly in the last 30-35 years in the world in terms of both technology and usage areas, draws attention to these platforms. These new technologies provide a new practical and analytical perspective in many sectors, especially in the field of security.
This book, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV): Fundamentals and Uses, provides a comprehensive review of the key issues to know about UAVs, from design to operation, technologies to users, reference sources, conferences, publications, professional communities and ethical issues. It aims to guide researchers as future inventors and entrepreneurs by providing an overview and detailed information on cutting-edge technology as well as new concepts.
Book; It has been prepared for technically oriented workers and engineers for UAVs, specialists/practitioners seeking specific technical/commercial information, as well as anyone who wants to learn more about the state of UAV and related technologies.
Ömer Faruk Tekdoğan The partial reserve system, which we can call the basis of modern finance, has been the subject of discussion from past to present due to its weak structure, the role it played in economic instability and the problems it created. This interest-based system, which ensures that most of the money supply is dematerialized, has led to a macro-ribâ system that envelops economic life. The full reserve system, which was developed as an alternative to this system, could not find its place in practice. From the point of view of Islamic economics, the fact that the current system is riba-oriented and causes an unfair distribution of resources has necessitated the evaluation of the alternatives put forward from this perspective. The fractional reserve system operates based on confidence that commercial banks and central banks will provide sufficient liquidity when needed, and thus in essence it is prone to financial crises.
is weak and fragile. From this perspective in the book, the problems that are claimed to arise in economies with the discovery of fractional reserve banking are examined, the applicability of full reserve banking and how sufficient it is for a solution are examined, and the suitability and drawbacks of both systems in terms of Islamic economics are discussed. In addition, the effect of both banking systems on economic stability was compared using an agent-based simulation model.
Fatih Savaşan, Fatih Yardımcıoğlu, Şakir Görmüş, Süleyman Kaya Many issues such as what the economic view of Islam is, whether it offers an economic system, what solutions it provides to people's needs, and through which institutions historically Muslims carry out their economic activities have been discussed by different segments for a long time and still continue to be discussed. Not only theoretical efforts, but also many practical efforts have been put forward and institutions have been established. Sometimes the practice side, led by Islamic banks, directed other theoretical studies, and sometimes the theory tried to influence the practice. On the other hand, with the growth of Islamic finance, regulatory authorities have inevitably been included in this ecosystem. In the end, many stakeholders, interconnected or not, ponder on Islamic economics and finance and contribute to keeping this field on the agenda.
Studies in the field of Islamic economics and finance have increased for Turkey, especially after the 1980s. Islamic lawyers, employees in the Islamic finance sector, regulatory agencies, academics and many more contribute to the field. Among them, some names played leading roles in their own fields and have been influential in the reaching of Islamic economics and finance to a much wider audience today. This book consists of interviews with professors who have worked in this field for many years, industry representatives and regulators operating in the field of Islamic finance.
İsmail Bektaş, Muhammed Emin Durmuş, Soner Duman, Osman Güman, Hasan Hacak, Necmeddin Güney, Nazan Lila, Abdullah Durmuş The most basic principles that Islam observes in human relations; observance of justice, prevention of injustice, ensuring social stability, entrusting the trust to those who are competent, open and transparent relations between people, preventing transactions and dispositions that may lead to conflicts between people. These principles also guided the instructions of Islam regarding commercial relations between people. In this context, tortious acts such as theft and extortion are prohibited, as well as interest, verbal or de facto cheating that leads to the exploitation of one party in contracts.
Garar, which is the subject of this book, is also prohibited because it causes commercial relations between people to be carried out in an open and transparent manner and cause conflicts and fights between people. The book consists of the papers presented in the workshop named "Garar in Classical Fiqh and Its Effect on Today's Economic Transactions", which was organized with the aim of addressing many aspects of the ban on garar, which was discussed in the classical fiqh literature and also encountered in modern economic transactions, by the participants, which were developed and converted into articles. This book, in which different authors deal with the prohibition of garar in Islamic fiqh from conceptual, intellectual and methodological perspectives, has been brought together in order to establish a solid link between our classical fiqh heritage and today's economic affairs.
