Contemporary World History \ 1-1
Fatma Uygur Edouard Antoine Thouvenel, who came to the Ottoman lands first as a traveler and then as a French ambassador (1855-1860), contributed to the preparation process of the Reform Edict as the father of the French thesis. In addition, by personally participating in the activities with other diplomats, he fulfilled a mission that recorded the influence of France in the Ottoman Empire. Indeed, Istanbul was at the center of alliances or conflicts between all state institutions and organizations and Western states. During this period, the most experienced, well-equipped and cunning diplomats of France, England and Russia served in Istanbul and there was a fierce struggle between them. Although he was at odds with the British ambassador Lord Stratford and the Russian ambassador General Ignatyf, who conducted diplomacy with different methods, Thouvenel successfully conducted the negotiations on behalf of France.
Thouvenel was in constant contact with the Sublime Porte and Abdülmecid. In line with the instructions he received from France, he had Reşid Pasha dismissed by following an oppressive attitude and had the pro-French Ali Pasha and Fuad Pasha sometimes appointed to the grand vizierate and sometimes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He realized the theses of France with his effective diplomacy, which he carried out in the special Divan-ı elections, which were of vital importance in the Wallachia-Boğdan issue. Thouvenel is again on the diplomatic side of the Suez Canal project under the direction of French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps, which will provide prestige for his country in the East, require serious engineering and will connect the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, which angered the British. In addition, the Légion d'honneur, which no Ottoman sultan had accepted before, was given to Abdülmecid with a magnificent ceremony in Çırağan by Thouvenel, and the Sultan attended a ball at the French Embassy for the first time.
Thouvenel, who continued his activities silently for five years without making as much noise as his rival Stratford, in Istanbul, III. While he was Napoleon's ambassador in Istanbul who started the French era, he returned to Paris as the Minister of Foreign Affairs who directed the French foreign policy.
Abdül Halim Varol, Cevdet Yakupoğlu, Ergin Ögcem, Erhan Ateş, Halil İbrahim Gökbörü, Kemal Taşcı, Mehmet Vural, Mustafa Hizmetli, Mustafa Uyar, Özgür Tokan, Özkan Dayı, Seyfullah Kara, Tunay Karakök The first Turkish-Islamic States History book is a new and original work on the history of medieval Muslim and Turkish states. The book covers a wide historical period in chronological terms. In this process, the emergence of Islam, the acceptance of the religion of Islam by the Turks, the establishment of Muslim Turkish states and their dominance in the Islamic world; In addition, the organization, culture and civilization issues of these states were discussed. Thus, on the one hand, the political, social and cultural issues that developed in the history of Islam; On the other hand, the politics, organization, culture and civilization of the first Muslim Turkish states were discussed. The topics in the book are written in an original approach and academic style. The First History of Turkish-Islamic States book, prepared with the contribution of many academicians who are experts in their fields, is also a textbook for universities.
Alaattin Dolu, Asiye Şahin, Hüseyin Önal, İsmail Taşpınar, Lana Kudumovic, Ömür Yazıcı Özdemir, Ruba Kasmo, Sezen Karabulut, Yasemin Avcı Jerusalem contains a witness that has been given to very few cities in history. In the past century, the occupation of Jerusalem and the problems of the Islamic World have progressed in parallel. This situation requires a multidimensional evaluation with its intellectual, geographical, socio-cultural and economic components, beyond being an issue that only awaits a political solution.
Jerusalem studies are getting richer day by day. Uncovering the social and spatial remnant of the ancient city and producing the scientific archive against the destruction of Jerusalem by reduced interventions to the nation ideology is seen as an indispensable prerequisite for these researches.
The book in your hand has been prepared with the aim of contributing to the expanding Jerusalem Library in Turkey. In the book, a versatile Jerusalem perspective is presented through original studies that evaluate Jerusalem in terms of its historical, cultural, urban and architectural dimensions and address the Jerusalem issue from the perspective of international law.
