Chemical \ 1-1
Sevim Tekeli, Esin Kâhya, Melek Dosay, Remzi Demir, Hüseyin Topdemir, Yavuz Unat, Ayten Koç Aydın The history of science is a research activity that examines the development process of scientific knowledge, and by making use of historical information, the birth and spread of scientific theories in various periods, the way of thinking of scientists and their effects on the development process of social institutions, their mutual relations with other intellectual activities such as philosophy, religion and art, their place in the formation of technical knowledge, It tries to recognize and promote scientific activity in all its aspects by questioning the value and importance of individuals in their daily lives.
Leyla Kalaycıoğlu, Behiç Serpek, Mehmet Nizamlıoğlu, Nuri Başpınar, Ali Muhtar Tiftik In this work, which was prepared as a textbook, up-to-date information on the field of "Biochemistry" is included, as well as classical information. The chapters of our multi-authored book have been discussed in detail by the authors.
The book is a reference resource that can be used by those who are involved in educational activities related to "Biochemistry". Since "biochemistry" is the basis of many fields of science, it has a feature that people in other fields of science can easily benefit from.
Ferhan Sami Atalay Environmental pollution occurs as a result of uncontrolled discharge of waste materials, which are released as a result of human activities and which are not evaluated, to the receiving environment such as air, water and soil, and causes significant changes in the ecological balance of nature. The resulting global environmental problems such as climate change, desertification, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, destruction of the ozone layer endanger the sustainability of the environment, and pose significant threats to the health, survival, food and water resources of humans and other living species.
Maintaining a healthy life is only possible with a healthy environment. For a healthy environment, the natural balance, that is, the protection of the ecosystem, is only possible with the control of environmental pollution.
This book has been prepared in order to give the necessary processes and design principles for the treatment of wastes that cause air, water and soil pollution as a result of production and consumption activities, and solutions of problems and design examples are given for a better understanding of treatment/disposal process designs.
In the first part of the book, environmental problems are briefly introduced; In the second part, as air pollution control processes, the designs of cyclones, wet scrubbers, bag filters and electrostatic filters in the retention of solid particles, physical processes such as filled absorber, adsorption, membrane in the treatment of dangerous substances in flue gases and the processes involving reactions are examined, sulfur dioxide; Examples of the design of control processes for gases that cause important environmental problems such as nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide are given.
In the third chapter, water pollution and control processes are discussed and the physical; chemical and biological treatment processes were investigated. In this section, exemplary designs have been made by adsorption, air stripping and water purification with ion exchangers; in chemical treatment processes, precipitation, electrochemical treatment, wet air oxidation, advanced oxidation processes are examined and sample problems are given.
The processes applied in the biological treatment of wastewater are given and the design of the activated sludge treatment system is made.
In the fourth chapter, which deals with soil pollution, physical bioremediation and chemical treatment processes are examined and sample problems are included.
In the last part of the book, solid wastes and their management are examined and re-evaluation of solid wastes; their regular storage; composting; biogas production; burning (incineration); Information about pyrolysis and gasification processes are presented and sample designs are given.
In conclusion, this book has been prepared as a useful resource for undergraduate and graduate students and engineers interested in environmental pollution control.
Selma Güven, Nükhet N. Demirel Zorba The first edition of our book, of which we have made the 12th edition, was made in 2003 under the title of "General Microbiology". It includes topics such as the morphology, cell structures, development, reproduction, ecology, hereditary changes, classification of microorganisms and consists of 10 chapters. In the 2 (2007), 3 (2011), 4 (2013), 5 (February 2015), 6 (November 2015) editions of the book, tools and equipment used in the microbiology laboratory, aseptic technique, sterilization, microscope types, staining methods, pure culture techniques Laboratory applications such as , media, counting methods are also included. Thus, the book consisting of 24 chapters was named as “General Microbiology and Laboratory Guide”.
In each renewed edition, new sources on the subject were scanned and important information was added. In the 4th edition made in 2013, no significant changes were made in the subject headings except for the additional titles of the structure and functions of nucleic acids ( and general and current summary information about antibiotics (5.5.). However, in the 5th edition, the subsection on the structure-functions of nucleic acids ( was taken to the 9th section and the name of this section was changed to "genetics of microorganisms and hereditary change". In the 9th edition, additions were made to the 10th chapter. In the 10th and 11th editions, some grammatical errors were corrected and in the last edition the importance of microbiology was added.
Our aim is to present a book on General Microbiology to the students of the Food Engineering Department of the faculties of Engineering and Agriculture and to the students of other departments studying General Microbiology at Universities. Of course, we will be proud that everyone who is interested in the subject will benefit from our book.
We are happy to be able to make the tenth edition of our book, which is popularly read in the relevant departments of both our universities and vocational schools.