İsmail Cebeci Murabaha contract is one of the most applied and discussed transactions in the interest-free financial system. In the process that has been going on since the 1970s, when interest-free banking began, the subject of murabaha, which has been in the field of interest of many scientific disciplines, especially fiqh and economics, has been an issue that has attracted the attention of the academic community as well as being important for the real sector. The main purpose of this study is to deal with the historical development of such a contract, to follow the stages it went through and to examine the debates about the problematic points it has.
Murabaha, which is known as "production support" and "corporate and individual financing support" in practice in Turkey, is a larger-scale and most widely used transaction today, has common issues with other investment-financing models, as well as many different The fact that it contains a problem point, is the most discussed transaction in the modern period, and shows how a classical contract was modernized are the factors that make this contract important. Murabaha fiqh, economic, social, etc. This study, which aims to address various aspects with a critical and holistic perspective and to reveal the course of reasoning and judgment-making activities in modern Islamic economics problems based on the existing literature, is a candidate to fill an important gap in the literature.
Hasan Kazak In the face of Europe's industrialization revolutions and its formation as developed economies, the Islamic world's inability to fully fulfill its growth and development steps has led to a misconception that Islam hinders development or progress for years. This perception has been expressed from time to time by some circles with good intentions or bad intentions. Is it really so? Does Islam have a religious understanding that only has an aspect towards the hereafter and is completely isolated from worldly life? How should the chapters in the Qur'an and hadiths that describe the dangers of wealth be understood? Does Islam have a relationship with capitalism and socialism? Can a Muslim be rich? Are there any rules for being rich and wealthy? What should be the balance between spending and hedonism? The fact that all these questions are often wrongly answered and misinterpreted by both the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds is an indication that the issue is not fully understood. Although this misunderstanding is considered reasonable by those who are far from the Islamic world, it is very sad that it is misunderstood and interpreted by the Islamic world.
In this study, the subject is evaluated from the perspective of Islam by considering the assumptions and approaches in Max Weber's work, which deals with the relationship between Protestant ethic and capitalism, and which is very popular. Can relationships similar to those established by Max Weber between capitalism and Protestant ethics be valid for the religion of Islam, or can similarities be drawn? In this study, the real Islamic economic system has been tried to be revealed by considering the subject in terms of these relations.
Osman Okka, Hasan Kazak Today, due to the rapid development of the Islamic finance sector and the fact that Islamic funds are approaching 3 trillion dollars, interest in this field has increased gradually, on the one hand, publications in this field have increased, on the other hand, Islamic financial institutions have become institutionalized to a large extent. While all these developments were taking place, the aspect of Islamic finance towards companies together with institutions operating in money and capital markets - that is, studies on the application of national and international companies to ordinary, collective, commandite, limited, joint-stock and holding companies - remained relatively behind. This book has been prepared to meet this need, covering almost all areas of financial management and in comparison with conventional finance. For this reason, the book has an intermediate upper structure.

In the book, the basic principles of finance related to Islamic finance within the framework of Islamic law are presented to the reader in a systematized manner in a systematic way, in comparison with conventional finance, and it is shown in detail how Islamic finance can be applied in all areas of the activities of companies in real life. Thus, it is aimed for the reader to gain knowledge in a structure that can think financially with a numerical and analytical method and solve the financial problems of the company by producing policies in accordance with Islam. Case studies of Islamic finance in the 22nd chapter, that is, case studies, added a different dimension to the book.