Halil İbrahim Erol XIX. historiography in 19th-century Egypt; It is analyzed through Abdurrahman al-Ceberti, Abdullah al-Sharkavi, Ismail al-Haşşâb, Ahmed er-Recebî, Nikola et-Türk and their works. This work, which is the first in Turkish literature, deals with the main sources in Arabic as well as related researches in the English and partly French literature. The work has a special importance in Ottoman historiography as it enables the comparison of the last period historiography. In this respect, it presents interesting examples from the field about historiography, historical thought and procedure. In the work; Mamluks, Wahhabis, Azhar ulema, Egyptian society, declarations about the propaganda of the image of Muslim-French distributed to the public during the French occupation, Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha and his period are among the prominent issues.
Mesut Hakkı Caşın Throughout history, Turkish-Russian relations have been one of the main elements, probably the most important, of the general view of the Eurasian region and the balance of power in this geography. This important rivalry, which started with the relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Tsardom, at first tended to gain the appearance of cooperation after the establishment of the Soviet Union. With the World War II, this time it showed itself with the effect of an ideological separation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, although there is no direct land border between Turkey and the Russian Federation, the intensity of relations between the parties has not decreased; on the contrary, due to Turkey's relationship with the Caucasus and Central Asian Turkic republics, it has gained even more importance.
There is a need for a better understanding of Russia in our country in order to better understand this new relationship ground, which often emerges as conflict/competition and sometimes as common understanding/cooperation. This academic study in your hand is of a quality that sheds light on our understanding of Russia's present and future, which takes its place in this dilemma from the point of view of Russia. Author Prof. Dr. In his work, Mesut Hakkı Caşın also uses the historical background and brief flashbacks necessary for a better understanding of this period, while trying to analyze the situation in the Russian Federation that emerged after Vladimir Putin became President. With these features, the study is a useful contribution to the efforts we feel lacking regarding Russia.
Salih Yılmaz Dear readers!
Russia is an amazing country. There are more than 190 ethnic communities in its cultural identity. Most of them have been living in their home country since history. Peoples of different languages, beliefs and ethnicities in Russia not only preserve their languages, customs and traditions, but also contribute to the cultural richness of the country with an education system that can transfer them to future generations.
2019 is mutually celebrated as the year of culture and tourism in Russia and Turkey. In 2019, citizens of the Republic of Turkey will have the opportunity to meet with many activities related to Russian culture and history. These events include concerts, cinema shows, painting and crafts exhibitions, etc. will be. With all these activities, it may be possible to reflect the cultural richness of Russia to the Turkish society.
This book you will read will contribute to you with an interesting presentation of information that will guide the ethnic world of the Russian Federation. While reading this book, you will get acquainted with the history of the peoples of Russia, their languages, cultures, traditions and their relations with the state in general. If you want to understand the geography of Russia and Russia, you must start with understanding the history, political, economic and cultural development of the peoples living in that region. This book will be a good guide for you.
This book will be useful for Turkish businessmen, politicians and the general public to get to know and understand Russia. In addition, it can shed light on a new beginning for researchers, academics, teachers and students who are curious about the historical past of Russia and want to do research on it.
I wish you a good reading with the hope that it will contribute to the development of Turkey-Russia cooperation.
Aleksey YERHOV - Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Turkey
Levent Şarlak In this book, it is aimed to reflect the political view of The Times Newspaper, which was considered as the "semi-official newspaper" of England, the biggest political power of the period, to the Balkan Wars, which is also considered to be the forerunner of the First World War. Although the main subject of the book is the Balkan Wars, from the Unionist figures of the period to the Ottoman Armenians; Many different topics published in The Times, from discussions on Thessaloniki to the proposal for the Ottoman Empire, whose map, financial and administrative division were almost identical to the Treaty of Sevres of 1920, were also discussed under different headings.
Confirming the argument that the First World War was a war of partitioning the Ottoman Empire, nearly half of The Times' overall pre-war one-year editorial deals directly with Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. In this war of division, the rivalry between the Great Powers also took place in Paris, St. Petersburgh was reflected in newspaper columns with telegrams from Vienna and Berlin; In these capitals, the Ottoman government, especially the Union and Progress administrators, was followed with the meticulousness of an intelligence officer. In this respect, the Istanbul correspondent, who could be considered the main source of The Times on the Ottoman Empire at that time, was the British intelligence officer working in the Ottoman lands since 1905 and the person who trained the famous British agent Lawrence at the Cairo station; It is not a coincidence that readers' letters come from people like Gertrude Bell and Mark Sykes, Sykes of the Sykes-Picot Agreement...