Emine Esra Kasapbaşı Our general chemistry laboratory book has been prepared for the use in Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Nutrition and Dietetics and Biology departments of science faculties' General Chemistry Laboratory courses.
Our book contains detailed information about experiments where students can apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in General Chemistry Laboratories and General Chemistry Courses. For this purpose, first of all, the rules to be followed in general chemistry laboratories, the points to be considered about the correct use of chemicals, the use and cleaning of laboratory materials and devices are explained.
After general information, preparation stages for each experiment, the key parts and detailed protocols for each experiment are given.
In this way, it is aimed that students learn the discipline of working in the laboratory and conduct experiments within the scope of general chemistry laboratories.
It is expected that the General Chemistry course, which is usually a 1st year course, will also help students to process other laboratory courses that they will be carried out in later years, by explaining the rules to be followed in the laboratory and the report writing technique.
Ahmet CANBAŞ Ayşe KARADAĞ, Bahar KASAPGİL İNCE, Barbaros ÖZER, Beraat ÖZÇELİK, Candan TAMERLER, Dilara Nilüfer ERDİL, Dilek BOYACIOĞLU, Emel ORDU, Emrah YELBOĞA, Esra ÇAPANOĞLU GÜVEN, Güzin KABAN, Hasan TANGÜLER, Haşim KELEBEK, Hüseyin ERTEN, Levent DAĞAŞAN, Murat YILMAZTEKİN, Mükerrem KAYA, Necla ARAN, Nermin GÖZÜKIRMIZI, Neşe Şahin YEŞİLÇUBUK, Nevin Gül KARAGÜLER, Nilgün AYMAN ÖZ, Orhan İNCE, Said Koray YEŞİLADALI, Şükriye ÇELİKKOL, Turgut CABAROĞLU, Volkan KALENDER KÖSEOĞLU, Zeynep ÇETECİOĞLU, Zeynep Petek ÇAKAR, The Food Biotechnology book is the first and pioneering work in terms of its content and scope among similar Turkish sources. In the book, it is aimed to bring together the basic sciences within the scope of food biotechnology and their biotechnological applications. The book is an undergraduate / graduate level textbook and covers the latest developments in the relevant application areas as well as the basic information. In this respect, it is aimed to contribute to the development of students' interpretation and questioning skills. In addition, it can be a basic resource for young researchers who want to do scientific work in the field of food biotechnology. The fact that it has been prepared by scientists from different universities of our country, from different disciplines and industries, each of whom are experts in their fields, and that it includes applications specific to our country, are the important features that make the book strong and different.
Ferhan Sami ATALAY Mass and energy balances play an important role in the analysis and design of processes involving physical and biological changes. As a result, courses covering the basic principles and applications of mass-energy balances are included in chemistry, food and bioengineering education programs.
The basic concepts of process control, which play a critical role in both product quality and safe operation of the facility in the industry, are also derived from mass-energy balances.
In this book, the basic concepts of mass and energy balances are given and their applications in industries involving physical, chemical and biological changes are presented with many examples.
In the first part of the book, processes and process variables are defined, the concept of degrees of freedom and problem solving techniques are given. In the second and third chapters, by giving the basic concepts of mass and energy balances for steady state, many examples are presented about their applications in chemical plants and especially in bioprocesses.
In the fourth chapter of the book, the industrial applications of mass-energy balances are presented by selecting iron production from iron ore and diethyl ether production facilities from ethyl alcohol.
In the last part of the book, detailed information is given about mass-energy balances in unsteady processes involving time-dependent process variables; The applications of unsteady mass-energy balances in processes involving reaction engineering, process dynamics and control and biochemical reactions are explained and their importance in research is emphasized.
As a result, this book has been prepared as a useful resource for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on mass and energy balances in Food, Bio and Control Engineering departments, as well as for engineers who are interested in process design, simulation and control in industry.
Burhan KACAR As the importance of plant-based foods in human nutrition has been proven by research findings, interest in plant analysis has increased. The analysis of agricultural products is requested and closely monitored in many countries. The development of modern devices and easy-to-use sensitive methods has led to the widespread use of plant analysis. As in most countries, plant analysis has taken its place in the analysis programs of laboratories in our country. The development of easy-to-use devices and sensitive methods has supported the spread of plant analysis.
This book, which was prepared to provide information on new easy-to-apply plant analysis methods to undergraduate and graduate students as well as those working in laboratories, consists of 24 main chapters. For those who want to work in laboratories with their own rules, the first and basic information is given in Chapter 1 and the developments in plant analysis from past to present are given in Chapter 2. In the light of the latest information, how and in what way the plant samples will be taken and the results of the analysis will be evaluated in Chapter 3 and the methods applied in the decomposition (burning) of organic matter are given in Chapter 4. Today, various modern analysis methods of macro and micro elements and useful elements that are absolutely necessary for plants are given in Chapters 5 - 24.
