Mesut Hakkı Caşın
No war can be understood independently of the multi-layered accumulation of historical, political, ethnic, religious, economic, cultural and commercial interests that prepared it.
In this context, this work named World War II; While pursuing to bring to light the intertwined and complex causes of the Second World War that are beyond the visible, it also examines the background of the effect of economic and political crises on the strengthening of totalitarian regimes, together with its intricate causes.
In addition, while reconsidering the causes and consequences of the Second World War, as the bloodiest conflict of the twentieth century, eighty years later, it also sheds light on its complex connection with the problems eighty years later, enabling us to understand the hot and cold war potential of power relations in today's world.
The thousands of documented photographs included in the book, on the other hand, will memorize both the tools and ammunition of the war, as well as the horror and destructiveness of the war, as a documentary film.