Osman Okka, Hasan Kazak, H. Basri Alım (B-1) Islamic Financial Management: System and Practice (Compared with Conventional Finance) in the first book of the series, what Islamic finance is and its application in today's modern companies (ordinary, collective, commandite, limited, joint-stock, holding companies) by taking into account the Islamic rules on this subject. shape was examined in comparison with conventional firms. Rational behavior and behavior do not change in conventional or Islamic finance. Every person or company tries to act, win, act efficiently in order to be optimal (the best); What is different is that the Islamic financier and manager must act and be successful by taking into account the prohibited and unethical rules according to Islam. As it is known, conventional companies; According to Islam, all kinds of interest, deceitful, morally corrupting, defective, adulterous, causing usurpation of rights, harmful to society, etc., which are considered haram. If they do not engage in activities, they become an Islamic firm. If Islamic companies carry out their activities without considering the harams and prohibitions of Islam, they also turn into conventional companies. Switching between companies is that simple. If an Islamic firm has engaged in haram activities, it first tries to prevent them and at the end of the period, it tries to remove the haram revenues from the firm. In order not to make mistakes, the Islamic financial manager has to know and apply the rules of both conventional and Islamic finance.
In today's economic system, where extreme competition and high capital costs dominate; In order to understand the problems of financial managers and the role of Islamic finance correctly, and then to make the right financial decisions about the company, they need to see real-life financial management problems closely and produce solutions on these problems. These are case studies; It has been prepared to enable our readers to see themselves in the virtual environment of the company, to penetrate deeply into financial management problems, to produce alternative solutions within the framework of Islamic rules and to improve their ability to make the right decision. The book acts as a finance simulator for financiers and those who want to become financiers, as well as company managers. We hope that this book titled (B-2) Islamic Financial Management Case Studies and Case Studies (Case Analysis), which covers 50 case studies, will be useful to you.
Bilal Soysal For an Islamic financial institution to survive and grow, it is essential that all stakeholders adopt a corporate governance approach to increase their trust in the institution. An effective corporate governance is necessary for an Islamic financial institution to manage the risk of non-compliance with Fiqh principles and rules, to grow in a healthy way, and to properly protect the interests of all stakeholders. In this context, an important part of corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions is an effective "Fiqh Compliance Management System" aimed at ensuring the compliance of activities with fiqh principles and rules. This book explains the Fiqh Compliance Management System in Islamic financial institutions in detail within the framework of literature and international standards, and the approaches of countries to the subject. it reflects in the context of legal regulations and reveals the situation of Turkey compared to other countries.
Ahmet Oğuz Akgüneş, Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım, Bilgehan Tekin, Ebru Demirci, Eyyüp Ensari Şahin, İbrahim Erem Şahin, M. Kemalettin Çonkar, Mehmet Bükey, Muhammet Fatih Canbaz, Nevzat Tetik, Nurullah Altıntaş, Oktay Özkan, Onur Seyranlıoğlu, Recep Çakar, Soner Akkoç, Tahsin Galip Tekin, Tolga Türkölmez, Yavuz Türkan The problems we face today, where perhaps the fastest transformations in the history of humanity are experienced, trigger the search for a new normal, system and order in order to protect the current gains and to ensure an inclusive and sustainable growth and development process. These searches, which take place in almost every field, especially in socioeconomic and political fields; re-understanding the old, the re-discovery of the new, and the examination of the interaction between the old and the new. From an economic point of view as a result of these searches, discussions on the new economic system are being mobilized, and the problems of what will replace the old systems, how the new order will function, and how to define the roles of these new normally known economic actors are questioned -objectively and normatively. One of the efforts made in this context is the studies carried out within the scope of Islamic Economics and Finance, which is the richest in terms of experience, originality and consistency, and the impact/repercussion of these studies is increasing and expanding day by day across the world.
In order to support this effect/echo, this book, which was initiated by using the blind arbitrator process, begins by examining the subject of interest, which functions as litmus paper in terms of economic thought and systems. After the interest topic, there are sections on zakat, the state, solidarity institutions and participation banks, respectively. Within the scope of Islamic Finance; financing models, blockchain technology, behavioral finance and investment attorneyship are examined, followed by applied studies on the economy-finance relationship. Thus, it has been tried to contribute to the efforts of humanity in general and Turkey in particular to get rid of the systematic bottlenecks and deadlocks, and to the aims of understanding the old, discovering the new and examining the old-new interaction within the scope of Islamic Economics and Finance.