The chapters in the book were read by a total of 20 scientists and researchers working in different universities and research institutions, and necessary corrections and arrangements were made in line with the suggestions. The names and addresses of the helpers are presented under the title of "Contributors" as in the books published abroad.
Fevzi Köksal - Rahmi Köseoğlu This book; It was written for the undergraduate students of the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science to create a textbook. There are very few resources available for this course in Chemistry Departments. After our book on quantum chemistry in the Chemistry Departments and Quantum Chemistry for Scientists, we have prepared every topic of this book again. The book consists of ten chapters. After applying the Schrödinger equation to the harmonic vibratory and potential boxes, atoms and the time-independent perturbation method are simply explained, spectroscopic applications, molecules and molecular symmetry issues are examined.
The book is also very useful for graduate students of Chemistry Department, Physics Department, Mathematics Department students and Engineering Faculties students. Solutions for a total of 202 exercises at the end of each chapter are also given at the end of the book. So the reader can try it himself first and then look at the answers. In order not to be frightening, the topics were examined very simply and the readers were guided by the sources.
Emre Biçer, Muhsin Mazman, Cem Kaypmaz, Davut Uzun One of our biggest concerns in today's urban life is that our electronic gadgets run out of charge and that we cannot find wi-fi for the internet. The charging problem has made even the most novice user curious about battery-related issues. When the rising electric vehicle, charging infrastructure and smart city designs are added to this, the subject has reached a high level of importance. Li-ion batteries come first among the most effective sectoral solutions for all these needs. This has made studies on Li-ion batteries popular. Despite its increasing popularity, Turkish resources containing academic and general information about Li-ion batteries are very limited.
This book; It aims to explain Li-ion batteries, their structure, applications, control, problems and production in an easy language. While doing this, it aims to contribute to the researchers in going into the details of the subject by giving the necessary information and resources to the researchers who are interested in the subject by going beyond the general framework.
The book consists of six chapters:
In the first part; As a general introduction to energy and storage, the basic concepts of batteries, the mathematics of the business and the most basic information, and the unique language of introductory Li-ion batteries are explained.
In the second part; For undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students who want to specialize in this subject, the content of Li-ion batteries, their basic problems, academic studies on basic problems, the state of technology and Li-ion battery chemistry are explained.
In the third part; The production process and production infrastructure of Li-ion batteries are discussed.
In the fourth chapter; The history of batteries parallel to electrification and applications of Li-ion batteries are presented. The chapter also examines the expected benefits from energy storage.
In the fifth section; How Li-ion batteries should work when brought together, namely Battery Management Systems, is explained.
In the sixth and last chapter, the safety risks of using Li-ion batteries and the causes and solutions of these risks are summarized.

Hoping to contribute to the reader…
Behiç Serpek The Organic Chemistry book, which was mainly prepared to be useful to students in biology-based faculties such as Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, consists of two parts, Basic and Organic Chemistry. The first chapter starts with the structure of atoms, which are the smallest building blocks that show all the qualities of an element, and covers chemical bonds, acids and bases, important physicochemical principles, and thermodynamics with analytical methods.
In the second part, the basic principles of organic chemistry, also defined as C-Chemistry, isomer, biologically important organic substance groups and reactions specific to these groups, monomers such as amino acids and monosaccharides in the structure of living things, polymers such as proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids are important biochemically. molecular structures have been tried to be given briefly and concisely.
It is thought that the book, which tries to emphasize the biological and biochemical importance of the subjects prepared in color so that the changes in the molecular structures during chemical reactions can be seen more clearly and the shapes can be observed more easily, will contribute to the education in the faculties that provide biology-based education and close the gap on this subject.
Abdurrahman Aktümsek, Gökalp Özmen Güler, Yavuz Selim Çakmak, Gökhan Zengin This book has been prepared for faculty or college students who take the biochemistry course in a short period of time, such as one semester. Although there are many translated and written biochemistry books in our country, what makes this book unique among them is that it has a content and appropriate volume that students can easily understand.
In the writing of the book, one of the most valid methods in learning and teaching, the "general to detailed method" was applied. At the beginning of each topic, a brief summary of that topic is given and then the details of the topic are given.
In order to better understand the information, the written information is associated with examples and analogies and supported by many formulas, pictures and tables.
Burhan Kacar It has been witnessed that the number of plant, soil and fertilizer analysis laboratories has increased rapidly in our country in recent years, and this number exceeds thirty in some provinces. The main reason for this is that the negativities in traditional (conventional) agriculture are clearly seen in our country, as in various countries, and the "Good Agricultural Practices, GAP" regulation came into force within the framework of the European Union (EU) harmonization program. The negative effects on the environment of the lack of guidance and control in the application of agricultural inputs, especially chemical fertilizers and pesticides, on human and animal health have been clearly seen.