Bülent Yılmaz This course book has been prepared on the basis of the content of the courses taught under the name of Statistics, General Statistics and Introduction to Statistics in Education Faculties, Science and Literature Faculties and Vocational Schools (Health Vocational Schools).
In the first chapter, the concepts of statistics and graphics, series and frequency curves are emphasized. In the next chapters, probability and probability function, expected values and moments, distribution theory, correlation and regression are studied with extensive examples.
Burak Birgören Imagine a product that you use a lot, and then think about the most important feature that determines the quality of that product for you. For example, this could be the life of the battery for a mobile phone. What would you say if you were told that none of the original batteries placed in the same brand and model product are exactly the same, or even if you are unlucky, you will come across a battery with a short lifespan and therefore the battery will run out after 6-7 months of use?
The first explanation that manufacturers will make to unlucky customers is that this is usually due to incorrect or heavy use. But let us tell you a secret. There may also be serious differences between the lifetimes of batteries used in exactly the same conditions. Such differences appear in a wide variety of products such as white goods, electronic goods, automobiles, and in the various features of these products. The engine sound insulation of two cars of the same model is not at the same level, such as turning the knob of one of the two dishwashers of the same model is easy and the other is difficult. In addition, the same problems are valid for a company that purchases raw materials or semi-finished products from a supplier. These differences are due to the fact that the products cannot be produced exactly as they were designed. This leads to serious customer dissatisfaction and loss of customers. For this reason, systematic studies are carried out in all sectors to make production more suitable for design.
All studies conducted for this purpose fall within the field of statistical quality control. The main subjects of these studies are the measurement of product features, quality characteristics in technical terms, statistical modeling and analysis of measurements, and as a result, the discovery and elimination of the causes of non-compliance with the design. Today, we see that these studies are sometimes carried out in the form of total quality management, sometimes ISO 9000, and sometimes six sigma applications. After discussing these different quality management approaches in the book, the methods used for statistical quality control are explained with various industry applications.
Muammer Doğan The latest information and principles, which have gained an international character in the field of contemporary business, are prepared in the book, which has been prepared by carefully evaluating both the developments in the literature and the new practices in the business world in the 2000s, on all subjects within the scope of business administration, from its establishment to its operation, and especially on business economics and management. techniques and strategies have been systematically studied. In particular, the basic subjects and concepts of business, the establishment of the business, management, production, marketing and finance functions are discussed in detail.
This book is suitable for the students of Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculties of Business and Engineering and Vocational Schools, which include courses such as business administration, business economics, business management, management and organization, production, marketing and finance, as well as Engineering faculties who have felt the weight and importance of business in recent years. It is a reference source for students.
Osman OKKA Financial decisions must be sound and accurate in order for companies to achieve their goals and to continue their activities successfully in a brutal competitive environment. The future is uncertain and full of risks, and both uncertainty and risks should be taken into account in the decisions to be taken. Financial decisions taken affect the financial position of the firm and will therefore have an impact on the market price of the firm. When we think that volatility and development dominate the markets, we see that financial management information needs to be constantly developed and updated. For this reason, the sixth edition was prepared a little different from the other editions and tried to be updated.
Ömer Önalan This book is designed to cover the two-semester content of the general mathematics course taught in the Business Administration Departments of universities.
In the book, the basic subjects of calculus, linear algebra, probability and differential equations are tried to be dealt with in an intuitive approach by associating them with reality as much as possible, in order to prepare the ground for the students of business administration to solve the problems they will encounter in the real world by using the concepts and symbolism of mathematics.
At the end of each chapter, a sufficient number of examples are discussed to reinforce the subject, and the solutions of many of them are also included.